I fucking cried. SHIT.
I fucking cried. SHIT
Why is Kuro so unsexy?
are they doing this shit on purpose?
should have dropped it before they changed the focus from from loli to edge
Is her new VA any good?
literally original hisui, so it doesnt hurt too much
kinda bland. IMO the lady they cast for Lailah on Zesteria is better
Cried because of what?
The original VA of the magic wand has died recently.
That's Sakura's VA.
Its been almost a year user
She's still alive in my heart ;_;
I feel your pain OP.
She's still recently dead in your heart.
she did get married in tamayura
Maybe, she was standing with Dougou throughout the movie.
>he cried shit
Damn, do you piss out your nose?
Fuck, I need to watch the movies. 4 is out?
Yes, I watched 3 again before it to get in the mood.