Why dont you virgins do this too?
I Married a Beautiful Ukrainian Woman and So Can You
Other urls found in this thread:
Because she will never love you
Ukraine is going to face an Islamic Revolution in the next decade
Mark my words
I've un-ironically thought about getting a mail order bride.
Is there an assurance she won't escape with the kids?
She'll leave you after you dump an anchor baby inside her, then sue you for child support for the rest of your life.
Just be a normal human being and get a local woman!
I looked into this as well. Its very costly and not worth the hassle imo. I just want a maid that will fuck me on occasion. Is this too much to ask.
I'd rather marry a dog.
Too bad that she actually looks like this.
Oh... You're in for a rough ride.
Just pay a whore to clean your place once a week then.
>tfw no laurab waifu
Not in the mood for charity
>cant get laid
>Need to give money to some chink guy so he could find you a woman
because local women never do that shit?
As long as it's shia and not that brain damaged sunnis, I'm down for it
Because Ukrainian women are gold diggers. They will marry you, have a kid and then divorce with all your money and house
I have a girl that cleans my place every two weeks. She isn't fucking me though.
In the end some chink is cucking Ukrainians.
>not that brain damaged
Come on now.
Thanks commies for making Ukraine a 3rd world shithole and thanks EU/America for keeping it that way.
ukraine is meant to be pretty racist and is in the middle of a civil war. I wouldn't be surprised if the guy gets taken out.
Seems it's the Obama Soros EuroMaiden that that did the most to turn Ukraine into a shithole.
How many have left the country to work since 2914?
Govt has plan to reduce population to 20 million ...
To avoid paying pensions.
heres the "/thread" of the shia
Just go in Ukraine, and use a dating app, not a bullshit company or whatever. You can get a trad wife really easily that way. And they're not traps.
^ take a trip
"Russia dindu nuffin"
Maidan was organic, the globalist leeches of both sides latched unto it and now you credit them with creating from scratch. Congratulations: you are a useful idiot.
>dating app,
>trad wife
trick question: what have women to offer apart from getting the dick wet?
You can buy one for a few dinars
What do you Russian lads think of Ukrainian women