Asian men are intellectually superior and are at the forefront of the latest science and medical breakthroughs

Asian men are intellectually superior and are at the forefront of the latest science and medical breakthroughs.

Black men are physically superior and considered the ideal mate by women of all races.

With these undeniable facts, are whites now inferior and obsolete in 2017?

Other urls found in this thread:

No women are interessted by Chinese with their little dick.

How about you stop being racist ^_^

That isn't true though. Intellectually asians are smarter than us but every single science and medical breakthrough is from America and Europe. And yeah Asians are of course involved but white men still hold the title of race of scientists. And blacks being physically superior isn't even true. Every single race, even black, prefer Mediterranean white men- better word would be find attractive honestly

Plus isn't the stereotype that most doctors are either Indian or Jewish? and aren't most weightlifters white?

nice bait thread btw.

>Black men are physically superior and considered the ideal mate by women of all races.
Straight out of a Sup Forums cuckpost fetish description

>and considered the ideal mate by women of all races.

That is a really stupid graph.

There is no definition of its amorpheous terms.

Art. War. Creating civilisation.
Europeans are the nicest people, until they're not.

I smell a hapa

The BROWN MAN is the ultimate master race.

>Asian men
Asian ""men"" have such small dicks, Asian women don't even wanna fuck them.

What you say is bullshit
"Blacks" come from a country called Africa which is rather big. So the people there look quite diverse and in East Africa they are not very big and rather thin. Similar with the suth central african natives.
Pic related shows some different african ethnies

>undeniable facts
You mean "opinions I just pulled straight outta my ass"?


White Men are better

so many rich Asian men wanna date me, but I just can't look past their small dicks. I just can't live with that


i thought dick memes were memes

Asian women prefer black men to limp wristed white boys


somebody call the zoo. some of the exhibit has escaped.

We need more chinks race mixing with niggers to create an intellectual muscleman!

Then take over the wh*tes

Better yet we all convince them to hang themselves like the edgy little faggots they are.

>paid whores sucking white dick
I can cherry pick BLACKED pics too. The reality is that asian women prefer black guys to white boys because we are more masculine


stop larping as a nigger

Glad to see another black guy with an asian fetish

I'm actually black, don't care if you don't believe me.
Stay mad pigskin

I'm white, but I agree, blacks are far more superior to white in everything. We just white washed ur culture and I apologise for that.

>Asian men are intellectually superior and are at the forefront of the latest science and medical breakthroughs.
>Black men are physically superior and considered the ideal mate by women of all races.
>With these undeniable facts, are whites now inferior and obsolete in 2017?

no prob dude. appreciate the apology

brown people are the master race. perfect combi of intellect and physic.

we fucked white, nigger and rice bitches

t. ahmed

>ideal mate

Lmaoooo holy fuck almost blew an O ring haven’t lold that hard in a minute.

>Black men are physically superior

blacks are physically fatter and shorter than whites on average

they really don't teach english in nigeria do they

Le epic blacks are apes maymay

pic related

Muh dick!!!

Muh white ingenuity!!!

>asian smarts
>negro bbc
>white man WAR

Literally every time someone tries to fuck with whitey they get razed from the Earth. No one chimps out like whitey,

Why do you think ((they)) have resorted to asymmetrical culture and ideology destruction instead of trying to do it by force?

White people fought amongst themselves for thousands of years, got bored of it, and then started roaming around the planet looking for other people to kill.

>Black men are physically superior and considered the ideal mate by women of all races.

Blacks are actually superior across all species. Its over white bois; we are taking back our rightful place on the thrones you stole from us. WE WUZ AND WILL BE KANGZ AGAIN!!!

Nice bait thread.

SUBREDDITS- mongoloidcj, aznidentity,hapas, asianmasculinity, hotamwfporn,AsiansCuckingPinkies, EasternSunRising, aznidentitycucks,
WMAF,LosersAbroad, AngryAsians,BeautifulAsianFamily, postnationalism(also a user and could be a bot, anarchist, antiwestern), sino,
USERS - reddragon88, nigmatullin ,EurasianTiger, Goldenbrother88,Miraflores88,hotasianman, voodooss, fakeslimshady, trancefan95_2,Rjhd64,CthulhuSelf,
ntachance,XenosphereWarrior, lucidsleeper,ChinnyNotSkinny,god-fist,blueandredwithblack,NothingCanTouchMe,NewRedGuards(confirmed commie incel),

only a hapa male from reddit would make a thread like this.

Asian supremacists on reddit are the gayest group on the internet

W-what are Latinos good at?

As a white guy who only fucks asian girls I can say conclusively only the sea monkey Asians fuck blacks. I.e. the lowest tier Asians. Koreans/japs are wayyy harder if not impossible for blacks to get than flips and Cambodians. Meanwhile a white chad can get any tier asian he desires. Feels good man.

to take you country back from the indians, you had stolen, burger

>asians intellectually superior
>blacks physically superior
>black males most sought after mate

Your life is sad. Also there are reputable studies that show black men are the least desired mate as measured from all races

Go pray to Mecca Ahmed

Sage and reported for faggotry.


As another white guy in this thread i approve this message