Now that the dust is still in the air, with only few weeks to go, what's your favourite show ? :
AOTS Summer 2016
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no Re:Zero in the choices. GO fuck yourself.
Why include Regalia but not Ange Vierge?
I'm guessing you are just passing through.
My top 3 in order are
New Game
Ange Vierge
You can only fit 30 and I had to make choices. Both Regalia and Ange Vierge aren't really that discussed here. Is it aots for you ?
Look closely
New Game easily
There are plenty of Ange threads, you just don't recognize them as you are new as fuck. I understand you're making this thread to get recs, but please don't pretend to be knowledgeable about anything.
Danganronpa 3 REPRESENT
> I understand you're making this thread to get recs
I've already tried every show that could interest me. No one is stealing any of your occult knowledge in Japanese commercial TV animation.
> new as fuck
I'm just too old for this kind of shows, so I tend to overlook the waifu battle threads. do you think it's aots though?
>I tend to overlook the waifu battle threads. do you think it's aots though?
It's ok to admit you don't know what you're talking about. You can stop acting so arrogant.
>do you think it's aots though?
I almost did, but then I remembered Relife was technically a part of this season.
New Game is the only anime I actually look forward to.
> 91 days
> 4th
Somehow blew everything else away for me.
ReLife a definite close second.
Amanchu, Mob Psycho, Orange and Saiki were a lot of fun as well.
Mob Psycho wins this with ease, I would have said Handa earlier but MB surpassed it ages ago.
>everything ONE writes goes on to be AOTS
Old man of the Underworld when?
Where is Thunderbolt Fantasy?
no time travel shoju? the fuck is this poll
Mob Psycho after the plot started getting serious.
Amaama for consistency. Plus Kotori a cute.
New Game for the cute girls doing cute things. Until Nene ruined the show.
Kill yourself
MOB is arguably only AotS due to lack of major competitors though. It's good but it's not "stand out and blow away the competition" good.
Amanchu>New game>rest of this shitty fucking season.
Love live Sunshine is kind of fun, but not AOTS material.
Who cares, it will get 5-6 votes at best
No one choose Berserk? Not even as a joke?
>no Time Travel Shoujo
>no Ange Vierge
Shit poll.
Almost no one watches it.
>Until Nene ruined the show.
>Until Nene ruined the show.
Fuck off with this meme retard.
It should be higher.
Fantastic series so far, much better than I expected
The people who actually watched Berserk got too fed up with just how fucking atrocious it is, to the point where it's not "so bad it's good", but merely a pitiful mess whose existence should not be mentioned.
It's not the poll's fault that you have shit taste
Choice between New Game and Mob Psycho 100 really, and I think MP100 deserves it more. Honorable mention to Amanchu. If I could vote for a top 3 those would be it.
Mediocre comedy with "unique" visuals, iyashikei garbage and moeshit are the most popular shows of the season.
Another terrible year for anime.
>Mob actually leading
C-could it be? Maybe Sup Forums doesn't have shit taste after all, shitposters might just be the vocal minority.
What's you top 3 this season?
Is that from the flashback scene? why isn't it CG? WHY ARE THEY MAKING SO MANY WRONG DECISiON
I'm watching only Berserk and 91 days. The last anime I actually enjoyed was Ping Pong.
More like there isn't much competition. Mob isn't amazing, it's just better than most out at the moment. Personally Im enjoying 91 Days the most this season.
Naria Girls.
Flashbacks aren't CG.
>nenefags come to defend her without fail
You guys are the new harunafags.
It's not a meme if it's true, dipshit. Can only take so much of her squeaky ass voice and retarded demeanors antics. Show would've been better off if she was limited to phone calls.
Thanks for you wothless shitty opinion.
Mob is really good and everything but I didn't expect it to have this much praise around here.
It should be swapped with Re:Zero and the list is good.
my point is, why? why do you make flashback not CG specifically?
>Nenefags calling other people's opinions shit
That's rich. Enjoy your shitty girl. It isn't a coincidence that she's literally the only character that people hate on in the show while the other characters are unequivocally liked.
>It should be swapped with Re:Zero
Mob easily. Most passion by the staff.
91 Days.
>no Ange Vierge
This poll is pointless and OP is a faggot. Easily stealth AOTS.
>no fucking Alderamin on the sky
Fuck you and shit list.
It's not like they would have gotten more votes than Mob Psycho anyway.
Mob psycho is obviously overrated shit.
