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Lame. He should just be killing them all.

Ten year old illegal immigrant with cerebral palsy, they meant to say

Deport the cunt!!!!!

I can only be so erect

>have illness
>be above the law
is this really what leftists believe in?

So her freeloading parents bring her here to get free medical care...she got her fucking freebie, now she must go.

Where is your compassion to the taxpayers that are having money taken from them, away from their children and families to take care of these illegal invaders?

>"You have t-t-tuh"
>"Y-y-you have t-t-tuh-tOOOoooo...."
>"Y-y-you have to go be-buh-buh-back"

>gets advanced surgery without having to pay
>probably one of millions of situations like this

Out. She will cost tax payers money

>if a law effects someone pitiable the law should be ignored

someone get a downie to kill a lefty, then its ok for everyone else to

She has to go back.

>you can't arrest me because i'm ill
why was i was never told of this legal loophole?



Lots of people get out of jail early because of illness, it's a thing. Many such cases

Surgery should be reverted desu.

>Doesnt mention how much her surgery cost taxpayers.

What did they mean by this? Should lock her parents up for theft.

well no one is sending her to jail, just Mexico.

Now you know why Shillary had those crutches , user.

kek, or lel, if your from Quebec



Tfw threatened to have courts arrest me during my heart surgery despite mailing them relevant forms.

I told them to do what they had to do, needless to say I woke up expecting to be in jail but they pussied out

Literally the day she had her gallbladder removed. I'm sure these Billy badasses are going after criminals, but think of the social impact a 10 year old disabled kid is gonna have.

Good for her. She got a free operation from my tax dollars. Now she can go back.

Which movie is this

Hey. Nice to be here!

well, she can't clean toilet or pick fruits. send her back.

on our wallets cuck

Don't be Illegal, sorry laws are laws.


Though that is not the child's fault but the parents. Yeah, it's a shitty situation for them too. Cops should know by now what's going to turn into bad PR beforehand. Plenty of tatted drug dealers they could be rounding up instead.

bretty gud

>Wow, what a great audience.

send her to Canada.

Obviously we're going to far Sup Forums. I know, I got caught up in the memes too, but these are children's lives we are effecting. We don't want to literally be fascists like Hitler right?

She has to go back

I've been here the whole time.

They ALL must go. They can get the cripples and the druggies.

Also who the fuck is paying for the surgery? I seriously doubt it's anyone but the American tax payer, should've detained her before surgery.

>stealing from our wallets to pay for her surgery
>but think of the kids!!
typical cuck mentality

That's an otter, duh-doy



Wish it read FBI agents detain 70 year old lady with cerebral palsy after emergency surgery.


they should have arrested her before the surgery and saved taxpayers 100k

should have let you die under the knife.

OOPS, nicked a major artery
OOPS, nicked it again

why is an illegal criminal getting free surgery in my country, and why does the media think this makes her crimes less valid?

ABLOO BLOOO poor little lucita sneezed please dont deport her and sheit

Did her parents pay out of pocket for the surgery? Were they insured under an employers plan or subsidized by legal, tax paying citizens? I am absolutely fed the fuck up with the lies that illegals and gibs monkeys "only cost .000000001% of our total budget user, the real enemy/cost/issue is "

It was a traffic ticket retard, I sent them the required proof I was medically unable to appear in court and would miss the deadline so they threatened to have cops drag me in for contempt

Im not an illegal lol

>Also who the fuck is paying for the surgery? I seriously doubt it's anyone but the American tax payer, should've detained her before surgery.

Exactly this. I love paying $450 a month on Obamacare instead of $75 a month so that people who were born thousands of miles away don't have to work.

relevant forms like proof of citizenship? didn't think so

>sneak child into US illegally
>get caught on way to hospital
>they let you get lifesaving treatment and then take the child in custody for being in the country illegally

>the whole reason they snuck her into the country was BECAUSE THEY COULD NOT AFFORD TREATMENT IN MEXICO
So much for
>illegals don't get public assistance

Great questions!

