Is Assange going to release a "present" for Hillary or just trolling?


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Most likely trolling, but oh fuck I hope he releases more dirt on her.

Who wishes themselves a happy birthday?


where were you last year?

tweets from Hildawg are signed with an H you big dummy

>just trolling

Hilldog not hilldawg.

More like Shillcunt

he's dead

Does assange ever deliver? He does nothing for my almonds.

Yes, because having staff say that about you on your own twitter isn't shallow and self-congratulatory.

NO its dawg dude don’t you know she carries hot sauce in her purse.

Jewlian Gassange

>clearly lurks on Sup Forums
>Sup Forums still bullies him
fuck you guys

What if Trump gave Assange unredacted JFK files, but then allowed CIA to redact the official release, and then Assange releases un-redacted files, and Trump says "Oh well, we were going to release them anyways, no harm no foul."

Deep State BTFO

I hope she's afraid of her own birthday. That'd be great.

assange is dead m8

Nice try, Assange
Next time go out to the balcony

Putin haet Hillary

>1 post by this ID.
Go back to lurking embassy-fag

that was so embarrasing.

Hildawg confirmed


Morning y'all!!! It SURE IS shaping up to be another GREAT day, isn't it?!

Rarely do I feel the need to point out my own credibility so I'll just remind you that this was filed independently yesterday, on behalf of Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. as the DEFENDANT. Note, it wasn't filed by the DOJ or on behalf of an individual.

Now as yourselves this... why would this FACT, be important? Why would Donald J. Trump for President, INC. want to legally file this? What protections are afforded from the day organizations like "" are named/implicated, in a formally filed US District Supreme Court?

Hypothetically and all... if you were in the position of releasing valuable, leaked information you've obtained to the public, you'd probably want to first ensure the ball you PRE-NEGOTIATED federal protections on, was legally rolling, right? If you had secretly negotiated your terms with Rep. Dana Rohrabacher back in August and had agreed you'd keep a lid on your shit until the negotiated deadline of 10/21/17, then you'd also need to wait for the parties/campaign INC's you negotiated with, to legally file action in favor of your protection, no?!

Except here's the thing, as soon as you file ANYTHING with a federal US District Court, it BECOMES and is ADDED to accessible, PUBLIC RECORDS, isn't it?!

So, if you're trying to keep shit under wraps until you're ready to pull a trigger, you'd probably wait to file what will become a matter of public record, until you absolutely have to do it, right?!

Y'all let paid Sup Forumstrolls turn me into some "10/21 Assange release happening", that I NEVER CLAIMED would actually happen, on the 21st. Instead of reading my well-documented, archived posts thoroughly and IN FULL for yourselves, y'all chose to become the LARP's you claim you know better than to fall for...


its pretty much a known fact that Wikileaks is just an arm of Russian intelligence. This is just a waste of time

a reptilian trying to appear human

Its the demon who posseses her wishing the host body a birthday I am sure she thinks she js some ancient goddess crap.

Plus staff had to go that far back for a non terrifying pic

There was nothing difficult to comprehend about that post, unless you're a total newfag in which case you need to lurk for 2 more years before posting.

You're not a future president. You wouldn't understand, user.

most important post on Sup Forums right now

If big, true

welcome back Meg

better to be an arm of Ruskie spying than a seeping anal fissure of The DNC, like you

Things do seem to be falling into place nicely. The MSM is already cracking, running articles they couldn't have been happy about yesterday on Uranium One and Fusion GPS. That should be prepping people for more....

What do you think will happen next?


I’m waiting for Vegas Wikileaks dump...

Tits or GTFO

Can she just die already?
No wait, we want to see her suffer


hi megan!

I"M RICK IN A BOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Checked. Nice quads.

referring to pussy as leaking doesn't exactly entice me

So wikileaks will bring forth documents pertaining to whatever it is that they will be publishing and they will be given protection for doing so, right? Protection in what sense? Will Assange be able to walk the streets again for instance?

assange died over a year ago

bumping your post with pertinent info

>The Trump campaign's motion to dismiss the case argues that WikiLeaks qualifies as the kind of online service that Congress rendered immune from legal liability through legislation passed more than two decades ago.

>"Under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act ... a website that provides a forum where 'third parties can post information' is not liable for the third party’s posted information," the campaign's attorneys wrote. "That is so even when even when the website performs 'editorial functions' 'such as deciding whether to publish....' Since WikiLeaks provided a forum for a third party (the unnamed 'Russian actors') to publish content developed by that third party (the hacked emails), it cannot be held liable for the publication."

>The Trump legal team argues that WikiLeaks didn't run afoul of the law by publishing the emails even if it was involved in hacking them and that if WikiLeaks didn't break the law, neither did the campaign.

