Why does Sup Forums want to remove all blacks so much? Black people make up a significant portion of the workforce and have a labour participation rate on par with every other race. If they contribute, why would you remove them?
Why does Sup Forums want to remove all blacks so much...
Other urls found in this thread:
>if they contribute
>if they have equal labour participation rate
>if they have equal crime rates
>if they voted for small government
>if ethnic diversity didn't lead to lower trust and happiness for all groups
Yes, in my head multiculturalism works.
Also in my head it's real.
Speaking to the US specifically crime is only really an issue in a few cities. I'm almost certain that if you were to remove all black people whatever associated fall in crime would be nothing compared to removing 13% of the workforce.
yeah.... Na.... I'd rather just employ white people
I want to remove all of those that aren't white so it's not like I'm are targeting specifically niggers you kike faggot.
There are low skilled jobs
Crime isn't that big a deal unless you live in Chicago, Baltimore, Cleveland etc.
Even then in general western countries don't have crime epidemics
But then you'd have a smaller market from which to choose workers from meaning higher costs, lower specialisation etc.
Fuck I didn't delete the "are"
>Crime isn't that big a deal unless you live in Chicago, Baltimore, Cleveland etc.
Wrong you don't live here why are you trying to tell us that crime isn't a big problem?
>crime is only an issue...
Look, you may claim that, but that doesn't make it true. You're not even making an argument, you're just saying it doesn't meet your threshold for annoyance.
They commit more crimes, also outside of big cities.
The point is that your assumptions and if statements are false and therefor your conclusion is only imaginary.
Also this should probably set off alarm bells about how it might be misguided to have IQ/intelligence be your judge of value. If a student of lower intelligence (hence lower intelligence parents on average) has parents that out-earn many higher intelligence parents then it probably says there are some more things you should be considering.
It doesn't have to be "an epidemic" to still note black people commit more crime.
>Wrong you don't live here why are you trying to tell us that crime isn't a big problem?
Because I can read crime statistics without living there?
>You're not even making an argument, you're just saying it doesn't meet your threshold for annoyance
I think it wouldn't meet the threshold of annoyance for most. If you were planning on moving to the US unless you were going to move to some of the worst parts of mentioned cities crime probably wouldn't fall into your consideration. In a good part of the US crime rates are about equal to that of most of Europe.
>They commit more crimes, also outside of big cities
I don't deny it I just deny that the crime problem is so significant that it outweighs the benefits of a larger workforce.
Wrong again everything you're look at is from the point of view that everyone is equal and identical and the only reason why it doesn't show up like that is because of something other people are doing to them.
The reason why Blacks that are rich have low sat scores is because of discrimination against whites blacks have a 500% higher chance of being let into an elite school then a white person of the same sat score. This also transfers to hiring, whites are discriminated against to prefer non whites.
But you don't care if they are high you think it isn't a problem unless bullets are flying past your head on the way to school.
>There are low skilled jobs
But no sub 85 IQ jobs. And that's about half the black population.
White Cucks don't worry about it, help is on the way.
>Blacks murder at similar rates to African countries
>not a crime epidemics
maybe think WHY those cities are shit, then unironically neck yourself
Never said they didn't
>everyone is equal and identical and the only reason why it doesn't show up like that is because of something other people are doing to them.
People aren't equal and its not always societies fault
>Blacks that are rich have low sat scores is because of discrimination against whites blacks have a 500% higher chance of being let into an elite school then a white person of the same sat score
Seems like a kinda tenuous connection...
This would rely on the fact that someone far under the bar for what would normally considered eligible for the school was able to both pass and get a good-paying job in that field.
Also I recall that source being fairly old, was this even common practice at the time?
There are problems with crime in certain cities in the US
Ok then how are 61.2% employed?
I implied that crime would be reduced if there were less blacks
Yes affirmative action in admission rates and hiring have been around since the 60s.
>muh larger workforce
This is only relevant to politicians who want to wield influence over a larger herd of people.
First, non-blacks per capita form a better work force because half aren't below functional IQ (85). This is for US blacks, it's worse for africans in general which is about 75, which means over half can't get a job (which is exactly what you see for labour participation of african immigrants).
I mean it's like you haven't even read Putnam's study. He wanted to find evidence for multicultural places being stronger, more trusting, but he found the exact opposite; you can find out how low trust is by knowing how multicultural/multi-ethnic a place is.
>Ok then how are 61.2% employed
Affirmative action, government "jobs" and sports.
No there are crime problems whenever nonwhites are around. Have you ever heard of magic dirt?
A city has a high crime rate because it's population is made up of individuals that are committing crimes. Blacks and hispanics commit most crime
As far as I've observed, they tend to not hold down jobs.
Compared to how many blacks I see at church/on the street, they are far underrepresented as employees at places whose services I use or at my place of work (1).
