>Band of the Hawk Power tag, huh?
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>Band of the Hawk Power tag, huh?
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He dindu nothing.
He really didn't.
Pippin didn't even need to talk to be awesome
Falconia is just apostole' farm.
I miss him
Rickert got out of there, and that basically means everyone there is doomed.
>Pippin's corpse being defiled by the Count is why Guts was such a sadist towards him
>everyone outside of it is doomed
What does "hai yai" mean?
Pippin.. Judeau.. Gaston.. Corkus.. The entire Band are spending the rest of eternity being tortured in hell, and there's nothing we can do about it..
I also told you to listen to me, but nope
I want the route with the least causalities
I still think killing the God Hand and the Idea of Evil should be able to free them.
I am the peoples friend, I don't want any death to come to them.
They aren't really tortured there. This is not how it works.
They don't exist as individuals anymore.
I still want revenge for them. The bitch slap was a good start but I need more.
Has Guts been recognised yet as the hundred man slayer of the band of the hawk? If I remember correctly the gang currently don't know his past or why other than to fix casca.
Only Owen has recognized him so far and Guts pretty much just told him to get off his face.
Well they sure as fuck aren't resting in peace
Of course they're not resting in peace. They're pounding that sweet demonic ass for eternity.
>I forgive you...
nothing of value was lost
the count wasnt the one that did it
>not liking tsundere
>Kills one guy
>Guts kills everyone else
>Not liking Corkus
corkus a shit
>hey, see this dude who killed the strongest motherfucker i met?
>yeah, lets go rob him
>wtf, you defended yourself?
>you killed mah fwiends who attacked you with no provocation, i'll hate you foreverz
>i'll hate you foreverz
So basically you didn't pick up on the subtlety in his character, got it.
Recently watched the Hellraiser for the first time; these are the four 'cenobites' that come after you,
when you use an item called 'Lemarchand's box'.
I don't know why he chose to use the stretched mouth and the glasses but not the pinhead thing.
The god hand didn't really need to fat blobby fucks, one of them could have been like pinhead
corkus was a moron. a very down to earth, pragmatist moron, but a moron none the less
Damn she's pretty
Porn when?
I started reading Berserk around that point. I was genuinely surprised that Pippin survived that battle
I liked her better with the hat
The Count gouged out his corpse and made Pippin appear to Guts as if he was really alive, though it was just bait. Read Volume 13 again.
Decades later, this moment will be remembered as the exact time that Casca, Shierke, Farnese and Griffith realized they will NEVER win the GutsBowl
Guts fuck Casca again when?
Do you guys think Casca will get cured soon?
It's a very early chapter. The concept is there but it's not yet fully established.
>Guts and Casca immediately get it on post insanity cure
>they're getting ready to to the damn thing
>guts ditches armor and spends three pages getting bareassed
>6 consecutive double spreads of guts' demonic boner
>next chapter to be released in 6 months
>last time Casca saw Guts was when he was Golden Age-looking
He's covered from head to toe now in demonic dwarven berserker armour, wielding an impossibly huge sword and missing an arm.
The main thing now is whether or not Casca remembers the stuff that happened during her insanity.
Chicks dig the scars man.
Miura based Pippin oon himself
>The main thing now is whether or not Casca remembers the stuff that happened during her insanity.
Guts better fucking hope not
Guts did nothing wrong.
user, Pre-Eclipse Casca would probably find all that shit oddly arousing.
She should remember.
And why?
feminine penis
What exactly did Berserk do to deserve this?
Think casca becoming sane again will go wrong and fuck gut's shit up.
With his oneitis back with him he doesn't have much reason to go after griffith, nu-guts put revenge behind him.
Gonna have to be some more tragic circumstances for guts to go full rage vendetta mode on griffith.
He raped her once, right before farny, serpy and dropey joined the gang
it was sexual assault at best
he just lovebit her tits
Nigga, he drew blood. And if the hallucinations are anything to go by, he raped her proper
He didn't rape her, after he snaps out of his hallucination you can see he's still fully clothed.
is there an eastern release date on the game yet?
shit i meant western
Why does it have to be so sloooow I just want to know what happens next for fucks sake
I'll fucking die before it's finished you fuck
>decades pass for the day they spend on elf island
>rickert is now Guts' age and battle hardened
>decades pass
>Rickert is now Guts' age
>Guts is 21-22, Rickert is 14-15
Clinical retardation is no laughing matter.
But isn't Guts like really young?
But Rickert is only a few years younger than Guts.
