What would you do to this cat?
What would you do to this cat?
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There are a couple of doujins over on /h/ that describe what I'd do to this cat pretty perfectly.
lewd things
Bring its author back to life.
I´ll take the superior breeding machine, thank you very much.
Give her the dick so she won't be so tsun
Put it in bag and then toss it in the river.
Spray it with aphrodisiac.
Are they up right now because I'm not finding them
Hell no!
Get the superior maid to throw it into the trash.
Sell her to terrorists, use money to date heroine and snort hookers.
burn it
Would marry and ravage.
She was an insufferable bitch though?
I would do speakable and unspeakable things.
She wasn't though. Watch the entire series before judging her, faggot.
Louise a best.
Not in the LN.
Also, it is crime not to ravage that body.
No thanks, I'm not going to torture myself on the premise that she might eventually stop being a total cunt.
what a slut she is, but i like her
Congratulations on your successful diagnosis of ADHD.
Louise is a good whore.
But Henrietta is the superior breeding whore.
>But Henrietta is the superior breeding whore.
Maybe if your goal was to be a single father.
You can just keep fucking her every day, and Henrietta would keep producing babies for you.
>I don't ask you to love me...
>... but just for tonight treat me as if you loved me
Oh please, that whore would get bored and move onto the next male she makes eye contact with in a heart beat. There are more faithful street corner prostitutes then her.
She's the best kind of slutty.
Lies, Henrietta is a good whore. She would be faithful to my penis because I have magic runes on it..
That's the Queen of the country he's having a 1st class fondling on right there.
fuck I'm so jealous.
Just like Saito has magical runes to use every weapon, Henrietta has magical runes to use every cock. Face it, faithfulness is her weakest point.
This is a lie, my penis runes are special and would impregnate her whore runes.
Yes, I'm not arguing against your penis. I'm sure your penis is very special indeed. I'm simply stating that once the deeds been done, she'll be off to find the next sample.
I'm pretty sure Henrietta would remain faithful to whoever impregnated her.
She is the Queen after all, and she has responsibility to rule the country and nurture the new heir.
She just can't do it alone and wanted Saito support her husband.
Queen tits > Zero tits > Maid tits > Elf tits > *
>Liking that NTR whore
Kill yourself.
>I'm pretty sure Henrietta would remain faithful to whoever impregnated her.
There's your problem; there is no way she, or anyone else, would know who the real father is. She may be queen, but queen of whores is her only real accomplishment.
Nah. She is sluttier than pic related.
>Henriettafag trying to hijack Louise's thread
It's a high difficulty, but if you conquer a NTR whore, you will feel much more might.
Surpassing the NTR and making her love only you is a great challenge.
Get it checked for feline leukemia so she hopefully doesn't die like her author.
DFC > all
>there is no way she, or anyone else, would know who the real father is
I would know, because my rune penis would literally be plowing her womb every hour, every day.
>Not best
That actually sounds good.
I love good whore Queens.
I dropped ZnT somewhere in Season 3.
Why does everyone call Henrietta a whore? I understand she's a cunt who wants to steal her friend's love interest, but where does the rest come from?
Rape, mind break, and then marriage
2nd highest is still very good. Sometimes I do prefer Siesta though.
That's exactly why she is a cunt and a whore.
Louise fans are just an angry bunch.
They are insecure and hostile to anything that's remotely a threat to their shipping.
>plowing her womb every hour, every day.
Look, i don't care how magical your penis is. I don't care how many runes you've got tattooed to your member. You will need to rest, to sleep, to eat, to shit. When the opportunity arises, you bet the NTR queen will be looking for other arises to satisfy her unending lust for baby syrup.
Almost best, but not quite there.
Queen tit is just a bit higher quality than Zero tits.
I really liked Siesta in the first season, heck i actually preferred her to Louise at first. But man, did she get annoying and desperate as time ticked on. She got really annoying real fast.
She was still enjoyable when she teamed up with Louise against common foes though.
>When the opportunity arises, you bet the NTR queen will be looking for other arises to satisfy her unending lust for baby syrup.
The opportunity will literally never arise.
My penis will be buried into her womb and going on autopilot while I sleep. she will birth me many healthy children who will inherit the Kingdom.
>Sup Forums hates NTR
>Sup Forums likes Henrietta
I don't like NTR necessarily.
If I conquer Henrietta and makes her my bride, it's not NTR.
Only when girl NTR's MC
>Sup Forums likes Henrietta
One or two vocal minorities does not equal all of Sup Forums.
Brother user, you have good tastes.
One person != Sup Forums.
That poster isn't a real fan. The recent appearance of Henriettafag spamming in ZnT threads is simply a troll baiting for mad reactions because of muh NTR, and that's made more obvious by the fact no one ever cared about her until around the same time some NTR troll took interest in her.
Oh, really? So how many Zerofags are there?
What's the alternative?
Do you want us to shit up Sup Forums with multiple ZnT threads, really?
Louise! Louise! Louiseaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
yarghh...uh...aaahah-! AaAAAAA!!! LOUISELOUISELOUISEaaaaAAAAaaa!!!
Ae...sniffsniff! kunka KUNKA! sssssaaahsssssaaah.. smells good.... sniff
gasp! I can haz sniffsniff pink blonde hair de Louise Francoise?! sniffsniff! Aah!
No! I want the fluffy! fluffy! fluffy! Fluffy Hair fluff hair fluff! pet pet fluff fluff... Kyunkyunnkyui!!
Louise-tan was so kawaii in vol.12 of the novels!! AaaAA...AAA...AhAaAAA!! HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGG!
Congrats on the 2nd season of the anime Louise-tan! AaAAAAA! So cute! Louise-tan! Kawaii!AaaAAA!
