What the hell was this? This is the most contrived shit ever.
>Haha kill all the Japanese! Oh, oopsie!
What the fuck?
What the hell was this? This is the most contrived shit ever
Shit was hilarious. Rarely have i seen a shows writing take such a nosedive in terms of quality.
I was Just thinking of reewatching code geass.
its called a mistake. People make them. Still greatest anime of all time. Only time Sup Forums was good
Just a prank bro
Yeah, people died because he made an oopsie. It was a fucking disaster and shit conveniently went wrong the exact moment he decides to be edgy in humor and careless despite his powers.
He was warned his geass would become permanent like Mao's.
I remember when Code Geass came out and everything thought it was fucking shit but then all the trolls tricked all future fans into thinking it was good.
That was one of the best moments in anime history
You got it the wrong way around.
Code Geass has never been anything but completely retarded.
Code Geass is as bad as Gundam Wing and they both had some of the same writers
The fact the geass would be permanent was literally established good couple episodes earlier, it wasn't an asspull, it was literally coming from a mile away and Lelouch ignored the warning and kept using it until it went wrong on him at worst possible moment.
>it wasn't an asspull
Opinion discarded.
Do you know whan asspull is you retard? An asspull is something pulled out of the ass that was never hinted about before.
This wasn't an asspull in the slightest since you literally had good 10 episodes leadup to this that all boiled down to CC saying "DUDE ITS GONNA BE PERMANENT IF YOU DONT STOP ABUSING IT AND GO OFF AT WRONG MOMENT".
And it fucking did.
>not casually joking about genocide with your cousin
You must be a real party-animal, OP.
You should have been here when it happened.
>Lelouch randomly going completely out of character is not an asspull
Opinion discarded.
For fuck’s sake…
Alright, Word Of Power time. It’s Grinman. Always has been, always will be. Not Cockmongler. I’m not saying this towards the trolls who’ve flooded this thread with Cockmongler shit – they’ve no hope already. I’m saying this for your benefit – the Anonymous onlooker. You may be new and know nothing about this yet, or you may be old and just plain ignorant. But it’s not Cockmongler. It started a few months ago, and it’s everywhere. Take it from me. It’s Grinman. You don’t have to believe me, but I recommend that you do. If you don’t, just keep it in the back of your head…the last flickering candle of truth. He’s the Grinman. Not Cockmongler. Have some Longcat too (not Cocksucking cat).
To think that he could've just told her to suck his dick.
That's not what the asspull was. The asspull is that he happened to use the example "kill all the Japanese". What the fuck? Why would you say that? It's such a random thing to say, and it conveniently moves the plot forward. There was nothing wrong with Euphy's plan, and this is the only way the writers could continue the story.
This actually would have been a much more plausible accidental use of his Geass. Something trivial, like this or "give me $100"
Out of character fucking how?
>The asspull is that he happened to use the example "kill all the Japanese".
Did you miss the part that the "kill all japanese" was taken out of fucking context from a longer sentence you fucking retard? He didn't deliberately use a geass on her and tell her "yo go kill da eleven bitch ass niggaz". He was fucking talking with her and his geass activated mid-sentence making half the fucking sentence act like a geass order.
I swear average intelligence of Sup Forumsutists is sub 80, I don't even know why the fuck do I bother.
I bet you also think that Lelouch sacrificing himself at the end is also an out of character asspull?
Protip, Lelouch is not a psychopatic sociopath serial killer with a god complex as say fucking Yagami Light.
Fucking kill yourself. Not only was this one of the best episodes in one of the best anime of all time, but it was such a monumental episode for Sup Forums in general. And the episode itself was brilliant; it was brutal and shocking and bewildering at the same time. It showed the dangers of Geass as well as the rage and betrayal that the 11s felt at Britannia for causing this massacre. It was glorious. I can rewatch this episode over and over again and always enjoy it for being so over the top.
>Out of character fucking how?
You didn't even watch the show, did you? Troll.
>I have no argument so I will resort to ad hominem.
Okay, thanks for proving my point.
>hurr durr im lelouch i never make jokes let alone really random edgy jokes
>does exactly that when his geass is perma activated
not an asspull!
>>hurr durr im lelouch i never make jokes let alone really random edgy jokes
I see you missed all the fucking time he interacted with Nunally and acted like a human bean rather than a robot.
He acted similarly around Euphie because she's very similar to Nunally and he has no reason to hate her like rest of his shitty inbred family that only cares about the line of succession.
