JoJo thread
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Wooooo new scans, that is great. Definitely going to give the second half of VA a reread when JJCA is done
Gay priest is here now. What sins do you have to confess?
So, allow me to explain Diavolo.
I feel like everyone underestimates him as a villain and, while i admit he is far from the greatest, he is still an interesting and one of the most symbollic villains in all of Jojo.
Why do i say this?
Because Diavolo more than anyone encompasses the concept of FATE.
Diavolo feels chosen by fate, because everything on his life lead to him being on top: finding the arrows, taking over Passione, getting King Crimson, etc. His sole motivation is for that to remain that way. Diavolo doesnt want to conquer or change the world, he wants to be on top, unbothered, receiving the blessing he feels he has received since born.
In the other side, take a look at the protagonists from Vento Aureo. Right from their upbringing, they were all abandoned and have all reason to believe fate has nothing good in store for them. The difference is, as Giorno points, the way on how they act.
Diavolo believes only in results. What happens in the middle is of no concern to him: for him, as long as fate supports him in the end everything is alright; contrary to the gang, who actually has a working moral compass. This is better showcased in Giorno words: "This action was made on reality, and as such wont be erased." Even their stands show this difference: while KC skips time to its result, GER can keep the action indefinitively.
Diavolo has escaped karma his whole life, via luck or via karma itself being redirected to Doppio. He erases his past with obsession, killing everyone involved, opposed to that the gang suffered, persevered, and ultimately attained things by effort, never forgetting their pasts and their realities.
As for Doppio, we can conclude more than a few things.
First of all, the backstory.
We can presume Diavolo got King Crimson before even finding the arrows.
Why is that?
Take into account the pregnancy that resulted in Diavolo being born. In a prison, no male candidates. At all.
While it sounds like a random thing Araki left unresolved just to spook us, it actually HAS a rather obvious solution.
Diavolo could have been conceived while time was being erased. Diavolo, too, could be just a result.
The nature of his birth might always be a mystery, but it is important to know Diavolo was interested too from early in erasing any proof of his birth. We know that he contacted his mother, and ended up sewing her eyes and mouth shut before being discovered and razing his village. And we know it was him and not the priest who did this crime because Diavolo pulls the "sew you eyes and mouth shut" move in the series, with a little kid.
In mafia language, this means "he saw what he shouldnt have seen/he said what he shouldnt have said". So, right from the beggining, Diavolo wanted to shut his mother up about his upbringing and how he was born. Now, assuming he had King Crimson in him from the beggining, one could wonder if Diavolo isnt just a manifestation of the psyche of his stand. Why, if not, is his soul represented by KC, while everyones else soul were similar to their own bodies?
But im not saying Doppio is the original personality: instead, i prefer to consider them both the same person, as it adds depth to the character. Diavolo is KC psyche, and Doppio is his shield, on which he can act and the one he uses to receive and fight against that which he usually just skips, reality. Both are just sides of the same coin; and it the end, what Diavolo is is just the idea of results, of a giving fate, or either a spirit -we know there are spirits from outside, thanks to Silver Chariot Requiem- content with suceeding at all costs.
PD: Donatella was hot.
>Diavolo/Doppio is from Naples
>Talking to Sardinian girls
Realistically speaking they wouldn't be able to understand each other.
But we're talking about a series where a Frenchman and a Japanese speak to each other with no problems so all bets are off.
>tfw your gramps pretends to be the guy who killed your best friend and indirectly killed your other friend and dog
one week until koichi FUCKING DIES
At the end of JoJolion everything seems perfectly wrapped up but Araki states there is one chapter left to go. Everyone waits with bated breath to see what it ends up being. It picks up at the end of the flashback from the Damo arc, right at the end of chapter 53 to be precise, and it reveals that Josefumi and Kira pulled an MGSV on a random unknown relative to continue their fight to save Holly and kill the Rock Humans while they went off to go have adventures elsewhere and are actually still alive.
Shh, Gyro is sleeping.
>not linking in the old thread
2:Paced and set up more like an action movie than constant fightfightfightwithnosubstance shounen garbage, has a crazy plot, and has the funnest jojo > 4: It has a shounen setup, but for the most part this part knows how to be fun,the SOL parts were pretty great and I wish there were more parts where the characters had fun with their stands, and but a lot of the fights were fun too, the most fun cast, my favorite main character stand (everything star platinum could have been), and the second best jojo. : Im kindof enjoying it so far. I hate it's shounen pacing, but it brought the bizarre back into jojo's bizarre adventure. The stands are fun, I especially liked Stone Free/Weather Report Vs Jumping Jack Flash. Jolyne has a bunch of generic dialouge, but I'd still put her in 3rd place. I don't see why people think she's whiny, she has every reason to hate Jotaro. Jotaro was the least Jojo suited to be a father. >>>>: Constant nonstop fighting please fucking kill me, I don't care what you contrarian faggots say the retranslation didn't bring that much personality into the characters, and the only one with a lot of personality (narancia) annoyed the shit out of me. If I'm going to read a fighting manga, I need something with substance, and part 5 had barely any. I liked a few fights like baby face and white album, but god the rest of that part was one big slog, and the ending was bullshit, you can say what you want about king crimson and Gold Experience Requium, to me the worst part of it was waiting forever for them to kill Silver Chariot, and the fact that Polnareff's fate was living the rest of his days as a fucking turtle. > 1 It has some good things going for it, like dio bringing most of it, but god that most of part is so boring.