2nd volume of the comics were grea...nnNrAGGggghHH!! Nyaaaaaargh!! UGyaaaAAAAA!!!
Nnnnnnyyyyuuuurrrrgggghhhh!!! Manga...................... ISNT REAL??!!! ?...what about the novels and the anime....
LOUISE I S N' T R E A L????? AAAAArgggghhHH!!! Uwaaaaaaannn!!
NononononoNONONONONO! EEeeeeaAAAA!!!! HGGGGrrrrruuyynnnnnNN!!! Halkeginiaaaaaa!!
You! BASTARDS! I'm quitting! I'm QUITTING LIFE....huh!? She's...looking? Louise-chan on the cover is looking at me?
Louise on the cover IS looking at me! Louise... at me! Louise-chan in the pictures in the book are looking at me!!
Louise-chan in the anime is talking to me!!! Phew... reality ain't so bad after all!
Yessssss! Wheeeee!! YEAH!!! I have Louise!! I've done it Ketty, I can do it alone!!!
M..manga... Louise LOUISE-CHAAAaaaaaAAaaAAAN!!!!!!!! HyaaAAAaaaAaaaAAaA!!!!!
Ahahaah...ahahaaahhhhahaAnn! Si, Siesta!! HenriettaaaAAAAAAaAA!!! TabithaaAAAAA!!
u....uuuu..sniffsniffuuuUUU!!! May my love reach Louise!! May my love reach Louise of Halkeginia!
Give it cancer because dogs are superior. Also Yuki clone was best girl.
>The recent appearance
Sup Forums exploded in ecstasy when the Queen kissen Saito in the mirror room.
Good job proving you are too new to remember.
Me for one.
She was a cunt through the entire series, I watched it recently and she didn't change.
You already nailed why she's a cunt and NTR whore. She's also pretty shallow since she moved on from beloved childhood friend who was her fiance, someone she loves very much, who died not long ago to Saito just like that.
Meido-sama, /jp/ is leaking again.
Really, I wanted to like her so much. Especially with Hocchan voicing. But she turns into such a bitch. Just watching the anime at least, it feels like they kind of drop the whole thing she had in common with Saito, in that they were both commoners in a strange magic world.
Well it honestly sounds like you didn't watch the entire series or you'd know that she went full dere pretty soon. The only issue was her lover's constant cheating and making her feel horrible. But please, continue being THK.
>She's also pretty shallow since she moved on from beloved childhood friend who was her fiance
She's a Queen with responsibilities, and responsibility to produce an heir.
She would be an idiot to stay virgin till she died, and you're a fucking idiot for thinking she should.
Also, you don't decide who you fall in love with, contrary to your beliefs, it's actually quite normal for young girls to fall in love with the hero of the country.
>bitchslapping the queen
Louise really gave zero fucks.
I should rewatch this.
>Sup Forums
>when only a couple of dozens of fans (mostly Louisefags) where left watching that season
The only thing that exploded was the hate for Henrietta because of that.
>making excuses and rationalizing when none of that was in her thoughts
You have false memories.
All the other fanbases jumped in too and supported Henrietta because Louise fans were super obnoxious and aggressive the whole way.
Any other examples?
Falling in love isn't rational. I'm just saying it's very easy to fall in love with the hero of the country if you're a young girl in the breeding age.
>other fanbases
You're delusional as hell, Henriettafag.
nigger, he was either tricked in to it or just looked at others, that's not cheating
>they kind of drop the whole thing she had in common with Saito, in that they were both commoners in a strange magic world.
This was the biggest problem. Once the author forgot about her whole point, she just turns into big tity maid harem member #2. Siesta could have been, no, should have been great.
Everything wrong with this series can be traced back to the fact that the harem was too heavily forced.
It's one of those things you need to choose between.
Either the Henrietta fanbase was so small and insignificant, then they circlejerk storms must have been the other fanbases helping us.
Or, the the other fanbases didn't help us, and the Henrietta fan base was just enormous.
Please stay consistent in your thoughts.
Yeah man, you're totally right. Henrietta sure did trick Saito into making out with her in the NTR lair with the magic teleportation mirror. Just a big accident and misunderstanding ammirite.
No repliesAs expected. Louise fans are terrible and jealous and vengeful.
Henrietta never had a fanbase larger than two, not for the first three season and definitely not for the NTR season, delusional Henriettafag. Rei clone, Elf tits, and m meido rarely received posts, much less dedicated fans who for themselves greater than a handful total. No amount of distorting history is going to change that.
You're obviously afraid to make your own thread because no one is going to post in it.
Seeing as how this isn't a general, posting off-topic is against the rules. So you should either fuck off or post on-topic.
It's common knowledge since forever Louisefags make up the vast majority of the fandom. You're just falseflagging at this point by lying.
If you where there, you would have seen the circle jerk masturbation threads for Henrietta when she NTR'd Louise.
There were Louisefags present as well, they tried to reassure each other that it would be over soon.
>Rei clone, Elf tits, and m meido rarely received posts,
Because everybody already knew Louise was going to win, so it wasn't much use to fight over it. It still didn't stop them from joining the circle jerk though.
I wouldn't be so sure about that, they're just the loudest, because they know Louise is winning, so they have the most morale to be loud.
The day Louise got NTR, the Louise fans weren't even present to stop the onslaught.
Try making a Henrietta thread, I guarantee you you'll get under 10 unique posters.
If anyone even remembers her, that is.
Do you even realise how much the other Sup Forums residents would hate us if we made threads for each girl?
If every series had 1 thread for each girl, the whole board would go to shit, and the mods wouldn't like it.