One Piece of shit

Can someone explain to me the appeal of this shit and why so many people on Sup Forums defend it?

Nico Robin

Best Anime/Manga of all time.
You mad you're Reeee:zero sucks

it's fun, sorry it triggers your autism

No one defends it. Everyone knows that it's boring shit by now, but it was top-tier in the past and already proved itself as it sells more than your favorite series.

>imlying one shit sells more than game of thrones

>Game of Thrones is a manga
Check on which board you are, homeboy.

I just want to know what the fucking One Piece is.

Are you watching the anime? You're supposed to read the manga. The anime is poorly done, but the manga is the best battle shonen of all time.

one piece completely demolishes game of thrones sales wise, are you retarded

Pretty sure One Piece does in fact sell more than the song of Ice ad fire series, keep in mind One piece sells roughly 2.5-3.5 copies every 3 month.

The appeal is a long adventure show with a huge fuck ton of characters to enjoy.

have you ever fucked up so hard you felt like watching Dora the explorer all day and get fat on ice cream?

That's basically what generates the adult audience for One Piece.
Aside from that it's a decent show for kids and they make up for a big amount of the audience.

>implying one piece poverty comics sell more than grand literature

Are wan shit fans THIS retarded?

>GoT is grand literature
time for a meteor to hit earth and erase what's left of human civilization

Reading battle shonens in adulthood is pretty bad but if you've selected One Piece out of all of them you're a literal manchild.

>I just want to know what the fucking One Piece is.
It was already leaked a long time ago and his whole world building is basically a manchild's take on Dying Earth

I liked it till the end of Enies Lobby.

It went from 7/10 to 3/10.

Also Sup Forums generally dislikes it

Nope, they just don't like post-ellipse.

They regained hope with Zou.

>Reading battle shonens in adulthood is pretty bad
it's another autistic faggot shitposting on Sup Forums tries to come off as a sophisticated erudite episode

It's been good since Zou nd this arc has been good better than most pre-skip arcs so far pacing wise. I mean alabasta, Thriller bark and Skypiea where great arcs but they were definitely slow and very boring for much of it if you were reading it week by week.

Because they're autistic. They're even more of a pollution than Jojo fans but at least Jojos are self aware and stick to their general.

The more autistic a fanbase is the more successful it will appear to be on Sup Forums. That's the unfortunate truth. There was no stopping Ponyfags until they were forced by Moot into their own board.

Says the autistic one. Seriously, out of any image that exists, you chose to save this one? You aren't better than the OP fanbase.


One Piece is the most overrated piece of fiction I’ve ever read. It’s mostly about a roaming crew of do-gooder clichés that travel the high seas. Each character has a dream (which they will never achieve because this cash cow will never end) and of course a tragic backstory to go with it. One Piece is somehow popular while having the worst character designs in anime, includes countless scenes of characters sobbing like crybabies, and will drag on to the point no one will care anymore. Honestly, if you want a shonen that doesn’t insult your intelligence and make you feel like you’re reading something written by a smarter than average 10 year old, then don’t pick this up.

Story: While there are some decent dramatic moments here and there, they’re almost always forced as much as possible and accompanied by over the top water faucet tears or something else as corny that makes you want to punch a hole in the wall. Not only that, but it’s the same thing each time.

Straw Hat crew arrives at an island, the people are friendly but something is wrong. We then meet the villain who is doing stereotypical villain things. Luffy hotheadedly decides he is gonna save the day and starts yelling. Luffy takes on the boss and his crew mates take on the underlings. They are stronger than expected, but through the power of friendship and encouragement from the people of the island they will themselves to victory with their new attacks they just invented. With everything said and done, celebration is had, and the Straw Hats leave as the citizens thank them and promise to always remember their kindness. Repeat for hundreds of chapters. If that sounds boring to you, then good, it’s very lame.

You're only proving me right, autist.

