The future is looking good

The future is looking good

which fucking way did it go?

Would smash.

fuck its hard to tell ay

>those tattoos

me too, with a hammer

Thought the same thing, til I noticed the dude didnt have scars from tit removal so MtF

Did she remove her implants? I think she had bigger tits before; you could see the scarring on them.

i would fuck both of them at the same time if it weren't for the tattooos

If my face were a little bit more femenine, i would've done this years ago.

Became woman, why would you tattoo crooked and slanted writing, he had a man chest then lost wieght and became a fem

Really really good


mu dick

asians are almost as ugly as blacks


You're a big ''guy''

Women are just worshipped too much today. Guys want the same privileges and enjoy the same self-worship. This fad will go away one day, surely.

Clearly men.

Good but could be filter.

Is it even the same person? Good nose job, I guess.


Clearly a male. It's impossible to hide the male
physique without trimming your finger bones, skull, hips, neck, and shoulders. And all that still does nothing to change the 40% suicide rate, of which will increase in the future. Not looking so good....4 (((you)))

That’s just a slightly Jewish white person. Maybe a half-white Asian. Note the eyelids.


>work out, be /fit/
>change mtf
Why thou

rate me boys ;)


I refuse to believe this one

Oh fuck thats a tranny

Ew that's really gross

Lol a balding he-bitch.

>doubt heavily it's the same person.

traps are okay
just don't teach that shit to kids
and kill the ugly ones

> traps are okay


Asians make the best trannies

fakeu desu

I think it's nice that this couple got matching tattoos.

>slanted writing
Is that some sort of racist, anti-Asian remark? Because that sort of racism is very problematic here.

is this like some new tranny propaganda meme? those are clearly two different people. shape of the forehead is completely different.

It looks like a mongrel, anyway.

incorrect roid use no even once

Strange -- I would not have believed him as a man, and now I don;t believe him as a women. He should try something else.

>trans nigger

>still does nothing to change the 40% suicide rate, of which will increase in the future
The problem is going to solve itself.

gross what is that black shit on your gums around your front teeth???

Plaque, I'd guess.

Transcritters MtF smell like men. Any Hetero knows what I am talking about. They bathe in perfume in an attempt to hide their man smell and putrid pus filled mangled crotches

u so funny

I've jerked off to her before, one of her breasts is messed up but she's still really fucking hot

doesnt look like scars to me, and if you look at the tattoos, they are liked up perfectly on the guy and distorted on the female version implying are older than the transition.

i pray i never encounter a """woman""" walling around reeking of testosterone and sweat


You jerked off to a mentally ill man. You should probably realize you are a faggot.

same as if you put a dress on a dog and call it a lady.


is this the future of the Western man?

this nigga suck dick like a muffugga

Thanks for correcting me.

It is fucking disgusting. You can tell it is a man because the smell conflicts with the perfume which is designed for women.
A mismatched smell that makes me physically ill.

Perfume is made to accentuate the natural smell of a man/woman. When a man uses a chick perfume, you can tell that it is not right.

It's so obviously male. And why is always a white person?

"she's a cutie"

"why do they have the same tattoo?"

"oh.. "

well I was gonna kill myself anyway

Trans is just the tip of the mental problems iceberg. Since so many of you defectives off yourselves anyway, why not just let the mortician do the work instead of wasting a medical doctors time?

>ooh you're getting me so wet!
>go down
>pussy smells like sweaty balls

You get over it when you fuck one up the ass, its like the ultimate submission.

I don't stick my dick in assholes.

Ass fucking is degenerate and nasty.
You have to be pretty twisted to enjoy the smell of asshole

That hawt n toasty

Switch your flag when you’re not trolling nigger

I was incredibly feminine during my teens, and even today, at almost 30, I still am quite feminine.
I should've probably went through HRT at an earlier age...

Fuvking a hot girl up the ass feels good.

Are you a turbo manlet or something? The dick isn't that close to the nose.


>t. feminine looking man that doesn’t revel in it

Was attending a conference some years ago that was being held on a farm. These two people (man and woman) kept flirting with each other. At some point they vanish and all of a sudden, this fucking asshole smell takes over...people are like WTF....dude finds the 2 love birds fucking...he is balls deep in her asshole.

That day was the day that I knew I was right. A dick does not go inside an asshole, even if it feels good.


Pumping a septic tank is not my idea of pleasure.

>balding manlets wearing make-up, with shriveled up testicles, and fake tits
>people on this board are into this
Fix your lives.

Spontaneous anal usually isn't a thing.

Only a true democrat believer would consider a dude with tits larping as a woman to be somehow "good".


They’re getting more advanced


Those creatures don't create futures.

he probably will since he still fucks his gf with his limp dick on cam

Who is this?

Wait what? Link sauce?

its called bathing. Slurry women don't do it. I have lived with slurry girls and you can smell their smells a room away. sometimes its eaasier to close the vents.

You was everything out with castile it shouldn't be a problem.

Also women's cooters produce blood urine and spare baby parts. They can smell pretty bad too.

Its the story a high-school kid tells about adults. Its got all the right nouns...

>le BASED redpilled trannypedes XDDD

t. TRSodomite


That chest stubble

Was watching a documentary on the porn industry. At some point they ask a pornstar if she does anal at home. Her reply is HELL NO. When she knows that she is doing an anal scene, she stops eating for 12hrs and has several enemas because the smell and leaking shit is often too much to handle.

and if you were not a faggot, you would know that the vagina is self cleaning. Women wash only the outside portion of the vagina, not the inside.

Won't be "his" kid. The slut will cheat with a real male instead.

And that's why vaginas smell like landfills.

you've never had sex have you?

fuck off back to cripplechan. nigger

>poopdick marriage rocks!

You're a TRSodomite, I'm ignoring your orders.

That's like my car

When did vaginas become self washing. Oh I see you never been near one before it's okay user. Stop posting kys you're embarrassing yourself.

Uhuh. we got a kindergarten kanye here watch out.

I have been married for 2 decades.

Nothing smells better than a freshly washed woman. If you are turned off by the smell of clean vagina and enjoy the smell of asshole, you are probably gay.

If that makes you happy, good for you.

I'd still fuck it.

So we went from self cleaning to freshly washed.

Yep. you're married.


You know watching your parents sex tapes doesn't count as a documentary right?

t. #Twinks4Trump sodomite

American education folks

Go read a fucking book. I bet you have not seen your dick since the invention of the pizza pocket

Show Bob

You can't be this stupid, meme flag, I refuse to believe there is somebody that fucking stupid walking around.