I still can't phantom how it took people longer than two episodes to realize this show was a brainless soap opera. For goodness sake all of Lelouch's "brilliant strategies" amount to opening convenient trap doors underneath his enemies like Snidely Whiplash or something.
I understand that it was unintentional. What's stupid is that he was using that sentence as an example in the first place. He says something along the lines of "my Geass can command you to do anything, for example, if I told you to kill all the Japanese, you would have no choice but to do so." Do you not see how random and out of fucking no where that example is? Anyone else would say "for example, if I told you to make me dinner, you would have no choice but to do so" other more plausible examples would be:
Suck my dick
Give me $100
Be friends with Rivalz
Act like a cow all day
Attend a Nickelback concert
His "kill all the Japanese" example was incredibly weird, and very, very convenient to the plot. Bad writing.
Every single one of his plans were entirely fueled by plot armor. Here's how the show should have ended
>Lelouch, Kallen, and fuckboy stroll up in the Clovismobile
>Orange: kill them all
>Still greatest anime of all time
I really hope this is bait
>Be friends with Rivalz
There are some things even the power of the king can't make happen
It's the most ENJOYABLE anime of all time. It's not perfect of course. It has its few flaws, though they're all minor anyway.
"hey, how about this for a joke, I COULD MAKE YOU COMMIT GENOCIDE LOL"
"Oh shit, I fucked up, should I geass people to take the weapon and subdue you? Nah I'll let you and the guards slaughter hundreds of people"
That said, it's still not as fucking stupid as Britannia constantly losing track of huge fucking mechs in the middle of highly populated areas.
It was just a prank
It is. The comment about it being the only time Sup Forums was good is proof of that.
welcome to anime
are you me
lelou doesn't think with his dick
hello newfriend
>lelou doesn't think with his dick
And see what happened? If he wanted his sister's lips around his cock, she would be still alive.
Love thy sisters.
I miss those times. Not like Sup Forums hasn't had its moments but he longest running one was with this show
The whole point was to provoke a WTF reaction, which wouldn't really happen if they did it in a more vanilla way, so the stunt worked just as intended.
Other than that, anyone with a brain could tell from a mile away that this situation wasn't going to end happily.
Perhaps in your mind, but Code Geass does not have anything in common with Gundam Wing beyond the fabulous outfits.
It wasn't out of character though. He was boasting and using rhetoric. Not to mention he has a history of messing up.
You literally could say that about most anime though. Even Death Note would have ended very quickly in the real world, with Light either never getting caught or being arrested as soon as the FBI shit happened.
There were plenty of things wrong with Euphy's plan and there were plenty of ways the writers could have continued the story. They just picked the one that was the most over-the-top.
Light getting singled out so quickly was because of his god complex, so an actual character flaw
In Code Geass every other character just randomly acts completely retarded whenever the plot deems it
Character flaws can co-exist with plot armor. That goes for Light and also for Lelouch too.
Either way, Code Geass always portrayed the vast majority of Britannians as overconfident and pompous nobles right from episode one. Orange's behavior was neither random nor out of character.
>This is the most contrived shit ever
Yawn. Villain has traps in his fortress.
Everything about Rolo is way more contrived than that
I'll never truly understand why there are people who didn't get the show was openly going for artifice, exaggeration and even quasi-farce almost every step of the way. Contrivances were part of its presentation, not mistakes.
People attack the show for its retarded plot holes because fans actually defend the retarded plot holes.
Haha no. Orange was impulsive and easy to anger. He probably would have immediately ordered to shoot if they were just ordinary parade jackers, let alone parade jackers in the car of a dead prince.
Oh, please. That line was 100% in Lelouche's character and something he'd say. The only reason people get mad about this is because they didn't expect Euphemia to die in such a manner. There's far shittier writing in Geass, even in S1, than this.
Eh, I've seen plenty of things that aren't even "plot holes" be called so.
When did Orange ever act so angrily in the previous three episodes? Nowhere. He wanted the spotlight and set up a totally unnecessary caravan just to take Suzaku to his trial. He was so up his own ass that he found the sudden Clovismobile amusing rather than needing to be destroyed or stopped.
Think it's largely because when the show was airing, it seemed like it was trying to be death note with mech so plot holes and bullshit gets amplified.
That might be what some folks wanted out of it, but it's kind of ironic in retrospect. Their respective premieres established DN as more of a detective story while CG was loudly aiming for soap opera appeal.