He is, though people commonly think he's older as years of battle and ungodly amounts of stress heaped on him has aged him prematurely. In comparison, Casca is only two years younger if we're to go by the film material, but her infantile mind and inability to comprehend anything going on around her has made her appearance very juvenile.
The Berserk armor has actually aged him a lot. He's lost weight and his hair is slowly turning whiter. Its consuming him.
It hasn't chronologically aged him though. He's still 21, which highlights the tragedy of all this.
Oh I know that, I was just pointing out that the Berserk armor was the main culprit of his aged look.
Do you guys think Guts' heritage will come into play? The whole born from a corpse thing.
Also what is the goal of the Skelly Knight? Simply to kill the Godhand or to retrieve something he lost/save someone? Is he the "Guts" to one of the other Fingers? He used to wear the Berserker armour right? Did the armor rob him of all life and he became a sort of undead and donned an extra spooky armour then?
Who do you think the Behelit Guts has is meant for? Himself? Caska? Rickert (could be interesting to have in a position similar to Griffith's)? The mighty Puck?
Is Falconia a a means to a sinister end or does Griffith mean "well" now, his dream complete? Will Guts and him end up tagging to bring down the big bad boss (the thing in the abyss)? Is that Griffith's keikaku?
He really didn't at all
>Do you guys think Guts' heritage will come into play? The whole born from a corpse thing
Hasn't it already? Skull Knight attributes Guts tenacity on this, Struggler and all that.
>20 pages per month
Miura will die before it's finished
On one hand the art is absolutely gorgeous and I guess that's because Miura has so much time to draw each chapter, but on the other hand it's ridiculous that he takes around a month to make each chapter. Then there's the fact that there are hiatuses.
The main reason why all of this is worrying is that Berserk doesn't seem close to being finished, so not only will Miura die before he manages to finish it, but so will every fan of it.
He should get married and have a son that will continue his legacy.
He should at least have a rough sketch of the complete story in his will.
So how did you get into Berserk?
It's the only manga i've read.
I know i'll get some flack for this: i had heard about it for years but it being a manga/anime made me ignore it completely, until someone pointed out to me that Demon's Souls and Dark Souls had numerous references to it.
I was ready to drop it completely after i saw how edgy Guts was in the Black Swordsman arc, but just as i was about to drop it the Golden Age started and i got hooked.
I watched the 1st egg of he king movie on netflix, stopped for a while cuz i thought it was just a 1 time thing.Then my friend told me about it and i found out there were 2 more movies so i watched those, then I read all of the manga to date and have been following since. And I watch the new anime too. Haven't seen the older anime besides the 1st few episodes however.
Demon/Dark Souls has more than just references to Berserk, they are straight up inspired Berserk and emulate it. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with that, it simply was baffling when playing the games how every single thing was taken from Berserk. At some points I even wondered how the hell they managed to get away with it.
Anyway, I don't remember why I started reading it. I was probably just looking for something to read and it got recommended or something.
>I was ready to drop it completely after i saw how edgy Guts was in the Black Swordsman arc
you and most non-edgelords. and when you get to the eclipse
>you know what? fuck the count, GO GUTS
Not as pretty as Morda.
>That one mini-boss in DS3.
>The whole Gywndolin/Griffith comparison.
Just about my thoughts exactly. Miura did a good job justifying the edge
He was going to rape her but stopped himself. The hallucinations are what he wanted to do.
How will Gutts & Co. fuck this up and alert Griffith to their location?
Guts isnt even 30. All the fighting just makes him look older
Pic kinda related, this guys 25.
I have this weird curiosity towards seeing that guy naked for some reason.
I started reading it at Golden Age Griffith and Guts trying to get their own country together.
Then the eclipse happenned and I realized it was dark fantasy, read everything up to the end of tower of conviction arc in a day or so.
You wanna know if he has a big dick, don't you?
it's not weird, it's just homolust
It's not like I want to bury my face on his buttcheeks as I fondle his balls and jerk him off.. I'm just curious how big down there a guy that big is.
>It's not like I want to bury my face on his buttcheeks as I fondle his balls and jerk him off
yet you seem to think about it a lot
>Witch Mctits
Ah yes. Which Idolmaster fapbait of a character is she based on?
You have a point.
>Tfw you realize in all probability he has a normal dick that looks small on his hueg body
Probably gets bullied in the shower by his bodybuilding friends.
They probably take a hold of it in their hands, to get an idea of just how small it is. Give it a good old squeeze.
>Is that Griffith's keikaku?
That would be Guts penis, so nope.
>tfw Griffith just wanted to see how big down there a big guy like Gut is
who is the stronger ? Pippin or Guts ?
I want to see his dick too