What's your worst nightmare, Sup Forums?


seeing a disgusting ooga booga

Why does he reach over the glass like a freak

seeing woman mensuration blood

My worst nightmare is that I might not be dreaming.

Having ethnic grandchildren

Never waking up from this hellish facade we call life.

Because he's a nigger. No more explanation needed.

Whales scare the shit out of me

Bullshit, I'm a nigger and I know better than that.
Halfbreeds are just goofy.

someone being black near me

He can't reach over there is glass for a reason WTF??!??!??

Seeing you weak white betas fall, and willingly paying for your death instead of fighting for your people and homeland

Dude thinks he's everyman. Apparently they didn't teach his ass about the sneeze guard.

buckle up kiddo, you've got millions of more lives to reincarnate through.

the jews winning and the whole globe becoming a brown mulatto underclass to their zionist masters.

>tfw POTUS comes to visit
>tfw he harvard educated n sheeit
>tfw he to smart too stay behind the goddamn sneeze guard
reeee i knew i should of voted for that other guy

i'm living it. aside from that, nuclear war never actually happening.

>what is your worst nightmare
look around


that's retarded.

Finding out the FBI fapped while watching me masturbate

Bringing my children around Joe Biden.

read Moby Dick. They're terrifying

NOT having grandchildren.

When you wake up on your days off after having a dream about being at work and think you have to work, look at the clock and think you're running late, then you get in a big rush to shower and everything only to find out when you're ready to go that it's actually your day off. Then you're wide awake and can't go back to sleep and spend the whole day in a really pissy mood.



This. Fuck niggers.

watch some footage of real whales. they're pretty harmless apart from orcas.

My biggest fear is a home invasion in which I die and am unable to defend my wife.

My second biggest fear is the ocean. Fuck the ocean


I get you, in general the sea and ocean scare me. It's the whole daunting, imposing scale of everything that intimidates me the most. I'd go so far as to say even glaciers scare me.

The day will come when my family and i are beaten or killed for our skin color
My children will be harassed and bullied or even tortured
It's not a question of if
It's a question of when
I know this deep down

you're right.

Waking up and discovering the whole last year was a lie and Hillary was actually elected.


That God isn't real.

Being taken to a black doctor

The one with the syrup.

You just need to get to know the, they're bros.

hey the glass protector is there for a reason naygur!

This mostly. I don't spook easily but pictures from the ocean, especially deep wide open portions make me incredibly uncomfortable.

This legit terrifies me.
Agreed, although for some reason glaciers don't bother me as much. I should probably stop thinking about them though, because as I type this, the more they bother me.

Want to go for a swim user?

>I'd go so far as to say even glaciers scare me.
Diving underwater in the far north in Skyrim among the glaciers freaked the hell out of me.

Please stop.

>tfw couldn't play fishing vidya as a kid because the underwater segments scared the shit out of me
But I could play Silent Hill and Resident Evil games at 2am alone in my room just fucking fine.

I can't believe nobody has said prison yet

do not underestimate the craftiness and malevolence of the whale, they are the Jews of the ocean. The fictional "whaling holocaust" is a whale of a hoax. It would take a fleet larger than every navy of the world to harpoon and kill that many whales, and somehow process them with impossible levels of efficiency on "Factory ships" which supposedly had far and oil rendering plants with huge furnaces - on ships made from WOOD! there were never the huge number of whales that they claim living in the ocean. The ecology could not sustain it, ocean has less biomass per square meter than the Sahara desert despite its enormous depth. Equally fictional are the stories, long disproved, of candles and hair waxes and scrimshaw lamps made from their fats and teeth.
They are the little green man behind the curtain except they are big and the curtain is water and they are swimming in it and they aren't green or men. But don't believe their lies Sup Forums
They even beach themselves try to blame you for it! what are you doing there rabbi shamustein
the whale is a Jew of the ocean gorging himself on delicacies, a single krill is a delicious delicacy taste like lobster, but they are monopolized by the cetacean shekelberg who swallows ten thousand of them at a mouthful, and when called upon for his gluttony sinks to the sea depth and makes mournful wailing moans sounding like a Tangerine Dream CD with the "decrease playback speed" button clicked 99 times as if to say, "OOOOOOOOOyyyyyyyyyy vvvvvveeeeeeeYYYYYYYY iiiiiittttssAAAAAA secoooooOoooOooooOooond shooooaAAAAAAhhhhhhh"
fuck whales, fuck them with tree branches, fuck them in every hole and then fuck them again
and fuck dolphins too

lol of course a nip comes through to defend whale hunting


Im living it.

I remember about 8-9 years ago I had a nightmare and in part of it Obama was having a parade through town. At the front of the parade was a guy conducting the band, and then he started conducting everyone in the parade. Soon he was directing Obama's tour bus to start slaughtering people watching the parade on the sidewalks.

Seeing black guy with the girl from gas station i like. i really hope shes not.

Gas the whales
For real this time

>be user
>use nazi flag to post on Sup Forums
>has a secret crush on some girl who works at a local gas station
>worst nightmare is she's dating a nigger

for fuck sake man get your shit together and ask her out. What's the worst that can happen, she's just some chick who works at a gas station/

health problems

I am in hospital right now


get well kraut friend

In a feminist future I stared one second too llong at a womans breasts and I was forcefully escorted to a pee pee whacking machine

Having to get a job at Taco Bell

We're living it

Might not be as bad as you think...

Holy kek my fucking sides are destroyed

include me in the screen cap
hi plebbit

breaking my neck
losing a child
getting raped

dolphins are the true menace