Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
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Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
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How long does it take to learn Japanese until you can watch anime without subtitles?
Depends what kind of anime
SoL maybe like half a year to a year depending on how much time you spend studying
Anything more plot heavy would be like double that time or so
Yes how long does it take skipping reading altogether?
people here will tell you anywhere from 2 months to 5 years
im at 9 months and i can watch SoL and miss a few words here or there but even what i do get i dont trust very much
currently trying to watch hidamari sketch honeycomb with kisenekko subs, agth hooked and grabbing unknown grammar and words but i don't know if its helping
where is the public view of site feedback submissions
Thanks. I'm not sure if I should start learning Japanese, it's probably not worth it for me.
It requires a lot of time and dedication, if you're not so sure right off the bat then it's unlikely you'd be able to follow all the way through, unless you got really hooked once you started
Alright, thanks for the help, senpai
I've been at it for two years and I can only understand about a third of your average sol show.
I'm having some trouble with 田舎 slang
How do I parse
I know the first part is 通れば but what about the ending?
Do you not play many VNs by any chance?
I'm over a year in and my listening comprehension is pretty bad, and I've always linked it to the fact that I spent pretty much the entire 1+ year reading manga and LNs, as opposed to VNs like most people on here seem to
I don't really read anything, be it VNs or manga. My studies are pretty much limited to doing 6 new words a day in Anki and occasionally mining some words from English subbed anime.
On second thought it's probably 通らなければあかん
Oops several pages in the KKLC upload are upside-down
Please help vet it so that I don't make a new upload that still has remaining mistakes (mis-scans, stray hairs, misplaced pages, flipped images, etc)
Oh, well that makes sense
Patch of the flipped pages in that KKLC upload:
daily zoi thread
Listen here punk, you have a choice. Do the work, or don't. Laziness and procrastination are completely irrelevant. You CHOOSE. You choose to do the work, or you choose not to. If you choose not to, you're done, get out of here. If you choose to do the work, then a schedule will keep you in the flow.
Motivation is a crutch and a temporary high. If you depend on motivation in order to do something then you will never accomplish any significant long-term goal. Willpower, a good work ethic, and developing a routine of studying/working towards your goal is what yields results. Needing to feel constantly motivated will work in the beginning, but that's about it.
t. N3
You're assuming humans have free will, which is utterly wrong.
True, but you have radical freedom.
the best part if KKLC is that it warns you that you have to read
It's too small to read, what does it say?
It says "open it in an image editor and rotate the hue if you're red-green colorblind"
Who's making all these and where do I go for regular updates?
>too small to read
>rotate the hue if you're red-green colorblind
I mean the text itself is normally sized if you actually opened the image
If you're on a high DPI display you should obviously zoom in the image like anyone that's not retarded would realize
The fact that the text is red-on-cyan is the only thing that would make the image hard to read even after making the text large enough to read
I'm not him, I just found your response funny.
It's okay, I channel my autism for the purposes of entertainment only.
What was their plan?
Beginner question, but why do I often see "wwww" at the end of many comments on japanese websites and youtube videos? Is it a shitposting thing or something I should actually pay attention to?
What does this say on my jeans? Google translate thinks it's chink but this brand is well known for using nip on it's clothing ironically.
It's the Japanese equivalent of "lol" more or less.
Comes from 笑う.
It's just their version of "lol".
Sup Forums will give different answers, but you have to take it with a grain of salt because no one wants to admit they've spent years only to understand the gist of an episode.
The pleasure of being cummed inside. It's a model for faggots.
Looks pretty chinky to me
2 months to learn some basic phrases and grammar and then pretend on Sup Forums that you can understand the gist of whole episode.
Watching TV and live action helps more than anime alone. Also playing VNs to improve reading comp.
Speaking of TV anyone in for watching ? Sever 2 seems more stable right now.
Jeez japs are fucking tiny
Ladybeard could just pick one of them up and use them as an onahole
>Speaking of TV anyone in for watching ? Sever 2 seems more stable right now.
Only if there's something interesting on you gotta sell it dude
>Tfw just got 注 wrong despite being on volume 8 of kino no tabi
The lack of context in anki really does lower your abilities by like 80%
I don't think so, it's a popular britbong brand that plasters nip on everything in shitty Japanese, just like Japan has clothing with shitty Engrish on it.
I don't understand grammatical constructions.
Simple sentences with basic verb conjugations are fine. But anything more complex like: "After buying something from the store, I went home" fucks me up.
How much does missing three days of reps mess you up?
Just keep practicing. Break it up into little pieces.
Yup, I felt like a giant there
>pic related
Yeah I know, I too am a britbong, but those characters don't really look too Japanese, it's got what looks like a 节 in it which isn't Japanese, and I don't recognise the two characters before that one either
Could be that they used to use Chinese on that shit too, it does say vintage on it after all, usually when it's jap it says "SuperdryJPN" or whatever anyway, or has hiragana like in your pic
But idk it could just be because I'm shit at Japanese so don't take my word for it
>Contaminating Japan with your disgusting whiteness
>trying to translate a doujinshi
This was unexpectedly time-consuming. I can't imagine translating a whole fucking VN
>Thinking reading shit in romaji makes any difference whatsoever for anyone that isn't a complete beginner
>romaji user
I find the translating part piss, takes like no time at all
It's the editing part which is ridiculous
What do you count as editing?
Cleaning the jap text off and putting the english text in
Not him, but when I decided to translate a doujinshi for my できない friend (which in hindsight was a big mistake) redrawing and typesetting definitely took way more time than translating it, which was a fairly straight forward process.
Pshhh editing is easy
It's easy sure (not including redrawing that shit's a fucking nightmare) but It's still about 500 times more time consuming than just translating
When it comes to listening practice, should I take it line by line and slowly piece it together, or should I just dive right in and try to get used to the speed?
Some of each
Are you having a stroke ?
ieiie できないがああわたしわとてもできぬー!はずだいますね
I would debate this with you (and win since I actually study relative subjects) but this is a Japanese thread. Just know that you're wrong though, unless you have an obscure definition of what free will is.
Sorry I just had to reply.
Kek can't learn japanese nice one haha
You have autism.
>an obscure definition of what free will
Compatibilists are the only people with an obscure definition of 'free will'. The free will the the average person believes they possess does not exist.
>b-but muh determinism
Anyone know what this is supposed to be? No ゆかむ verb seems to exist or anything.
Opinion disregarded
>im japanese www
Didn't read your post.
>Daily Japanese Thread
Your edgelord cosplay is hilarious, thanks for the laugh
Define free will, define average person, define what the average person believes.
Didn't read this one either.
Nice meme word there, didn't read your shitpost any further.