1. Nostalgia. Personally, I've been following it since I was 10 and it first aired in my country.

2. Oda. He's a very creative man and has a great passion for his work. He does what he loves most and it shows. He makes callbacks to things that happened hundreds of chapters ago. He will probably die for this manga, someday.

3. It's not a "battle shonen", it's an "adventure shonen". What is great about this manga is the world you are exploring, and the characters you meet on the journey.

4. Creative, versatile powers. Devil fruits give Oda the opportunity to do almost anything, and after almost 20 years, he still comes up with wonderful ideas.

I understand it can be hard to get into One Piece when you haven't read it ever, with its 800+ chapters of content and the silly artstyle.

>Naruto and Bleach fans
>good heated
>strenght by diversity
>honest and fair
>united we stand
Your image contradict itself.

I mean for this retard

I think One Piece would have been the greatest manga ever with Shanks as the MC.

Keep sinking autismus.

Just buy comics or watch western shows if you want healthy, mentally stable adults kids can look forward too.

Japan's population is statistically the most mentally unstable on earth everything coming out of there is targeted to fucked up people.

>Just buy comics or watch western shows if you want healthy, mentally stable adults kids can look forward too
I doubt they are any better. Just look at politics.


It's better than Naruto and Bleach. I pity the fools who chose to follow these series.

The older ones are.

Consistency is neither difficult to acheive nor does it makes something good. Some of the greater pieces of fiction are pretty inconsistent but no one gives a shit because the talent lies elsewhere.

I've meet more OP fans than naruto or bleach ones, all of them had works and girlfriends who also watched OP. The only kind of people i saw from Naruto and Bleach endings were insane people who raged because some character married.

But it's the truth so what kind of moron does that make you.

Doesn't Shanks spend all his time partying and getting drunk? You honestly think that'd be a different MC to Luffy?

I'm not sure what to say to you.

One Piece is as mainstream as anime gets, grandma's and mother's read this shit. I highly doubt you'd even be called an otaku for liking One Piece in Japan.

what ? you think that's all Shanks does ?

are you that retarded ?

>I'm not sure what to say to you.

Because you have a moronic personality disorder and think drinking alcohol makes two characters exactly the same?

That's all Shanks is shown to do. What else do you think Shanks spends his time doing? He doesn't run countries like Bg mom, he doesn't start wars for the sake of wars like Kaidou he doesn't even want to be pirate King. He litterally is only even displayed partying in cover stories or dueling mihawk before he lost his arm.

You'd have be under serious denial to think he'd be a differnt MC to Luffy.

No that I don't think the two are the same I'd say Shanks is worse in that regard as Luffy actually has goals whereas Shanks has none. Name me some of Shanks goals or inferences of goals?

him exchanging blows with white beard, stopping the fucking war don't count apparently

we know too little about Shanks but judging from his position and personality he ought to be interesting, much more than Luffy atleast

Yeah he tried to stop a war that will result in million of deaths. That's not actively doing anything that's reacting to an event. Oda Show's reasonably often in cover stories in fact he litterally just showed him in front of a wedding.

He is never shown proactively doing anything over than loaf around. That is his character archetype. He help and do shit when shit hits the fan but ordinarily he'd rather spend his time partying. This his character from his very introduction.

i think there's a misunderstanding here, I'm not saying that Shanks was shown to be super interesting

I think he would be super interesting in the role of the MC

obviously Oda doesn't show him a lot and doesn't make him a whole lot interesting, because it would make Luffy and his crew seem dull in comparison

just my opinion

Yeah but that's the point. The reason you think he'd be super interesting is entirely due to your imagination not becuase of what's shown. Anything that could be done with Shanks can be done with Luffy. Oda's simply choosing not to do that. It's not a problem with Luffy as a character or that shanks is a better character it's simply down to Oda's own problems with writing the character.

Haki was a mistake

I disagree


Literally retarded.

Nice copy pasta.

Just looking at the fucking endings to both of those series contradicts your shit argument.