dame dame dame dame dame dame dame dame dame dame dame dame dame dame dame dame dame
> 3 Stardust Crusaders is the embodiment of everything I hate about shounen. It's unnecessarily long, most of the fights are not interesting at all, and the ones that are rare. That fight where Polnareff is fighting his personal demons in the form of clay dolls under a beautiful starry night was fucking great, Judgement would have also great if Star Platinum didn't fuck it up, etc etc, but they can't make up for all the bland fights inbetween like Geb. Also fuck Star Platinum, his ORA's are hype at times, but if you take out the energy of jotaro's voice actor SP is pretty much bland punchy guy that can pull things out of it's ass like extending it's fingers, sucking things in, and gaining a lesser version of dio's ability. Also if Jonathan wasn't so bland Jotaro would be my least favorite jojo. I get that Araki was inspired by Clint Eastwood, but Jotaro's quiet antisocial nature doesn't carry the same charm, and makes him that bland guy who just happens to know how to make comebacks and oneliners to cover up his lack of interesting qualities. What irritates me is when the camera pans to him staring at something, and it leads to nothing. Like yeah, we totally needed to zoom in to his uninteresting reaction to Kakyoin "going crazy" when he wasn't going to do anything of significance in that episode.
I realize Jojo might not be the manga for me, but I really enjoyed part 2 and 4, and im holding out for Part 7 and 8, because they sound like they have some things I really want. 7 having a lot of fun and good characters, and 8 putting some more emphasis on the characters.
why are they so cute?
If you're going to be Sup Forums at least explain what the fuck you're talking about
7 is still lots of fights until the second half which is admittedly god tier. 8 has had very few fights and the ones that are there are more just for suspense and carrying the mystery and atmosphere. Also 7 and 8 aren't shonen so you should maybe like them more since Araki got more freedom to write what he wanted after chapter 23 of Part 7. I don't know what you were expecting from one of the longest running shonen series of all the time if not shonen tropes out the ass early on since JoJo made a lot of them. You'll probably enjoy 6 more since as it goes along since it just gets more and more fucking batshit and if you don't speedread and end up confused at the ending it'll probably be one of your favourites.
MGSV ended with the reveal that the character you played as was actually another character duped into thinking they were another character so that you could take the heat off of them while they went and built a nation undercover to topple the main villain's empire. The implication that user seemed to be making is that Josefumi and Kira didn't actually do an equivalent exchange but they dragged some unsuspecting person wh only wanted to help into the mix and used them to divert attention off of themselves.
Best boy has arrived
Will he be the main villain?
Guess again
Did we ever find out what Hato's stand is named?
We've had a lot of Stand names revealed through volume chapter titles instead of in the manga itself. For the past like 2 years every chapter is named after the main Stand appearing in it when volumised. The chapter Hato's Stand is revealed in is called Walking Heart, so that's like 95% what it's going to be.
Holy fuck. This is what the Part 5 dance is going to look like. Its glorious.
>Part 5 dance with the wrong crew members
>hear anime version
>get the chills
>Shigechi murdered
>Jotato comes back on-screen after forever and gets BTFO
>Koichi "dies" after getting a cool new stand, with an amazing Zepelli-worthy "send-off"
Man, being an anime-only must be suffering.
post a better panel
you can't
>implying anime-onlys can not get spoiled
>Walking Heart
Some quick searching shows that there's no bands/songs/albums with that name. Is it just a translation error?
How do we fix Part 5?
rename it Bruno's Bizarre Adventure
Nope. Araki doesn't always do 1:1 names for things though. It'll be a reference to something, we just don't know what. It could be part of a song name or album name or something.
I'm not implying anything, Icy-ice baby.
With this.
Give Giorno a few more moments to shine after drinking piss, he gets a lot more boring after that though he was great prior so just keep a bit more of that later on. Also give the crew more interactions and keep the original idea of having Fugo be a double agent and it's literally perfect.
What is your favorite minor villain Stand from each part?
3. Cream
4. Bad Company
5. Black Sabbath
6. Under World
7. 20th Century Boy
i feel like araki should have built up vanilla "cool "iced" ice" ice a bit more considering he kills 2 of the party members
Bad Company
White Album
Under World or Planet Waves
Chocolate Disco
I think we'd get along.
