600$ book QUEST

Hello goys, I cannot find a pdf version of this book online, tried many sites, chinese and russian search engines too.. no result. The only thing i found is some FUCKER only uploaded the first chapter of this book here. ONLY THE FIRST CHAPTER.. Im reeeing so hard guys, I need to get this book, but I don't have the money available to buy it from amazon.

Other urls found in this thread:




come on someone upload the fukken book

I've been REEEEEING so hard everytiem......AAAAAAAAA

why do those fuckers even tease with only 1 chapter


dunno it will be posted soon

i hope your digits proove right, the sonner the better

oh shit, last digits of the last two posts, 99-18, 18
The word enlightenment is the only word in the english language in which the lettrers e i g h t e e n appear in order

What's so special about this book

kikes try to supress it

bumping with comped cocaine


It might be in one of these:

mega.nz/#F!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg (Sup Forums stuff I)

mega.nz/#F!0F5GXTjS!oGdz8UP5JbcleNMy6YKLvg (Sup Forums stuff II)

mega.nz/#F!cZoSEbpC!kdnYuLw3hvYSus9uZl6PRQ!QNAixJZL (Sup Forums stuff III)

mega.nz/#F!4MJE0L6Q!teKAfBlT2m3Ija-Tun-EFw (Sup Forums stuff IV)

mega.nz/#F!pYRnSJaC!HrC3Siqyioo9PjdGMNWs3Q (Sup Forums stuff V)

mega.nz/#F!LotEVRxT!YE-YrG6SZ54nJqltrYN8Nw (Sup Forums stuff VI)

mega.co.nz/#F!scMFjYZY!MKTKFWGVVuA7kV4OMHgkcg (Sup Forums stuff VII)

mega.co.nz/#F!fo0TDC4a!Ck2n3wuqWutm3FyLtxZB8A (Sup Forums related)

mega.co.nz/#F!UdxSVLJB!bgBwqzuFIV3z0HvCswA0dQ (Sup Forums related)

mega.co.nz/#F!eMs1HDRD!LJcwVTJXhhx1a5bUu2l0dg (Sup Forums related)

mega.co.nz/#F!6sgETKCa!vGFF5iTfCR6lH3ZLXaQorQ (TGSNT, William Pierce, Icelandic Sagas)

mega.co.nz/#F!zQtglTAY!JZ8y7bZpqPz6od5WmtLfIg (Third Reich films)

mega.co.nz/#F!MQ8ziQKK!rzb0LRaZoyL6te1tguBNnA!RBs1mRhC (Third Reich recordings)

mega.nz/#F!fIchVA7Y!owKwAgGKq9pgXrbVOnkeag!7dEXGAAI (Asatru / Paganism)

pastebin.com/v6qsewmw (/sum/ info)

mega.nz/#F!AE5yjIqB!y7Vdxdb5pbNsi2O3zyq9KQ!8VxzyY7Y (Occult literature I)

mega.nz/#F!RktiXZBS!W_ZvtntvNvWxvsSYZCG_vg (Occult literature II)

mega.nz/#F!6kJzEIJb!aVVgmWAM-aP_bU_8Co43FA (Occult literature III)

mega.co.nz/#F!K8wTjbiZ!mWFZsQRr2SZYC1AsoE6Shw (Occult books, big file size)

mega.nz/#F!sU90kbAR!pXKWaWnZcY8eTIA2wUSDBA (Full Sinister Tarot)

drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BwLJ8mj-ZuoGc0NKUEtoLTBmQXc ("Mesmer's Lair", hypnosis etc.)

mega.co.nz/#F!m00SjRRA!R_I9wzUTEhSN6spP35TyZg (Psychopolitics)

mega.nz/#F!1R0QATqZ!Eb1_M5KC9gkxK6w32R2ETw (/biz/ related)

mediafire.com/?i44dwzkf9j9n8 (art)

mega.nz/#F!MQBRHBJA!L_on3h-XUrtbc719UaMygw (philosophy)

lol there it goes my afternoon

Or one of these:

Philosophy: mega:#F!MQBRHBJA!L_on3h-XUrtbc719UaMygw

Pol : mega:#F!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg

Temple of Solomon: mega:#F!AE5yjIqB!y7Vdxdb5pbNsi2O3zyq9KQ!JIoGyKBZ

Temple Of Solomon The King: mega:#F!AE5yjIqB!y7Vdxdb5pbNsi2O3zyq9KQ!pVRCzDII

/biz/ Economics: mega:#F!1R0QATqZ!Eb1_M5KC9gkxK6w32R2ETw

Politically Incorrect : mega:#F!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg!o0Uk3KTJ

media : mega:#F!VNdgSQyC!Qw6lyxubUXhIrcdCAVwnjQ!4AkHyaAY

In the first world we have libraries that can typically get any book at least on loan from another library.

you damn nigger infested flag this book isn't available so freely

is it a collectors item? why so expensive?

>why so expensive
they are supressing it

>Mark Braun(((stein))), a radical philosopher, advised me to develop a plot.

fucking kek

thanks user, but ive got a feel its not there, ive scrolled through many of those links before

Because someone or something bought a fuck lot of copies and is keeping them supressed.
Not much in circulation and uploaded pdfs and ebooks get deleted or just vanish.
Somethign in that book is dangerous to the status quo i guess.

Mildly interested ,in the end it will jsut be "interdimensional fear eating jew aliens from another dimension"

So much bullshit for 600 $hekels, kek.

I dont know about you guys but this guy is clearly a schizo as he said himself.
take all of it with a grain of salt but he was probably onto something here.

Heres the thread where faggotOP uploaded the first chapter page by page:


read all the comments calling him a faggot

Heres videos about the book


yeah take all with a grain of salt, but this seems to be the real deal. the language of the ANGLES... So much more to the language we speak than we know of.. vowels for example.. vows of el

Those are some juicy ramblings of a sick mind.
Or genius mind, I dont know yet. But im intrigued.

heres the second part, but there doesnt seem to be more.. REEE

PDF please!!!!! i have ipad here ready and awaiting.

Only $600 so someone buy it and put it on libgen already

sell your ipad and buy the book and scan it

>Looking at his scribbled notes
>4 angles on the digit '4'
>6 on the digit '6'
>the language of the angles

Looks like some new-age 12th Planet bullshit

its all connected

You caught that too, I see.

bump for pdf

Are you the autistic atheist with that flag that always spams meme arguments against Christian threads?

my ipad not even worth 200, barely cover it.

Is this supposed to be "evidence" for the copy-cat theory?

bump researching this book now

no, i only used to participate in EWO threads
well, im sure a bunch of people including me could crowdfund this and then scan it and upload.. Though it could cause some arguments as only one could have the phsyical copy..

redpill me on that?

It would be cool to learn from this book to understand what globalist's tricky and know to destroy them.

this is easy. get into american grad school. look up book in computer at library. request book on interlibrary loan. oh shit, turns out the other library covets their copy so much, they won't send it to you. would a copy of the book aid you in your thesis dissertation user? ok, we can send you a copy, since this is fair use and all. have a nice day, user. good luck with your thesis.

it may not be in a university library


That's 3, quick maths


anger, angel

i have scans of a few pages


yes, the first chapter has been posted on the chan. do post if youve got more

seen here already

i dont think i have anything new

bump for interest



Contact the author.... if they are alive.

maybe, but there should be several faggots here with the ability to find out rather quickly.

buy the book, scan and upload it, and then resell it

Not in my university library also not in Montreal Grand Bibliothèque


He ded 2 years.

Library of Congress Catalougue Number 87-80516

maybe its available in DC?

Looks like Joseph Campbell subject matter..

Now we only have to find the non neet /poltard who has 600 dollars to blow.

Im not one of them.

Fri 19 May 2017is when archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/126261047/ was posted. an that person still has not found the time to make a pfd? That has been six months. This October this book turns thirty.

Jesus Christ
It's like a readable version of timecube

You cant get a copy from the livrary of congress? Thought you vould download from their site.

