1 in 6 couples in Holland are interracial


Interracial breading grounds arent in USA but in the middle of europe, in little blonde Holland

>most of these couples consist of a Dutch woman and a Moroccan or Turkish man.

Other urls found in this thread:


>According to the statistics office, the number of interracial couples varies widely based on ethnicity For example, most couples with Turkish or Moroccan backgrounds are in relationships with persons of their own ethnicity. Only about 10 thousand couples in the Netherlands consist of a Turkish partner and a Dutch partner, and about 9 thousand couples are Moroccan Dutch That means that 11 percent of Turkish people in the Netherlands have a Dutch partner and 12 percent of Moroccan people. Most of these couples consist of a Dutch woman and a Moroccan or Turkish man.

>While people with an Indonesian background seems more willing to partner up with someone of a different race or culture. Most of the mixed couples in the Netherlands are Indonesian-Dutch with 160 thousand, German-Dutch comes in second place with 154 thousand and Belgian-Dutch in third with 44 thousand. That means that 85 percent of Indonesians in the country are in a relationship with a Dutch partner, almost 89 percent of Germans and almost 87 percent of Belgians.

Stop posting about this bulgarian jew

>tfw youre a minority in your own city

>your own
oh goy, it's time to wake up

>most of these couples consist of a Dutch woman and a Moroccan or Turkish man.

No, they don't. Have you even read the article?

>tall blonde dutch masterrace will go extinct in your lifetime

good. fuck toothpaste.


Damn could be any bigger dutch town :(

Den Haag

Impotent Dutch cucks need that strong Muslim seed


>the same bulgarian posting the same misinformation


Goodbye Germanic race.

Come home Frisian man

Its all mohammedan filth, wake the fuck up ypu filthty pinko bastard
> all that racemixing with dirty SEA monkeys
Eliot Rogers is gonna have an army of billions soon

>1 in 6 dutch women are single mothers

How meny of the duch are in thus releshionship?

Control your woman!
That baby is ugly.

>tfw no qt indonesian gf

why even live

Hopefully they breed out all the autism

>german-dutch and belgian-dutch couples are considered interracial in the article
What kind of jewish statistics are these?

race mixing is real proof women are selfish
look at it, why the fuck would you do that to your offspring if you so want to have one


It's bad in the Randstad but generally speaking the Netherlands is still doing alright so SAGE

what a waste of genetics

Yes, nothing like agressive, inbred, low iq arabs and africans to spice up the gene pool a bit.
t. Schäuble

Evolution is always looking for ways to improve the bloodline. Deal with it you pasty ass mutant freaks.

Stop worrying about everything, you are an atheist remember! Science!


It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:

Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:

The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:

White Genocide is real - In their own words

Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

The Jewish role in the porn industry:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:


>regression to some subhumanly low African mean is 'improvement'

No one reads this post

this. also
>Most of the mixed couples in the Netherlands are Indonesian-Dutch with 160 thousand

African genes help remove the autism from the white race and improve your birth rates. Clearly the white race was not meant to live on this Earth because you are not even able to multiply on your own.

Damn you don't even need to edit it to look like a "56%er" face

>Dutch men are amongst the tallest, highest IQ, highest paid, most handsome men on the planet. Highly sought after by women from most races. Respects his women.

>Dutch women still prefer Bilal the Manlet butcher, who makes barely above minimum wage, and whose culture truly does treat women like second class citizens.

>Dutch women keep voting for pro immigration candidates despite Arab immigrants destroying the welfare system. The same welfare system Dutch women have taken advantages of at the expense of Tax paying Dutch males.

Again, as Ive said before, the Female Problem should take precedence over the the JQ. It's not helpful if half of your population are so hopelessly blue pilled that they're willing to destroy their lineage for foreign cock and SJW points.

no to mention higher IQ

>improve the bloodline
Remind me again how many scientific breakthroughs have come from Africa this year

Its not improvement, its social engineering and virtue signaling

Bye Holland. You haven't been relevant since Maurice of Nassau, now you're ensuring you never will be again.

If you think sciencetific breakthroughs are what makes a bloodline you are worse than a nigger

I disagree with all this interracial breeding shit on Sup Forums. I am Latino, all my friends are upper middle class white, and I make more money than they do, I am more ambitious than they are and I also love the USA while they're all liberals and complain about it. I am married to a beautiful white woman and we are hoping to have kids soon, My kids, will be mixed, and they will be better and do better than many white people, including some of the losers on this post here.


>e. Most of the mixed couples in the Netherlands are Indonesian-Dutch with 160 thousand, German-Dutch comes in second place with 154 thousand and Belgian-Dutch in third with 44 thousand. That means that 85 percent of Indonesians in the country are in a relationship with a Dutch partner, almost 89 percent of Germans and almost 87 percent of Belgians.


science show me my city is going to get worse and finding a job without shitskin co-workers will be nigh impossible

Western Europe is dead, they are opening their ass holes to migrant nigger cocks without resistance. Look at Japan, China, Korea & South East Asian countries, we despise niggers because we dont want our children to not look like us.

