So let me get this straight
>Clinton funds dossier research
>dossier leaked/makes rounds in DC
>FBI investigates Trump camp using unverified dossier funded by Clinton as warrant
>no behind the scenes exchange of insider info of trump campaign between Clinton and FBI ;)
>Clinton loses, unable to cover tracks
>Dossier leaked
>”oh my god Russia, Trump”
>*fast forward year*
>Clinton is caught
I’m missing so many details here. Fill me in Sup Forums
ITT: We Dumbdown Russian Dossier Scandal for Normies/Me
Other urls found in this thread:
It was #HerTurn
will they be serving #YellowCake at her party today?
God I loath monarchists
>it would be tragic if this scandal blew up in her face
NEVER FORGET: the FBI used the Russia dossier to get FISA court clearance to spy on Trump and the Obama administration illegally unmasked the conversations under surveillance. They then leaked the contents of the unmasked surveillance to the press to score political points.
Mike Flynn is out of the administration because our intelligence services were weaponized against the normal political process in this country. The entire system should be unplugged.
You forgot the pee pee tapes that will get trump impeached any day.
Clinton colludes with Putin to produce fake pee pee dossier. Clinton colludes with king nigger/FBI/CIA to spy on Trump. Clinton colludes with NYT/Wapo/NBC/CBS/ABC/CNN to run pro Clinton anti Trump news 24/7 for a year. Clinton colludes with Dem officials/activists nationwide to stuff ballot boxes/bus voters across state lines/allow illegal immigrants and felons and dead people to vote. Clinton still loses election massively rigged in her favor. Clinton projects her treason onto Trump.
Trump colludes with Putin to get Uranium one dossier to get rid of Clinton (it is good for Putin because she is very russophobic).
Drumpf is done for this time.
What kind of fucking retarded monarch passes power to his wife? Fuck off stop slandering the throne
>I’m missing so many details here. Fill me in Sup Forums
just that it was a pathetic attempt to trick the populace and tens of millions of retards that identify with democrats, ate it up, hook, line sinker. Its really no wonder why this country is so fucked. Its not wonder why they can manufacture consent to kill millions of Middle Easterners. this whole situation is proof that liberals are brain damaged and incapable of reason
clinton isnt caught at all, just like trump isnt caught. nothing will happen regardless of what is true. you think they're stupid? but good news, at least you have something to bitch about i bet cnn and other shitnews is real happy to
hurdur why msm is reporting on this????? for the clicks and at the same time get the people back who left them in the first place because people will suck up the same shit for ever
Eventually, your sad projection will not stand up to reality. Your brain keeps trying to rationalize what it won't accept.
I take it you never take off your tinfoil hat, even in the shower?
Clinton colludes with nerd virgins to shill on anime imageboard.
Don't forget Trump Jr's meeting with the Russian Lawyer who was also working for Fusion GPS. The Clinton Campaign and DNC were trying to frame Don Jr.
Who cares. All I know is that Hitler did nothing wrong.
They didn't try too hard. The fucking idiot said "I love it!"
I didn't entirely buy the Roger Stone et al account of this in the beginning. Why attribute to malice that which could more easily be attributed to incompetence? But it's looking more and more like it's all true. All of it.
Trump is truly the only personality that could stand against this. His narcissism and stubborn determination just can't be defeated by these sorts of shenanigans; the harder they push and the deeper they dig to undermine him, the more resolute and vindictive he becomes. Any lesser personality (read: any other candidate) would have wilted and acquiesced long ago.
Settle in, lads, we've only just begun to win.
it is ok to kill any muslim any time any where
You missed the part about everything in the dossier being true
Heres the Quick Rundown
>Clinton and DNC funnel money to fusion gps to conduct opo research on trump
>hire spook that basically solicits rumors from russian officials at parties
>puts all these rumors into a document
>most of it is so obviously false clinton won't put her name to it and opts to spread it as rumors around Washington
when clinton does it it's opposition research
IF trump did it it's collusion
but none of it is fake
But they aren't reporting it at all on CNN or MSNBC.
Mueller expanded investigation 10/23 to the Podesta Group. Look up Podesta investigation on CNN and you get last years BS investigation of the Russian hack into Podesta emails.
>Brocks 5 million
>Larry Flynn's 10 million
>Trump Dossier 9 million
$24 million and two years time and no dirt has turned up on Trump that is remotely noteworthy or indicative of criminality.
minus .04 cent commission to bill and Hillary, please, them skull duggers is expensive!
better pay than Russia Trump bots
No, Donald! I'm tired of winning! Let us take a break already, we can't keep having street parties every night!
not an argument
except it is
>muh russian (((hatebots))) reeeee
uh huh.