What does Rep. Dana Rohrabacher have to do with all of this??

Remember when Killary sent a goon (totally not the deep state) to try an assassinate Assange because she knew she couldn’t get away after being caught laughing about droning him, but the goon (definitely not the deep state) got caught by security scaling the wall of the Embassy, and the totally not corrupt UK police took 2 hours to respond despite being right down the street? I remember. Lock her up and light a match to the failing deep state.

I think he's just mocking her for being a conceited bitch.

my nigga assange is an idea, he cannot die ;)

He met with Assange and later implied that Assange wanted to make a immunity deal with Trump in exchange for information involving Russian collusion


Someone break this down from legalese please.

Where ya feet at no feet means bullshit

I'm retarded and need a lawfag to explain plz?



So, they are legally laying the groundwork for his next release to not result in criminal charges/his ability to be free.

Motherfucker Dana really did negotiate with him.

you got it.

keep it bumped you homos

Mega is legit.

This is a long tail happening.

We need more sauce on this judge / to revisit the meeting btwn Dana/assange

Coke bump

They are conceding that it was Russian actors? Or just covering that base?

Trump's lawyers argued that Wikileaks falls into the same category as, say, Reddit. So when someone posts something on Reddit, Reddit Inc isn't liable for the content, even if it is approved by them. In the same way, Wikileaks isn't responsible for the content of 'the leaks' because Wikileaks is just a forum for posting stuff. Online forums are not liable for the content that third parties post on them. So by lumping Wikileaks into that category, it makes "Wikileaks Inc" and, by proxy Assange as its "CEO", immune to prosecution.

>Rarely do I feel the need to point out my own credibility so I'll just remind you that this was filed independently yesterday, on behalf of Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. as the DEFENDANT. Note, it wasn't filed by the DOJ or on behalf of an individual.

>Now as yourselves this... why would this FACT, be important? Why would Donald J. Trump for President, INC. want to legally file this? What protections are afforded from the day organizations like "" are named/implicated, in a formally filed US District Supreme Court?
This is where I need help.

I had flouride as a child.

I already said no more feet. You can take it or leave it... I'm not pandering to your bullshit anymore. Sorry, brah.

>This is a long tail happening.

big and true

Thank you user.

What is the value of this being filed by DT for pres, Inc?


Are you surprised?

don't respond to these little faggots. keep the info comin and assume there's people here who are paid to rattle your age and dissuade you.

(You) and your y'alls...

Good morning.

Not entirely, but hadn't held hope that was the case.

I'm fresh off yesterday's happening train and feeling more optimistic

it's gonna be yuge isn't it?

MFW What MegaAnon says is true. All of it.

why did he randomly tweet that without saying anything alongside it


I, for onr, appreciate your effort and info
Here's your COMP

Yes. Very good summary, thanks boss!

meg if big

It was used as a defence for a lawsuit that Trump Inc is facing now (conspiring w Wikileaks to publish some SSNs etc). So Trump Inc is saying there can't be conspiracy to publish when the publisher would be immune to a conspiracy charge (because of the first post I made).

Of it wasn't everything I know it will be, I wouldn't be here.

Thank you leaf.

I support you in your efforts to resist your shitty leader.

Nov. 4 hold any substantiated significance?

keep it bumped. there's more slides than a chinese waterpark.... more slides than seniors day at the ice rink


We can use all the help we can get.

I'm inclined to believe you even though no feet. Thanks so much for the info. Stay safe.

>wikileaks is protected by law
>assange is sitting on deleted emails

happy birthday hillary

Is this H's birthday present for today, or will there still be a surprise party later?


Couldn't Trump just extradite and pardon Assange though?

True, when considered from a surface perspective however, realize there's a lot of balls being juggled (haha) that don't make sense NOW, but will.

You don't think that story about Trump Inc./Wiki came out from MSM "investigative reporting", do you? This was purposefully leaked just like the Trump Jr./Russia meeting and the emails Jr. conveniently had compiled in full and on hand ready to purge himself, 2 hours later. No different.

it's so obvious she hates blacks almost as much as Sup Forums

Thank you for sharing mega.

I'm assuming given this was a recent event this is a longer tail event.

Or, does the filing of this mean that he is protected from prosecution as long as there are legal issues in motion?


Wiki provides motherload from Weiner laptop, and instead of this resulting in immediate action (ie kicking his ass out of the embassy, or other action) he is "safe" because there is pending legal shit saying he is not at fault?

So he's not really dead?

Law makes it illegal to protest outside abortion clinics in Ontario in news cycle this morning..

what an utter faggot

leaky pussy dripping with female arousal should turn your brain to horny mush

holy shit

the bants