Name a better anime
>Protip - you cannot, it is the greatest story ever told.
Name a better anime
>Protip - you cannot, it is the greatest story ever told.
Really no challengers? I should have known
Boku no Pico
That's not anime that's kino
except the jews want to stab their own god in the back
I expected someone to try with Madoka or
Rah-Xephon at least.
Naaaaah the trick was Yui became the 'God', she circumvented SEELE/Gendo's plans entirely (she predicted it all being a member of SEELE). She the real mvp. She's the only soul who will be trapped within EVA 01 forever, burdened with the loneliness that mankind existed. So after the sun, moon, and stars are gone, she'll remain. Rei/Lilith were just her Manchurian candidate.
Deep right?
Yeah but, those are shit comparatively (not bad on their own I'm sure, it's just that EVA is like, Shakespeare equivalent IMO. In 30-40 years EVA will be taught in university)
Literally any other anime.
>it's just that EVA is like, Shakespeare equivalent IMO. In 30-40 years EVA will be taught in university
Asterisk War season 2
Madoka is indeed shit, but that's why I added the word "try".
I remember everyone saying that RahXephon is "Evangelion" done right so I thought it deserved a mention.
And she did it all to protect her son, and I guess to give not just him but all of humanity a choice to chose their own fate instead of SEELE deciding things for everyone.
Never understood why she was called the true villain by some.
When people say "done right", this is what they mean.
So, M.D Geist?
Fuck yeah, definitely enjoyed it more.
Ah, I figured that was it.
Breh I took a lot class on the batman movies/graphic novels. Academia is going to shit
Ihhi the killer.
That's what you get when you go to ITT Tech.
Topkek. Sadly this was an accredited 4 year institution you'd prob recognize. They're all ITT tech at this point anyway
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
>Academia is going to shit
Maybe in the shithole you come from. Enjoy your SJW brainwashing "education".