Only copy available is $3100.
Must be an old cap or the Jew bought those copies as soon as this thread was posted.

the oyveys got it

the slimey hand of the jew might have reached out...

"Almonds activated"

Try inter library loan.... then copy it.

At this point, given what can be found on this book, it seems like an asshole is spreading threads like this around the internet in order to get high upsell value on copies they are slowly leaking out. It's not hard to buy a book, fucking scan it, and upload a pdf. There are pdfs on even the most obscure books. So very tempted to buy this sorry shit, scan it, upload the fucking pdf and then put it back up for sell at a loss of about $50 to $100 shekels or so... Whoever is of the same mind, keep in mind the resale value... Buy it, scan it, upload it, resell it for $100 less than the other kikes selling it and only be out $100.

its $600 for a used one still, i hope i didnt mess things up by posting it here where the eyes of the jew can see

>Only copy available is $3100.

well that doesnt help.

on seller in Sweden want 2 977 dollars for it

What anout Ra from the Law of One?

Meanwhile, another book he wrote sells for $15/$46 ... : amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/0942121333/

why would you want to become a kike? this is knowledge and the people need power. id share it for free if i could buy it right now. there are pdfs of the most obscure books but NOT this one.

Maybe it sucks so bad, it’s not worth scanning

or the fucker doesn't want to share the secrets he found with us poor Sup Forumsacks

If I wouldn't have wife and kids I'd buy this shit and scan it

Anyone got any information about the Author? Cant find anything online. Did (((they))) erase him from existance?

What is this book about?

I bet this book is in the same category of shitty books like pic related - it was 1000+ $$$ for a while on amazon and everybody wanted it. turned out to be shit, who would've thought

>wife and kids

come on, no need to lie on an anonymous image board brother.

''gods'' aren't who we think they are. at this point, im quite sure i know nothing

I bet its really worth scanning...

interesting.. cant find much.. only two of his books on amazon

We know nothing about schizophrenia. A shaman is someone who swims in the same ocean as a schizophrenic, except shamans have thousands of years of technique to draw upon. I believe Carl Jung had insight into these worlds too

I never lie.

>I bet its really worth scanning...
Me too.

>r kirk packwood
our church packs wood

You're not understanding what I wrote.. $600 is a lot to shell out for a fucking book. The faggot threads that keep getting created on notable intervals even as the book has not yet appeared in pdf form yet some dickbag posted the first chapter reflects that someone holding it is trying to get insane money for a low circulation book. As such, kicking such fuckers in the nads includes buying it for $600 goddamn shekels, scanning that shit, providing the pdf for free, and then dumping the fucking book back on the used market for $100 less than the other whorebags selling thus only costing the purchaser $100... Hell, i'm tempted to do so even at a $200 cut loss. But fuck the assholes trying to get $600 for it and the easiest way is to buy it from their asses, scan it, resale it undercutting them by $100/$200 getting an instant sell and then dumping the fucking pdf on the internet plummeting the price of the used book being sold y these extortionist kikes. Does that sound like a logical plan to you?

Otherwise, i see this for what it is.. some scumbag drumming up demand for a rare circulation book ..

Yeah, the main message is indeed that all is one, and we are individualized portions of the one infinite creator. The cosmology and philosophy of that series are amazing to me. "Ra" is just a name they use, they don't claim to be gods, but "humble messenger of the law of one". They are supposedly sixth density (we are third) aliens trying to be of service and helping our evolution. This stuff is kinda crazy but if you can look past it the philosophy and cosmology really are amazing in my opinion. :)

Guy I think it is the owner of the following channel. In the comments he says he has one and then directs someone to a lecture to buy from Amazon. He first brings up copyright. He has to know the book is out of print and the author is dead.

In the comments here from two days ago someone else is asking him to uploaded it.
> youtube.com/watch?v=0Mp4VnPIp_8

Lawrence Lyons


Paperback Book from 1988...

Look up publisher, contact them...

What is the book about OP?

Out of print.
A bunch of shit in 500 page from where aids came from to jews and vietnam