Why did all the working man parties turn to identity politics and petty issues?

Why did all the working man parties turn to identity politics and petty issues?


I think it was about the late eighties when Labor had been out of government for years. My guess is some bright spark introduced the Cultural Marxist agenda to them with the backing of the UN they got back into government.

If you can remember the early 1990's then you will recall labor state governments virtually nationwide. Then remember a sudden restructure of the Public service right thru into Education Health all services.
This lead to reams of New updated policies which was the initial political Correct frame work. ie Anti-discrimination laws

They should never have been given the right to vote.

>"muh SJW's"
In all seriousness both major parties have always been focused on policy. You just don't realise it because you only care about politics insofar as it pertains to culture war bullshit.

Because globalism is just another name for wage arbitrage. The bribes politicians can get from doing the bidding of corporations far exceeds the contributions they can get from workers and union bosses. They still need a way to keep the prolls distracted, so why not have them divided amongst themselves with social marxism.


>Because globalism is just another name for wage arbitrage
Isn't that good? Why should we pay some Australian worker some huge wage for low skilled work when we could just get some Chinese person to do it at a quarter the cost? Why not just take advantage of the fact that Australia has a better developed education system and train people to work in higher skilled professions?

i heard the other week that new zealands labour party is anti immigration. maybe theyre still looking out for their workers or maybe theyre pozed too, i dont know.


Only since the 90's has ALP been this far left...its mainly barbecue of the Cultural Marxists in the leftwing factions, get rid of that and we might salvage the party.

>Only since the 90's has ALP been this far left
Seriously? Keating was probably the furthest right PM from the ALP in Australias history:

>Liberalised the fuck out of trade
>Privatisation of a good chunk of state-run services (incl. Commbank)
>Deregulated finance

I'd argue that there's only been a slight shift to the left in the ALP since Keating, the ALP was furthest left under Whitlam

Ok so what the fuck happened?

Where did all his national socialism go! who is there in the ALP right now that would even come close to Keating?

I am also including all state ALP in that claim.

The globalist plan to eliminate millions of blue collar jobs and replace them with mostly bullshit, made up positions and or service jobs meant they had to change their style to suit that of the cuck, the emasculated male of the globalist utopia.

all labour has to do is drop the identity politics and cut immigration by like atleast 70%+ and they cant possibly ever lose an election

>who is there in the ALP right now that would even come close to Keating?
Most of the ALP's right faction. I wouldn't say there's been much substantive change since Keating. Labor isn't advocating for re-nationalising many of the industries that were privatised under Howard and Keating and Gillard (the only Left-faction ALP PM mind you) started negotiations on many of Australias recent trade deals. On taxation and regulation however they've moved left of Keating.

No you spastic it was the goughening.

As soon as the ALP dropped the WAP as a key platform, it immediately stopped giving a shit about workers and only dildos.

Except the modern ALP will staff those industries with minorities ie women Homosexuals disabled and Nonwhites.

And why did they not re instate that policy. That is the question we all want answered.

Do they?

Why didn't the most right wing ALP leader of all PJ Keating re-instate the white Australia policy?

Yep they only people who get looked after by the ALP are Homosexuals,Disabled and Immigrants.

Because most of these parties are ran by white guilt champagne socialists who only care about the working men who's name is Jamal.

That is the Modern ALP alright!


Neoliberalism and trickle down economics as part of new labor. Identity politics was supposed to compensate for the corporatist pandering.

He even increased university fees. I commend him for standing up the liberal party other than than he was pretty neoliberal.

Why are we wasting time with homosexual Marriage...this is not the ALP.


Giving women the vote was the single biggest mistake in modern history.

You could probably argue that identity politics has its roots in "working man" parties, you can read the beginnings of Us vs Them in Marx. As for the modern British Labour party it doesn't really have much of a choice. Blair opened the borders to "rub the right's nose in diversity" and to create a new loyal voter base for Labour. I can't speak for all nation's left wing governments but I'd imagine they've probably tried something similar.

Basically trying to protect the cheap labour and trying to stifle wage growth. Those fucks through their greed sow the destruction of the economy. Yes I paraphrased Marx, boohoo arent I a naughty boy?

I am glad my parents worked minimum wage and above afterwards when they came to Australia.

Loss of relevance and their own identity.
They had to start playing identity politics to appear relevant

Working MEN built the nation and they built the Labor party not faggots Abos and all the worlds garbage bin of immigrants

Lets distinguish identity politics and civil rights. Civil rights tend to be extended, as I understand, to people regardless of demographic.

>Giving women the vote was the single biggest mistake in modern history.

Hold on Joe, while I dislike 3rd wave feminists, feminazis and muh pay gap it would exacerbate the problem in society. To exclude them from the vote merely facilitates a chick culture of just being incubators and life support systems for their pussies.Oppression of citizens oppresses part of the nation. Also it introduces participation and responsibility. Cultivating these tend to be positives,

>3rd wave feminists, feminazis and muh pay gap
Fine then ALP should drop that rhetoric its Marxist BS.

They couldnt stifle wages with European migrants, if anything wages continued to grow. So they went for 3rd world and asian countries. It disgusts me when I hear of a hospitality business owner gloat over 3rd world and Asians when they turn away locals.

Bro..... fuck what the identity politic zealots done in burgerland they have contorted and perverted marxism. They tend to be heavily misguided in that regard. They are fucked in the head and detracts from actual ideology and current affairs.

Feminists have played both sides as traditionalists, mainly walking incubators and life support systems for their pussy and feminazis, closet lesbians and female fascists. ALP ought to renounce 3rd wave feminism as an objectified and fascist ideology and to embrace the community at large.

Muh pay gap? Fucking open positions to women across all sectors and encourage women to go there. Muh body? Fucking know about contraceptives. Muh equal rights? Include both men and women into the equation.

They went from being democratic-socialist to being social-democracy.

because nobody listened to george orwell and then he died

Because the goughening was the take over of the ALP by (((internationalists)))

The libs were never on Australia's side, always on the side of the shekel. Ol' timey labor was /ourparty/

Wow, never thought about that. How can a union worker even relate to the Left. Its everything they dont stand for and its the party that wants them to die and give their jobs away.

Because they destroyed the working class, so now they use immigrants/minoroties as electoral cattle instead.

Why are you spelling Labour wrong?

You are Anglos and don't you forget it.