You say that, because you have no idea about genetics and regression to the mean.

You have to go back Paco.

Crackers are less intelligent than bacteria. At least bacteria understands basic life functions such as passing on its genes, but you guys don't, so that's why Mother Nature is closing its chapter on you.

My life in Brazil...

It's shit.



Don't care, will hold onto my porn.

He said improve the blood line, how exactly is it improving?

>Crackers are less intelligent than bacteria.
Bacteria is also capable of finding food, something that can not be said about Africans since there is starvation in many places
You wanna rethink your argument there, bud?

Blacks will just take food from the so-sorry-for-being-racist white boys. Issue fixed.


I worked in the Hague for a year. I felt like I was in a city from the middle east. Niggers, sandniggers and lots of dutch coalburners. Duch women workship bbc, I tell you this place is no longer for white man. RIP Netherlands.

were you always a minority though? This is my ancestral home, it was fine for millennia.

HAHAHAHA kut dorp. Lekker voor je. En nou Zestienhoven teruggeven, Haagse teringpoot.

>Issue fixed.
Not really
>In East Africa alone 25.5 million people need food and water

So if the issue is fixed why are people still starving?

Your argument is shit and you should feel like shit

Always happy to see this post. Keep it up

We both deserve to have our cities burned to the ground.

Is al gebeurd, met de nodige dank aan de moffen. Kennen we nou eindelijk eens dat dorp van jou afzinken en de bijbehorende populatie erges in een gat zoals Almere dumpen?

>pasty ass mutant freaks
but im not the one racemixin

that kid is so fucking ugly jesus christ

nigger put > in front of the title not the url

HahahahAHahAhah they gave it and earring xD hahahah holyshit hahahaha

God I hate French"people"

Happens all the time here. Europe and Brazil are willfully blind to racial reality. That's how you lower average IQ in a country and get easily exploitable workforce.

ik gooi liever alle niet-europese in een diep gat.
Ik bedoelde eigenlijk dat geen van onze steden nog een recht hebben te bestaan, zo slecht is het geworden. Sorry voor wat de moffen gedaan hebben. Ik weet dat we niet altijd met elkaar opweg kunnen maar we zijn toch landgenoten.

"That'll fix it" they thought.

But it won't.

autism is not white race specific or caused by it

Biertje doen?

>middle of europe
it's in western europe fyi. and it's a degenerate merchant country.
they sell their daughters like bakery products.

Fake news. Sage

Jesus Christ that's an ugly baby

> Degenerate merchants
> Perfecting the commercialization of the human body

I'd have to disagree. Now kindly stop taking our jobs.

>le 50% face

most of those are eastern european women these days, man.

ik ben het niet eens met het anarchisme maar ik zal wel een biertje in jouw naam drinken.

>they sell their daughters
Bro a good 50% of the girls in that window are probably Romanian

All people from Netherlands will look like mulattoes from Brazil sooner or later

Is that baby European now?

Is a dog born in a stable a horse?

According to libtard logic yes.

I thought race didn't exist.

Wait, racemixing is one thing. But is being proud of making his own ethnicity disappear a new thing now? Jesus this has to stop
Where was her father? Does she hate herself?

Except dogs are not horses and all humans are actually, you know, humans

Humans invented nations and cultures, they are not pragmatic/real things such as different species

According to your fucking logic animals and people are the same. So that's equally retarded. See in the end, we are all equal. Especially you fucking idiots.

It counts couples of Hollandese and other Europeans as interracial tho.

White Communism will kill racemixers and shitskins efficiently

1 in 6 couples in the USA are interracial.

put an ISIS flag on the bandana

According to Angela Merkel, yes.

Pick one

That's nowhere near true. There are some FB skanks that fuck moroccan scum, but it's a minority.

Just another bait thread.

wtf I love racemixing now

Ik ben een Nederland-Indo kutmix, ben heel erg blij omdat mijn piemel tenminste nog lekker wit and lang is.

als mijn nederlands slecht is, het is omdat ik die taal niet meer zo vaak gebruikt.

sorry, heb veel plezier in kanker land

> inb4 no dad


jewish statistics.
>when dutch is dating german its interracial
its just 19 000 out of 650 000 with morocans and turks who are not even other race. lmaoing at nigger lovers.


Back to Mexico Paco


>According to the statistics office, the number of interracial couples varies widely based on ethnicity For example, most couples with Turkish or Moroccan backgrounds are in relationships with persons of their own ethnicity. Only about 10 thousand couples in the Netherlands consist of a Turkish partner and a Dutch partner, and about 9 thousand couples are Moroccan Dutch That means that 11 percent of Turkish people in the Netherlands have a Dutch partner and 12 percent of Moroccan people. Most of these couples consist of a Dutch woman and a Moroccan or Turkish man.

This means that morrocan and turkish migrants are better because the race mix less. I thibk the reason is because Muslims seldom tend to marry outside their race. So tell me why does pol hate Muslims ? From a race mixing perspective they are far better then other migrants.