Buyfag Thread

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Sup Forums, are these worth buying from a weeb standpoint?$pagemax=40$getcnt=0$pagecnt=1

No hate replies please.

Well if you like the characters...

Kill yourself.

>worth buying from a weeb standpoint
Not quite sure what you mean, but I think that Lala scale is certainly worth buying. One of my favorite sculpts in awhile.


I do but are the figures themselves worth buying..that's the real question.

There's the (You) that you wanted so desperately.

Yeh, the Lala one looks well sculptured. However I heard it's already been sold out.

Anyone else getting the fumofumo touhou keychains? They look so cute

>are the figures themselves worth buying..that's the real question.
It is, but that's also entirely subjective. I jumped all over Lala twice but you have to decide for yourself.

And what do you mean sold out? You linked to a page selling her.

Whoops, my bad. I just thought since its demand is so high the pre-orders for her is over.

I want her NOW

If you like em, sure.

Why would you make such a moronic assumption?

If Amico says it's on sale it is, if you want her then you should decide quick though.

Can't wait for her nendo, it looks so damn cute.

1.The site wouldn't say it's on preorder if it wasn't. Not even the Nips are that bad.
2. That's s the wrong version. Pay more attention.

Will GSC put her into the wonderful hobby selection?
They seem to be putting their 1/8th shipgirls in them regularly now.

I also want to see a proto and paint for that. Something about Iowa's design gits all my favorite points.

anons, how do I tell my parents buyfagging turned me into an ass man?

Display all of your figures backwards. That should do it nonverbally.

I like this guy's idea.

does she wear underwear?

she wears my dick as underwear

You should do stand-up comedy.

but im in a wheelchair

It's 1am and I'm giggling at this. I fucking hate y'all.

Can't wait for this Native fig to go up, day fucking one.

I am waiting for the very hour I can throw in money for this.

You can bet your ass she's going to be a WHS scale with a 18k price tag.

Freedom doesn't come cheap.

I'm waiting for that one too. I need even more sucubi in my collection. This one has also piqued my interest.

Why the hell it cost 1800 yen to ship a B2 poster by EMS to asia?

They ship them in giant boxes rather than tubes because fuck you. It puts me off buying posters.

For lewd figs, this one caught my eye. There is a 0% chance I'll actually buy it as I would never display it ever, but damn if it doesn't do things to muh dik.


That ass is immaculate.

I never wanted to buy lewds either because I think they'd be awkward to display, but I'm tempted by that Native Mizuki. Damn them for making a character I actually like.

Shh. Save your caps lock child, we don't even have paint yet.

>still waiting for her
fucking when?

This is the first lewd to ever tempt me too. I'll have to wait for paint, but I don't know if I'm strong enough to resist.

>wanting figures with someone else's cum dripping out of that


Ah yes. It's hard to hold out when pants boner meets heart boner.

Stop shitposting.

The skindentation on that one is amazing

>tfw no krautship nendos

I prefer Mikan but the Lala statue is also good.

Thoughts on this Marika? I like the character, but i'm still on the fence on it.

>are the figures themselves worth buying..that's the real question.

We have to choose at your place?

>cross eyed
They fucked it up.

Great sculpt and company, but shit girl.

Pre-ordered. They made a shit girl look good

>tfw union creative will completely fuck up the release for this
And yet he'll still end up costing $300 on the aftermarket

ye, choose.

>and company

I wish they'd put a bit more work into their bases.

Are they actually good now? Last I remember was their loli kate and it had some pretty bad paint

Don't buy her, take some books instead. It's a more wise purchase.

Unboxed this cute shota today

Entire sword collection to date

fujoshits must die

Have Union Creative ever not fucked up? Honest question, have they ever released a single good figure?

Would it be better if you just pretended all those nendos were traps?

I'm sure they'll happen soon

>Internet Explorer

what's the point of being a trap if you don't even post pictures for us to fap to on the appropriate board and linking it here

>implying I actually use IE or Norton

iTunes I get your disdain I guess, but what's wrong with VLC or Skype?

Lurk more.




>VLC > *


>implying I actually use IE or Norton
Then get rid of them. Norton especially is still sitting in the background slowing down your already glacial piece of shit laptop.

I don't use it for gaming or torrents, just streaming. It's fine.

I was just think that I hadn't seen Sup Forums shit on VLC for while

What's the point of shitting on something when everyone around you agrees?

yOU'VE just achieved the level

_Pleb overlord_

[Special abilities include stating the obvious and knowing just enough not to come across as a complete moron]

Nice meme.

Reminder that UC obviously enjoys to kill our hopes

body is good but i'd rather get a fig with a face that matches the person's personality imo.

If you had any to begin with you fucked up. They have a well established track record at this point.

Fuck off you retarded cunt.

thanks user, it means a lot

Well someone had to succeed after dead Griffon

But, didn't Griffon at least managed to make their prototypes looking good?

Yeah, it's my fault. But of all the figures on my watchlist. Makoto was the one was the most excited. I would've even paid a ridiculous price if they would have done a decent job.

Watching their promising sculpts turn to shit is always disappointing, no matter how many times it happens.

I expected something worse

I bet this fatality will be 11k+

i bet Sega can make a better prizefig.

I guess we're never getting a good Makoto scale. Or any good Flying Witch scale for that matter.

>Releasing on the 9th

Are you guys ready.

uncensored where

>He doesn't have a designated weeb room he can lock

he is already using that room for his nazi militaria

Fuck off Sup Forumsermin

Semen dripping off is arousing in an image but it feel kinda wrong on a figure. It would be an instant pre-order if you can put and retire the semen at will.

No relfexion about hot-gluing please.

Don't buy that garbage man, just buy the Gecco one instead.
One I got popped up on ami for like 29k but a UC raiden isn't the answer, just save up.

Do Fujos really like Raiden this much?

My figures are all sticky and greasy. What do?

Stop hotglueing them.