Euro bros, what do you think of America?
Euro bros, what do you think of America?
Jewish slaves
>shareblue narrative still going strong
Doing all you can to turn us against Trump huh?
We're loyal forever.
Dumb, but honest cousins
I just watched a documentary that had a short segment on middle class Americans 'holidaying' in Israel to work for free on the vineyards of settlers. Absolutely baffling. The Jewish owner would refuse them entry past the drop-off point for the grapes. They were 'unclean' and couldn't participate in the wine making process to keep the wine kosher. Like shameless dogs they were relegated to picking.
I hate these burger heretics so much.
Explain? Orthodox doctrine favours the people of Israel too or am I wrong?
We are God's new Israel; Jews are Christkillers and sons of satan.
I think they should stop bombing 7 countries simultaneously and start taking care of their own people.
I like Americans (whites)
If you guys ever kick off the race war, I'll be right over there with you.
That said, I will relentlessly post 56% and shitpost about you, but the love is there.
I would love be American.
Who the fuck has been shilling all of the Euro/USA hate threads today?
consumerist goyim that talk a lot about "liberty and freedom" but need to question their authority more
Why though?
been to orlando three times and detroit twice, the people were very friendly, food/service was great and there's an optimism in the air, you really feel like you can make it big there
don't really like the toilets though, my poo was too close for comfort, we were also given pamphlets, advising us to keep our car door locked at red lights and if i had to guess it's because of the rapid chimps walking around, although i can't really remember seeing that many
>rapid chimps
What are those?
Honestly haven't liked the claps I've met with a few exceptions, but then tourists are usually cunts so I don't hold it against you.
somebody dropping red pills from a cargo plane
Imperialist leeches guillotined when?
This, for once the roach is alright
He is french, he wants to move to BBC country numero uno
Can't help thinking about making heads into soup can you? UMA
Sup Forums
Most americans are dumb and mostly arrogant, egocentric and hypocrites. They talk so much about freedom and anyone can be and accomplish what they want but the racial tension in the air is clear from miles away. I also think it's dumb that they are surprised with all the shootings that happen. Well, duh! Anyone can have a gun... Basically, dumb people are ruling the world. Oh and climate change is not a thing? It's almost November and here in Portugal seems like it's summer or spring
So many mad cow ticking time bombs in the UK, I will stick to monkey heads.