Seriously, what does she see in him
He's so blank and empty, just a fucking husk
I mean I'd like it better if she was digging the school Chad or something christ
Seriously, what does she see in him
He's so blank and empty, just a fucking husk
I mean I'd like it better if she was digging the school Chad or something christ
I mean fuck some guy walks up and rips on him and whats her name has to get mad on his behalf, and then he's confused why she's mad
fucking shit man this is utter trash
He's a cute autist, and Usami is easy to please.
Threadly reminder that he is cuter than her.
Usami is a plain girl, Uchimaki-kun is actually attractive, popular and talented
Even some other girl confessed to him before
He's cool.
This the new Konobi thread?
>Usami is easy to please.
All she did was watch him help a child and she fell head over heels for him, having no interest at all in him prior. I bet all you'd have to do is show her a magic trick and she'd drop her panties for you.
You're forgetting that Usami herself is plain and boring as fuck, both in appearance and personality.
>attractive, popular and talented
>He's so blank and empty, just a fucking husk
so a textbook self insert
He is cute as fuck. I want to make him addicted to my cock.
fuck you cucks
No. The only reason you think he is a blank and empty husk is his apparent indifference towards Usami. That's also the reason why he's not a self-insert.
He has paternal instincts.
The dirty slut wants to get knocked up.
He isn't MC
No. He has shown us that he doesn't care about himself. He was confronted and just took it.
hurr durr he doesn't care what others think - shut the fuck up, he's a shit character
never said he was
alright now we're talking
Being non-confrontational is every bit a character trait as being confrontational, user.
Let me guess, you're a person whose self-worth hinges entirely on what other people think of him, which is why you're mad at a character that couldn't care less. I'd go a step further and say that you're incapable of even comprehending someone like that.
Blue board
He just doesn't fall for obvious "you're waifu a shit" bait.
I bet Subaru set that up himself to draw hentai of his waifu.
I noticed this in previous threads too: I wonder why do some people call Uchimaki "Subaru" while they never call Usami "Mizuki"? Nobody called him Subaru in the show (except several mentions by Usami maybe), unlike Usami who had some friends call her Mizuki.
Is it just because he shares VA with a guy with the same name in ReZero?
Usami is a middle schooler, her love is supposed to be shallow and meaningless.
That and "Uchimaki" is hard to remember.
There's also a guy named Subaru in Rezero
He has the same voice actor as Konobi's Subaru (Uchimaki). At least that's what I heard.
I know, but to somehow think of another series character in a different series thread is retarded.
The same reason, say, people call Twoearle Twirl or Hanako Anne, it's simply easier to type/say.
Well I don't watch Rezero so I only knew about their connection from one of the Konobi threads. Sorry if it's off topic, I'm just a little curious.
I see. Now you've mentioned it, you are probably right.
Did you even watch the show? She didn't even like him in the beginning. She fell in love with him because of his commitment to what he's interested in or something like that.
How do I cure my Usami obsession?
Exactly. It's like you people haven't watched Uchuu Patrol Luluco
ITT jealousy
Fap to her everyday at least once.
>has the most generic design and boring personality
.. I really don't get how you guys can be so obsessive about her? She's like the John Smith of anime. It's like drinking water and commenting on the taste.
>arguing about taste in 2016
>She's like the John Smith of anime.
Excuse me?
Maybe because there are so many dumb wacky characters these days that a normal girl becomes appealing? I wouldn't know, I'm still a sucker for Colette.
Her singleminded devotion to and raging girlboner for Uchimaki is endearing. Girls that are dedicated to something are cute.
She's so innocent it makes me blush and I fap to the most degenerate stuff I can find.
And not retardedly innocent like Colette, but actual, teenager-in-love innocent.
I have a hair fetish and the way they animate her hair is amazing.
Her bob cut is stunning.
I just want to fuck her voice desu.
>he is actually mad that a fictitious character is in love with another fictitious character in a fictitious story
fat neckbeards wonder why handsome guys get all the poon then their gentlemen selves
She's in love with the fact she can't have him. The second he agrees to a date or a kiss Usami will never talk to him again.
dude hes actually a pretty cool guy behind all that otakuism
Next Thursday can't come soon enough.
I like her character design, but her clingy possessiveness is really ruining the comfyness of the show for me. Uchimaki is starting to make some friends, but she has to step in because "girls can't be friends with boys, its too lewd" bullshit.
I was that one coming.
>hair fetish
I thought it was kind of witty just having read Criminale and read that post.
>really ruining the comfyness of the show for me
Good. This show is not about "comfyness" and thats why its good
She's really the only good thing about this show. Everyone else is plain unlikeable and annoying.
She is lovely but I wish she wasn't so goddamn possessive.
>Not liking based Uchimaki
Uchimakis dick belongs to her
What are your favorite character in anime then? I can't wait to see how much "objectively" better it is.
Says who? Usami?
Who is this yukine clone