ITT: Characters that will never get doujins despite being absurdly hot
ITT: Characters that will never get doujins despite being absurdly hot
Granted they'd probably be shitty fake femdom doujins. But it's better than nothing
i need butsu hmanga
Nonon is the definition of attractiveness without a doujin
Have you looked?
I only found one and it was her with Gamagoori
Is there any problem with that?
There is also a yuri one.
They're meh and there's few
And why must she be such a bitch to the boys?
She got one.
You mean the Fei one? It was kinda shit
Every single girl from Fairy Tail.
i'll take a wendy please
i'll also take a ruru
>still no ruru hmanga
>series isn't popular enough
>series too vanilla for anything to happen.
Doujins never
Could've used a better image for the best girl.
And that sensei from that echhi show that aired a couple of months back. (green hair)
Every hot character from every VN ever. Except FSN.