How about rather than saying "This is true because it says it is!" you actually give evidence?
Hell, we're all willing to accept evidence, and if we're convinced we might even change our position
Wouldn't it be nice to be the Employee of the Month for convincing a hundred people or so to actually change side? You might even get a raise of a few cents per post!
I think there was an interview with President Trump, and he confesses he didnt even know how right he was in suggesting hillary was in a scandal with russia. He didnt even know. All this just kinda worked out this way. Its funny asf too. Spent a good 5min laughing when i heard all this blowing back at killery.
whats really going on ITT?
Its intuition, user.
>hey guys did you know that stormfront are the only people who are opposed to clinton?
>hey guys did you know that if you actually want evidence you're a shill?
How much are they paying you? Might be more than Anglin's paying me
Learn how to use a highlighter. Jesus Christ.
desu when they're paying you by the post and not by the hour, you need to spend as little time preparing as possible and as much time posting as possible
The time it'd take to properly highlight would mean 10 fewer posts today, and that'd be like another shoah!
He was in the middle of one of his near hourly dilating sessions since the transition.
10 to 2 AM, X, Yogi DMT, and a box of Krispy Kremes, in my "need to know" pose, just outside of Area 51.
Contemplating the whole "chosen people" thing with just a flaming stealth banana split the sky like one would hope but never really expect to see in a place like this.
Cutting right angle donuts on a dime and stopping right at my Birkenstocks, and me yelping...
Holy fucking shit!
Two things wrong here.
First: this doeant prove anything. It looks like a school report.
Second: jesus christ, learn to highlight! Seriously who stops highlighting at the beginning of a sentence?
I would laugh my ass off if "John Miller," is the one who suggested Trump be investigated.
>this dossier is accurate, look, it says so in this dossier!
Can you speak intellligably, or are they paying you per character?
What the actual fuck even is this? I could write this up in an evening, there is nothing remotely credible about these (literally MSWord) documents. Why am i even giving (you) (you)s...?
You're not even trying anymore
Don't you see? It's true because these things in it are bad!
>Trump colludes
Except he didn't. Clinton fucked this one up all on her own.
its like they have a script
pay attention kids
pee pee poo poo
Nah dude.
>Highlighter= Real
Maybe its all just a bunch of coincidences...
>inb4 attacking sources because they arent infowars or rt
Tillerson (Secretary of State) - Very close to Putin.
Flynn (Former National Security Advisor) - Seems to have a relationship with Putin.
Paul Manafort (Former campaign Advisor) – Seems to have ties to Russia.
Carter Page (Former Trump Advisor) – Has close ties to
Felix Sater (Trump Associate) – Russian born with ties to Bayrock (Russian Oligarchs)
Jack Kingston (Former Trump Surrogate) – Has a relationship with Russia.
>different fonts in the same report
Pfffaaaahahahahaha fucking hell, what is this
Sergei Millian (Trump Associate)-Millian is a Russian Businessman.
Rick Gates (Former Trump Advisor) – Worked with Manafort pro-Russia Lobbying firm.
Boris Epshteyn(Former Trump Surrogate/advisor)- Russian born, seems to defend Russia.
Roger Stone (Trump Ally) – Has relationship with Assange/positive views on Russia Source
Wilbur Ross (Trump Commerce Secretary) – Has a relationship with Russia.
Howard Lurber( Trump Economic Advisor) – Major Russia investor.
Mike McSherry(Convention Strategy Lead) –pro-Russia Ukrainian lobby.
Richard Burt (Former Trump Advisor) - Sits on advisory board for Russia’s Alfa Bank.
You spend hours looking into Hillary who is not even the president and ignore the person in power. I dont get it Sup Forums
Wow dudes they seem to be related to Russia!
Also there are some people who are confirmed to be related to Russia!
Therefore, by completely sound use of logic, there MUST have been collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian gov.!
This. Trump is the only one that can stomach everything they throw at him. He's the Raging Bull of politics, he takes the hits right on the chin, keeps going, and goes for knockouts.
sick tactic bro
How about rather than giving shit-quality circumstantial evidence that only shows that something COULD have happened, you give evidence that something DID happen?
Oh yeah, that'ss right, because there is none
>the harder they push and the deeper they dig to undermine him, the more resolute and vindictive he becomes.
This is why I fucking cheer him on.
>every reply to my post is a reply to my "argument"
>ripping on the document is an attempt at arguing against me
Man , you realize you are going down for collusion for spread that shit right?
The best part of all this is that it’s coming to light AFTER Vegas and Weinstein. Dems blew their distraction wad, nowhere to hide now until they cook up another shooting.
