3D > 2DPD cats
Prove me wrong
3D > 2DPD cats
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3D cats don't look fuckable.
Why not both?
I've never seen a 2d cat that's as cute a 3d cat
Piss off, Ichimatsu.
Banana cats > Cats
but i want to fuck this 2d cat
i can't, you are right, user.
Fine too.
Damn I think you must be right user.
But user, that's a kaka.
I wonder how many Sup Forumsnons own cat
Why can't Japs draw cats properly? They always look wrong.
holy shit you're right
I do.
my husbando is a 2D cat though
Whatever makes you say that?
Where are the blini, comrad?
Not just cats.
I think it's just because 2D can't capture the fur's fluffiness.
This is actually true. Animals tend to be way cuter in 3D than in 2D for some reason.
I lost my cat five days ago. This thread is making me sad.
Dogs too.
I'm sorry user.
Perhaps if 3D fugos could get my dick up I wouldn't have to resort to imaginary women.
I'm a NEET who lives with my parents who own 4 cats. 2 of them are great, 1 is okay and one is a demon cat.
I feel for you user. I lost mine 3 weeks ago
Anyone have that picture of a bunch of cats that people usually post with the question "who's the MC?"
Cats are garbage pets. They lack the ability to love anyone and they'd probably torture and kill you if they were any bigger, I bet they fucking fantasize about it all the time. Cats just like their ""masters""" because they give them food. Cats are the thinking man's pet if you catch my drift.
So she (or at least that shopped piece of paper) is basically telling you to jerk off to her instead.
Reporting in.
dumb dogposter
Considering Sup Forums is full of betas and masochists it really does sound like the perfect pet.
Why not both?
Of course.
Dogs aren't allowed to post on Sup Forums.
Well, considering the fact that dogs actually love their master, they ARE better pets. I personally don't like them though because they bark and they're a pain in the ass but their better than cats because at least they like you.
Dogs aren't better though.
Oh please.
"Between dogs and cats my degree of choice is so great that it would never occur to me to compare the two. I have no active dislike for dogs, any more than I have for monkeys, human beings, negroes, cows, sheep, or pterodactyls; but for the cat I have entertained a particular respect and affection ever since the earliest days of my infancy. In its flawless grace and superior self-sufficiency I have seen a symbol of the perfect beauty and bland impersonality of the universe itself, objectively considered; and in its air of silent mystery there resides for me all the wonder and fascination of the unknown. The dog appeals to cheap and facile emotions; the cat to the deepest founts of imagination and cosmic perception in the human mind. It is no accident that the contemplative Egyptians, together with such later poetic spirits as Poe, Gautier, Baudelaire, and Swinburne, were all sincere worshippers of the supple grimalkin."
really makes you think
>having to take them off so they don't piss and shit on your stuff
why do they look so human
Is that a guy.
I mean, I like cats, but if him endorsing them makes me question my choices in life.
I hope so.
>liking cats
because cats have the full spectrum of human emotions.
I prefer to be alone, even though I get really affectionate with animals I don't like the idea of getting some just to fill a void in my life.
fuck off
Lost mine 2 weeks ago, and I'm still depressed.
living the dream
I can't. Animals are usually better irl.
Best girl.
now that's fucking horny
no blini here comrade
Kill yourself before I throw my PC out my window
Fuck you >>>/wantingtofuckingagirl/actually
I like his books but Lovecraft was the 20th century version of today's edgy fedora-wearing stereotype.
quads confirm Lovecraft was a faggot
He's a hack.
Who is this semen demon?
One cat and one dog.
Gokukoku no Brynhildr
best cat coming through
He's cute
It's shitty 2deep4u battle harem.
He doesn't fuck that girl even when she literally asks him to.
>human beings, negroes
best 2d cats coming through
>tfw not enough space to own a cat
why do i love those animal threads on Sup Forums
I like how he stands still foe a while as if considering things and then just fully commits to it, no shame.
Post your neko, Sup Forums!
I did, but it died.
I've got 9 cats right now.
2D girls are the best because they borrow the features of the cutest 3D animals, 2D cats are redundant.
Master race
Three cats, one is dying.
>Lovecraft having no active dislike for negroes