>They had not been able to afford her therapies in Mexico, she said, but in Texas, Medicaid paid for her daughter’s treatment, which included home visits from therapists.

So basically, here to sponge off US taxpayers.

She had moderate to severe CP and required home visits... all of which were paid, hundreds of thousands of dollars in surgeries, staff, etc., by the American taxpayer for her Medicaid.

damn that pic tho

You should get him checked out it looks serious.

daily reminder that all white male workers are cucks to the brown hordes. your hard work and stolen money (((taxes))) are being used to pay for free medical and food for non-citizens while you eat avacado-free toast and go bankrupt if you ever get sick

shocked, really i am.

Have you never discussed anything with leftists?
Any argument they start begins with "oppression bingo", the higher you score on the oppression scale the more weight your argument gets.
Once you claim to be a
>7 year old trans non binary pan sexual demi lesbian wolfkin POC that is a jewish 3th generation holocaust survivor suffering from PTSD and severe depression
you become pretty much invincible. you could even claim 2+2=0 and everyone in that circle will 100% agree with you and proclaim if you say 2+2 equals anything else than 0 you're racist, transphobe antisemite literally hiter nazi who hates science and progress.

Who cares

Good. Go be a burden on society somewhere else

we thought they were white
how apt
most of the evil scheming rich white men shit should be set upon the (((white))) shoulders
hope more people realize this

Ooh my god! This is terrib-

Illegal? Deport them first in the morning

Maybe the fact so many are stealing free healthcare is why the rest of the country cant have it
But Libs just prefer to whine instead

Its why British Health system has gone from one the best to falling apart and shit, so many immigrants and health tourists bloating the system and exploiting it

exactly. im fine with free healthcare, but that means tightening our borders so we dont get gibs me dats in the country leaching off the system

Yet you dont see them(libs) putting up lending libraries in the ghettos for some reason...

I wonder who paid for that surgery.



>Queue Lee Greenwood
God Bless The USA.

You would arrest a bank robber. Arrest people who are robbing our tax dollars and suppressing your livelihoods.There is no difference a thief is a thief.



I want to be there when all the fractional portions of refugees arrive. I hope the barrels are see through.

>having a disease magically makes me a legal immigrant

You have to go back

Triple double

They should call trump Ice Cube cuz hes playing 3d chess with these immigrants

refugee arrives. gets beheaded. head will be admitted to usa on one year mummified body on the other year. i fully support this idea.

Campos drove to Mexico for vacation after getting shot with a machine gun. I don't feel sorry for this parasite in the slightest.

Got em

>ICE still going after them
Fucking amazing.

This is a huge shit on that shitty, scummy leftist tactic of;

If they werent here in the first place that wouldn't be a problem

10 yr old disabled kid stealing muh job.

>they didn't arrest this faggot

She can go be disabled in her home country.

who's paying her medical bills I wonder?

She can be 10 years old and disabled in her own country

> In 2012, Mexico instituted universal healthcare.[1] As of December 31, 2013, there were 4,466 hospitals in Mexico.[2]

The left is going down in flames.


Adios bean-nigger

Good. I bet US taxpayers paid for her surgery too. How many Americans die while illegals get free care?

Should I feel bad? I don't, and I won't. Quit being a tampon faggot. Laws are laws and they apply equally to crippled beaners and real people.

who paid for the surgery

We did pay for her medical care. The mom broke into our country because she knew we’d pay for the costs of surgery and her own country wouldn’t

Who do you think is paying for her surgery?

But Mexico has universal healthcare. I thought universal healthcare was perfect and America was shit for not adopting this completely perfect system that solves everyone's medical problems.

Wrap that vegetable in a tortilla because she has to go back.

Feds do that all the time. The only problem is that they arrest them before anything happens then step in and claim that they saved the day.


My siblings were telling me at their highschool there's like a solid 20 kids who said they were worried someone was going to come and get them. I was fucking minutes away from shooting a text to ICE.