>They funded Steele.
>Steele got it from this nigga.
>This nigga is now dead.
What's cloudy about it?
The guy who wrote it is already dead, so who cares?
Funny how you'll take the same level of circumstantial evidence and run with it in Pedowood threads and Clinton threads and Assange threads but you refuse to apply the same lens to the the guy with the actual power
tick tock mother fuckers the pay checks are about to stop
What's the document's source?
You clearly don't understand that "evidence" requires corroboration in order to be verifiable. I could type up a report and it would be as valid as what you are posting. Like pic related.
>Funny how you'll take the same level of circumstantial evidence
you posted literal word documents printed out on a regular printer. what the fuck are you talking about.
WikiLeaks actually has a track record of releasing real material... ever seen the Collateral Murder video where the Apache shoots some reporters (not intentionally) and blows up a house? that was WikiLeaks.
yeah, maybe if they had a video of Trump romping with some hookers and pissing on a bed then there you go - but they don't, they literally have some words they typed in MS word with no evidence to back them up.
>the eternal bongistani thinks their opinion matters
truly a pathetic existence you're 'avin
Trumplets BTFO
Ironic Hilldawg user, aka Paul Horner, AKA "guy with suicide problems"
Don't stop
Wait. For real? What a joke.
As usual Sup Forums hypocrisy is astounding, not to mention that many parts of the dossier were proven to be true.
Wait, so you mean when I say fuck off stormfags there really are stormfags there that aren't fucking off? How rude of them.
I'm curious how you think this applies to the current conversation though, everyone on this site knows it's overrun by shills, trolls and faggots like you who are likely a combination of the two.
Blah blah ocean of piss something something
>it's true because I posted on Sup Forums saying that it's true
that makes sense I suppose
You mean the parts that weren't actually illegal?
Why pay for fake oppo research? It's completely free to make shit up.
>Sup Forums is one person
That's the timeline we live in, user.
Turns out there really is a pedo problem in Hollywood. Clinton is being investigated AGAIN. And Assange keeps hinting at a shit ton of conspiracies. All three of which now have actual evidence backing them up.
What about you? Another fanfic?
Heres a basic gestalt
>someone within GOP establishment hires a hitman agency to dig up reports and hearsay on DJT
>some details of which may have been concocted by a Sup Forumslack
>after the convention they give up & the DNC flies in to continue funding
>this dossier is then shipped around to our intelligence agencies
>FusionGPS, the people who made the dossier, are now liable to the DNC to get dirt on DJT, whether they make it up or not.
>They just so happen to be directly connected to a russian lawyer
>FusionGPS connected lawyer then contacts Don Jr with dirt on russia
>this then “validates” the rest of the dossier in the eyes of the liberal press & CIA
>FusionGPS makes their money
>DNC and GOP establishments both got enough dirt for phase 2 of their plan
>GOP swamp creature John McCain gives the DNC funded dossier to the fbi
>who then ships it to the CIA
>which gets the ear of miss DNC herself, AG Lynch
>who then, with the help of clapper, uses it to spy on DJT & start an investigation
>DJT, furious over the allegations and the fact that comey wont call the allegations bunk fires comey
>the house, both GOP & dems then rush at the 11th hour to pressure Sessions to recuse himself
>sessions, a lifelong senate republican does so without even alerting DJT beforehand
>the investigation is then in the hands of an obama leftover who is sessions righthand man, rosenstein
>he, with the advice of both senate republicans & democrats appoints total swamp monster & hillary pal mueller to head investigation
>the investigation has broadened so much now to the point where they are now looking at charging manafort for crimes unrelated to russia
>& are now using that to charge DJT with a RICO charge for allowing him in trump tower
>& this has totally hindered DJT from pursuing any sort of partnership with russia as mueller, the GOP the DNC, & the CIA is holding a gun to his head
>all because of a bogus document pushed by the very ones holding the gun
its like flys to shit with this stuff
would serve you better to ignore it
Comey called it fake news on camera.
>muh russia
Albanians are up to more shady shit these days anyways.
So blatant nigga. Usually you shills just try to hide behind a meme flag and start an argument but you provided poorly made prepared documents to shill with this time. You guys are fucking SCARED. Going to be put up against the wall here soon.
lol, kys
cant tell if putinshill or just useful idiot. Go back on the meds son
>File: real6.jpg
sure think kike
Don't you have a country to conquer Achmed?
The son of the president, along with his senior advisor who is also son in law, and national security advisor met with the Russian ambassador according to their own publicized admission for the purpose of procuring damaging data on their opponent in attempt to manipulate the election. You guys must have fun gobbling your orange goblin shit