The net loss to the economy would be offset by financial black hole they create by sponging off welfare, costs in reducing crime/imprisoning them. Really I suspect the USA would be 100% first world country if they didn’t have this anchor dragging them down.
That chart is inaccurate because it includes part time jobs as being participating in the workforce
>Black people make up a significant portion of the workforce
>This is only relevant to politicians who want to wield influence over a larger herd of people.
Or employers who need employees and consumers who need cheaper products
>First, non-blacks per capita form a better work force because half aren't below functional IQ (85)
They might, but people can't we can't just summon people out of nowhere. Its hard to think how you'd manage to maintain growth with a limited population
>I mean it's like you haven't even read Putnam's study
I'm aware of it and I'd chalk lower-trust down to a con of multiculturalism. That's not to say there aren't many pros that tend to outweigh this fact.
They are a drain on our taxpayers Spics too.
Most counties in the US are multi-ethnic and most don't have issues with crime
You look at that map and you think that is good? Are you aware that 1 a lot of places have very low population density and 2 a lot of counties in the areas that don't look that bad are very very white?
Do all the multi-ethnic counties have a 'crime problem' though? Look at west Texas, low homocide rates and very high Hispanic population
They have a much higher crime rate and homicide rate then white people.
>Or employers who need employees and consumers who need cheaper products
You don't understand a lot about economics. Larger work force does not mean cheaper products. For example, the netherlands and belgium are both tiny countries. If they were to merge, we'd have more employees, a bigger work force.
It would not make products cheaper.
Also, seriously read putnam's study. Incorporate those facts into your world view and it might start to make more sense.
>That's not to say there aren't many pros that tend to outweigh this fact
You haven't mentioned a single one besides muh workforce, which is an empty one. You might just as easily export blacks and import south african whites and you'd get better results, higher productivity, lower crime.
>Also, seriously read putnam's study. Incorporate those facts into your world view and it might start to make more sense.
>25-100 percent
What a retarded map.
Destiny already exposed these stats as bullshit
Stop posting
Not an argument. JonTron citing these bullshit statistics only made the Right look dumber than it already does to most people. You can't just trot out bullshit and not expect to be called out on it.
>They have a much higher crime rate and homicide rate then white people.
>It would not make products cheaper.
Ignoring the fact that regulatory boundaries would be dropped then no, it wouldn't make goods in the former Netherlands cheaper in Belgium or the Netherlands. But this is solely because the population of both countries hasn't actually changed, your labour pool is still the same size and distributed in the same way you've just changed how their nationality. If however Belgian doctors were to immigrate to the Nertherlands then by the law of supply prices for medical care would drop.
>Incorporate those facts into your world view and it might start to make more sense.
I have and I do. I just don't think that lower social trust is enough for me to forego the economic consequence of establishing and maintaining an exclusively white population.
Stop shilling the manlet who admits he has no interest in educating himself about the topics he speaks about.
He is just zerg rushing the politics scene for some sheckels. He doesn't have principles. He doesn't want to improve things. He just wants controversy to mine the growing political interest.
That's why his shill tactic is to claim he "won", as if the purpose of debates is winning, rather than finding truth and improving society.
Sorry I don't care that a drop out repeated someones argument 50 times every 10 minutes maybe you can go back to his youtube channel.
>You might just as easily export blacks and import south african whites and you'd get better results, higher productivity, lower crime
These populations have different skills, languages and training pertinent to two different economies.
>If however Belgian doctors were to immigrate to the Nertherlands then by the law of supply prices for medical care would drop.
Okay so you understand that the argument you were making wasn't bigger labour force, but bigger proportion of low IQ wage force. So basicly you want to have low IQ people wages lowered.
(Just as doctor wages would be lower in your example).
The reason I really hate that type of argument, is that it's just political competition for resources. It's not about finding something that everyone can get behind and that would improve things for everyone, it's just about exploiting low IQ workers, while having more unemployed people as well, in the interest of big business.
It took jews and irish about one generation to get on par with white americans. Genetics has a stronger effect than education and even language.
That map is very inaccurate nowadays
Be butthurt about it all you want, but he did call him out over this. Those stats are bullshit and you're only going to push people away from your cause when they realize you're peddling lies.
Yeah no you don't have a successful movement destiny does not have a movement.
Why would I take advice from those people when I can see that the alt right is already waking up white racial consciousness.
Are you retarded? I know you're already deep enough into the Right to just accept bullshit at face value if it sounds correct to you. I'm referring to you attempting to win people over, which you're going to need to do and fast, if you ever actually want to see a white America when you're old and grey. Peddling lies will not do this.
>Oh no if someone posts an image macro then it will end your movement.
Also I don't want to see a white US I want to see a White ethnostate in areas that used to be the US.
The fact that you think calling out is an argument shows you haven't developed any personal principles yet. There is no point in trying to argue/talk with critical theory rejects.