Pointing out plot holes is the lowest form of criticism.
I just did, so fucking good it was felt like it was my first time watching it.
What was the fucking point of the white-haired guy with a hard-on for CC?
Geass losing control, other users, CCs backstory and character, Suzaku's muh .01 second
To show when Geass goes too far, it's actually a little bit disturbing to think of being unable to stop hearing everyones internal monologue
To give Suzaku an excuse to kick a fucking turret
>hearing everyone's thoughts of a shitty anime they actually like
>pic related
Everyone watched Geass because it was so over-the-top ridiculous. I don't think anyone watched it expecting it to be a serious show; really, we all just wanted to see how bad it could get. And it delivered.
I think the only people who are confused by Geass are those who misunderstood why the rest of us love it.
>Still greatest anime of all time.
This. I wasn't here when it aired, but it's widely accepted as a fact. If you disagree, you're a troll.
No wonder anime is a trash medium when the likes of Code Geass are considered good.
>having good taste makes you a troll
Kill yourself.
>If you disagree, you're a troll.
Nice damage control.
Sup Forums was never good
>Still greatest anime of all time
Lol nope, but it was pretty good. 7/10 first season, 8/10 2nd.
Also OP's scene was one of the best in the series.
This. It's not good in the classical sense but it's masterfully entertaining. Everybody thinks the writers were pulling shit out of their asses, but CG's special brand of shitshow takes planning.
Not really contrived. It was already foreshadowed that Geass power can go out of control as shown with Mao. Secondly, the point is to illustrate the simple concept of how we sometimes don't have control over little things in our life regardless of our intentions. This one little thing has suddenly spiraled into something tragic. It shows just how scary the power of Geass can be and how much of a risk it is to the user.
That's only part of the equation, but more or less. Code Geass was definitely focused on being entertaining and embraced its ridiculousness quite often. The thing is, that's not inherently "bad" unless you feel it is doing something wrong or that they weren't aiming for it. Which isn't true.
Either way, it was still a series that could also get pretty damn interesting at times and ended on a fairly good note. Anyone who could appreciate that was not watching only for "how bad it could get" either.
>people don't know what contrived is
Look. It was absolutely contrived. The authors wanted something to happen. In order to force it to happen they made up some idiotic bullshit to get their way. It was stupid and obvious after the fact. That's exactly the definition of contrived.
Goodness is a social construct. I'd say there was a method to the madness and a desire to amuse the audience, thus the entertainment value is not due to incompetence.
It is contrived. Just like Lelouch finding a girl who gives him a superpower or Suzaku finding a mecha.
It was fucking retarded.
The only point of that scene is to make Lelouch an unforgivable character, the "turning point" but making it be an accident so he's still somewhat likable.
The problem is that there's a million ways you could've done it without it being retarded.
>there's a million ways you could've done it without it being retarded.
It's fucking Sunrise
Code Geass has aged like shit.
>literally told this would happen half a series earlier
>people forgetting he canceled a geass order half an episode earlier by blinking in the middle of it
I'd say there are certainly people who don't like him even after the fact, plus he did kill Euphemia entirely out of his own free will and that's no better than what he was planning to do. So the accident was just for extra WTF points, not to avoid making him to questionable stuff. Besides, most of those million ways would be too dry and predictable for a show that had already used a significant dose of insanity and melodrama since day one.
Not an excuse cuck.
hah, my intelligence isn't sub 80, I have over 200 intelligences, I think you must be the one who needs to earn some more intelligence
Watch more anime
It had always Calculon's "All my circuits" level of plot writing. I think there are more than 2 characters getting amnesia at some point just for cheap drama
it was a fun watch anyway, and the ending was good
Well, we still keep seeing that happen even in this day and age. Code Geass isn't the only show with contrivances.
Japan loves the idea of other countries committing atrocities so that they ignore their own atrocities.
Guess what the definition of this word is.
>he believes the Nanking hoax
The amnesia part was the worst gimmick in the entire series, truth be told. If you removed that whole concept, it'd make a huge difference for me even if everything else remained unchanged.
most anime is not considered good. code geass is considered good which is hilarious given all the retarded writing.
I know it isn't, I just wonder why you were expecting anything else
R1 Lelouch is an edgefag on a powertrip. It was completely in character.
Suzaku's dad was a horrible prick though.
I don't think you understand why it's considered good, it's BECAUSE it's writing is fucking ridiculous, I haven't seen a show that intentionally retarded and stupid and yet still captivating in years