Everything would be better with more Revy.
I want Diavola to bully my dick
I'd be so mad if I was a stand user and my stand was some dumb suit that I have to wear
Bohemian Rhapsody
Catch the Rainbow
Doobie Wah
pet shop
highway star
grateful dead + beach boy
planet waves
Honestly, I feel like he was built up pretty well, and the fact of the matter is that if he was built up more it would have undermined the kind of random and sporadic nature of Cream.
Him one shotting Abdul was a huge deal. And I remember the Vanilla Ice fight being one of the longer one on one fights in Stardust Crusaders.
Oasis is so ugly looking. Secco could have gotten some real cool lookin shit like White Album but no he's dressed like a cactus.
Gappy makes me happy
Did you actually read Part 5? Like jesus christ. Pretty much the entire cast has established backstories and motivations for joining the gang. If you unironically think Bruno, Mista, and even Abbachio were void of personality you either speedread or willfully ignored all their development. There were constant fights but plenty of cast interactions and breaks between fights, and not many bland or boring fights.
Joshuu makes ME happy
Highway Star
Under World
Catch The Rainbow
Death 13
Highway Star
Under World
Scary Monsters if Diego counts, otherwise it's Catch the Rainbow
I am a Rock
>Take off sweater
>Skirt becomes jeans
What is his stand?
Some other user had an idea for Doppio and King Crimson being male as always, but for Diavolo to be a woman. So when she shows up it's a genuine shock, she coldly talks about how one of her men didn't have the balls to kill Trish after she gave birth to her, and how she's gotta do everything herself. Gives her more of a connection to Trish and makes her seem even more heinous, as opposed to being just some distant father who never knew a thing about her other than that he wanted her dead.
Not to mention the coolness of a female main villain having a stand like KC, too. 'I am the queen of this world, and this is my king' etc.
Why is Doppio so cute
Stop sexualizing my other self
It's not like they're having much of a conversation.
>Bloody Stream > Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town > Sono Chi No Sadame > Stand Proud = End Of The World > Chase
How's my taste, a-user?
Who cares.
Why's that thing look so damn unsettling?
Chariot Requiem was cool and beautiful, but this thing is just a mess, and looks like it's suffering horribly with those peeled-open, creepily human eyes.
Wasn't Diavolo raised by that priest in Sardinia?
Post more gender bent Jojo.
>slow by two episodes to catch up
>finally watched episode 22
David Pro was trying too hard to channel feels over the death of spiky, wasn't it? The problem is we have only known him for a few episodes.
Here you go, Koich and Tomoko from Watamote
Do people not like Chase? I actually liked it much more than Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town.
Is Jolyne fucking 12??
really love fem gio
Same it grew on me real quick
>you think you were playing with BigBoss
>isn't bigboss, it's just another dude BigBoss'd with NANOMACHINES or magic
>the real BigBoss was making america great again
>those jpeg artifacts
The artist is a ruskie
I can dig CHAISSYU much more than CNBT too. The foreshadowing in Chase's OP adds to it a lot for me.
It's been a while.
Chase just sounds too shounen for me while CNBT fits the bizarreness that is JJBA.
>there's an AU with Shigechi winning against Kira
>there's an AU with evil Jotaro and the evil family: The Joearths
>there's an AU with Poochie reseting the world 33 times
Is there a SBAHJ edit of Dio and Polnareff with the stairs? I mean, 'IT KEEPS HAPPENING', this shit writes itself.
Also, aren't gays illegal in Russia?
It's nice to see a thread without shitposting.
the funkiness to CNBT is so fucking true to its part it isn't funny. It sounds like a Earth, Wind, and Fire song.
He draws hetshit and dickgirls too
Do you think italians can only speark their regional dialect, nigger? And Diavolo was raised in Sardinia anyway.
Will the Russian law-enforcement let you off if you only do a certain level of gay, or something?
>Well, he DID draw this father-son incest... but he's also drawn this many tiddies.
>We'll let you off with a warning, son, but these chicks with dicks are putting you on thin fucking ice.
It's fine, you just have shit taste.
Fix the translation
I don't want to derail the thread but what happened to the user making the jojogame?
No one gives a shit about internet porn unless it involves small children.
It's perfectly good as it is.
How do we fix the fandom?
Get rid of the people that think drawing porn of underage characters equates to actual child porn
Tumblrites go on crusades about people drawing porn of characters like Josuke, Okuyasu, even Jotaro and so on for being underage. Even though these characters are all only a couple of years under eighteen and are all able to consent, in the eyes of a SJW they're vulnerable little boys that need to be protected.
Someone got called a pedophile for drawing Jotaro and Polnareff kissing.