Everyone knows the show getting more votes is always to be disregarded as normalfag crossboarder flavor of the season.
But Mob fans are sakuga fans who tend to be more knowledgeable than all other anime fans on the inner workings of the industry.
That's what they said about OPMfags too. Yet movies where the sakuga is really at are barely popular in comparison.
Your Name, Kizu and Koe no Katachi are more popular than Mob.
My favorite show is danganronpa 3 but since you asked for the AOTS my vote goes for mob psycho
I actually liked 2 of the episodes 7 and 9 I think
>Your Name
No, it isn't.
It's fucking monogatari.
>Koe no Katachi
It's fucking KyoAni.
Those sales say otherwise.
What the flying dicks do sales have to do with popularity on Sup Forums, dimwit?
Continuing: Re:Zero
Starting this season: RELife, which would have been a lot more popular if they didn't dump the whole thing in one day
If I've had included them, 3 other shows would have to be excluded and people would still complain. As I said, it's limited to 30.
Do you think these are aots, or just that they deserve to be on the list ?
Hopefully, the user who's gonna make the next poll when the season ends will notice this thread and make the perfect list.
>Do you think these are aots
And as someone else mentioned, putting Regalia over any of those just makes absolutely no sense since it's been pushed for fall.
And yet you included Regalia despite the fact that it got delayed for next season.
You're a stupid motherfucker.
>remove spring left overs
>remove taboo tatoo
>[Nothing] option
Shut the fuck up.
>AotS poll
>season still isn't over
Hello shitposting thread.
Everybody go home.
If you have no idea about what's the most important show you're watching now, this far in the season, you should then go home indeed.
As usual disgusting taste for Sup Forumsutists with Meme Psycho leading.
Danganronpa 3 is by far the best anime of the season and year.
>no Active raid
I mean we have fucking Handa-kun on the poll but the lighthearted toku cop show isn't even considered? I'll probably vote Mob now but Active raid really hits all of my buttons.
>I'm just too old for this kind of shows
Only kids say this.
Re:zero and Mob Psycho.
You should have known it would be a shit poll just by looking at the OP. Of course it will ignore the best shows that actually aired this season to pander to Rezerofags and Jojofags.
> no vote for Masou Gakuen HxH
> Sup Forums confirmed for homesexual-ridden board.
>He still watches active shit
>And pretends it is good too
Enjoy being upset that the author keeps giving her screentime, faggot. The fact that you have to bring up her popularity in the threads just proves how pathetic and retarded you are.
>people have differentiating tastes
> there are people who actually think yuri harem shit with terrible drama and humor is AOTS
That's sad
>whose existence should not be mentioned
Is it really 'Tsukihime has no anime' kind of bad?
>no Cheer Danshi
it's one of the funniest and best written shows of the season, if not the whole year.
the fact that it's not even on the list is proof that anime fans are degenerates with no taste.
>terrible drama and humor
That's your terrible opinion.
It's so much worse, why the fuck was it even made?
>Ange Vierge not on the list
Fuck you too, OP
mob shitco is awful
I'm only watching New Game! and Kono Bijutsubu.
I like New Game! slightly more so I voted that.
This season is kind of meh compared to how great spring was with Flying Witch and Anne Happy, and Koe no Katachi is going to blow everything out of the water and will be the best anime since Tamako Love Story.
>Nothing: season was shit
Got that right.
Oh and Prisma is great so far. Silver Link is doing a great adaptation.
>7 hours later and not a single soul has even given an ironic vote for berserk
its almost not sad
A lot of people watch it on Sup Forums. I watch it too but i won't call an "AOTS"
Thunderbolt Fantasy is the best animated medium show this season, even if you won't acknowledge it. Amanchu the best anime/source material on that list.
Amanchu for me, especially since Aria is one of my favorite anime ever.
I'm listening to the OST right now, it's just so fucking good.
Mon Psycho is the best by far.
However, I enjoy New Game for the yuri and cute girls, LL Sunshine (also for the cute girls) and Kono Bijutsubu for Usami and Colette (Fuck the chuuni bitch.
Why would you acknowledge a Taiwanese puppet show made in collaboration with an eroge writer ?
>ReZero is actually second.
Fucking hell seriously.
RePsycho and MobZero are muh aots that i recommend to watch fur all da cashuals who ain't watching animuhses together with Sup Forums.
>91 days that high
Huh. Did it improve after the second episode? I stopped watching it.
We rarely get shows like Amanchu anymore. It's such a treat.