"Turn Your Brain Off"
"Turn Your Brain Off"
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Please do so.
>you just hate fun!!
>it's comfy
>It's another Digibro pretends his opinions are facts episode
Mods please ban everyone who doesn't sage and report this eceleb thread.
>this anime is so boring nothing happens
What is it with faggot Sup Forums youtubers and sunglasses? Razorfist wears mirrored aviators and this fat fag wears oversized john lennon shades.
>that anime is better because it has plot
>He doesn't have youtube perma-blocked
>Says that
>But in the same wheezing breath, fanboys over k-on
How I do that without killing myself?
Fuck off back to youtube comments.
Sup Forums is not the place to discuss e "celebs", not even to insult them.
>op doesnt even bring up youtube at all
>people automatically shitpost about it anyway because obviously since a youtuber talked about it you cant also have your own thoughts on discussion completely seperate of said youtuber
People who obsessively hate/shitpost about e-celebs are just as bad as their cocksucker fans
who else hype to see his opinions on all of these?
How much of a nu male cuck do you have to be to actually follow ecelebs who talk about fucking anime lmfao
good job outing yourself as a pleb
I like to watch Kyoani animes and suck cocks
>OP posts name of well known and shitposted video
>Along with its thumbnail
>"B-but he didn't mention youtube at all!"
Dont be such an obtuse faggot and you might not be alone all the time.
>nu male
Is this the hip new misused Sup Forums insult?
more happens in one episode of k-on than 13 episodes of phantom world
>Ashita no Joe
Please no
But thats one of the basic traits of K-ON you moron, have you seen it? Shit is happening all the time, theres basically a cut to a new joke/scenario every few minutes in some episodes
I actually enjoyed this a fair bit, just watched it yesterday.
why do I keep seeing this shit when I go on yotube?
Because I'm not a "nu male cuck" who thinks of people with well informed opinions as e-celebs. I just think of them as different interesting perspectives about a hobby of mine that I'm invested in
Didnt he say he makes/wants to make 4 videos a month? that shit was 3 weeks ago. typical retard youtuber e-celeb, now that he has had a semblance of mild success hes just going to move on to vlogs and lets plays now
I think he developed a tick for taking so many anti depressants.
Great thread about anime yep totally about anime
You belong on reddit
I don't get how those people are any kind of celebrity. Their only function seems to be trying to convince an audience that their liberal arts degree was worth something. They're usually very homely or unappealing so there's no redeeming quality like a more traditional celebrity.
You belong on Sup Forums
he did 2 vids on it and he said hes already thinking its a bad idea
I would like to see him shit on SSY though
Kill yourself.
He said he's waiting for his editor The Davoo to move in with him sometime soon, then they'll be able to work on main channel videos faster
>liberal arts degree
find it hard to believe this guy has higher education
Was surprised that he too thinks Sakamoto is AOTY
He dropped out.
He should devote himself to doing hate reviews. Why would anyone care about what shit he likes. Everyone agrees his Ass War and SAO series are the best things he's done by a longshot.
Hes churning out multiple vlogs daily on his other channels, so yeah
>Likes Konosuba, Luluco, and Sakamoto
Sometimes, just sometimes, he can have pretty decent taste
Reminder this cuck tries so hard to shill his shit here, and his /mlp/ posse still continues this garbage here
Sage report hide
He doesn't have a liberal arts degree, which is a big reason why he's a great journalist
Can't believe bebop isn't in his top 25 but space dandy is.
how the fuck does a guy who did a couple of years of college sound smarter and more educated than people masters?
When the fuck did Sup Forums get here
Bebop probably is in his top 25, but he doesn't include stuff that he hasn't rewatched in the past few years
toasting in epic bread
they came here for jojo and inferno cop and decided to stay i guess
>youtube thread
You tell me, you cancerous retard.
>Sup Forums boogeyman
His brother is based as fuck, I want more videos like this
Mentioning e-celebs on Sup Forums needs to be a bannable offense.
>it's an A-1 episode
His brother isn't autistic and has a girlfriend.
How this dude even got laid and had a girlfriend before is a mystery to me. He looks like how I imagine every Sup Forums fag to look.
haha what a funny video im gonna like comment and subscribe thanks user
Congratulations on having the worst thread of the day
turn your brain off.
Do you hate fun?
Bebop is a classic, how the fuck wouldn't it be on his list. He has crap like Shirobaku there.
Everyone who is unironically following e-celebs needs to be fucking culled.
Also check'em.
lmfaoing at you losers
thanks for the views!
>neo-Sup Forums cares about youtube e-celebs and their opinions
where did it all go so wrong
at least sage still works
Thanks God
I think you lost this 7 earlier though.
>tfw no digibro gf
Doesn't change the fact he had past girlfriend while most Sup Forums is virgins. Dude is manlet and is pulling tail.
He rarely leaves the house so I am flabbergasted at where he meets women.
Digibro is /ourguy/
Trips ?
Fuck off digi"""""""bro"""
Shirobaku is actually a good show but top 25 is pushing I have to admit. He also has the Kyokai movies in top 25. Why mix movies and anime tv series in one list?
oh fuck nigger
Watch the actual show instead of posting that drivel you idiot. Show is one of the best shows in the last 5 years.
I always thought that was really funny
>three off
There are people who wait for Digibro to say a show is worth watching before watching.
I can't fathom that. Like if he shits on the show they drop it, if he praises they are on the bandwagon. Fucking zombies.
look at this 5
Holy shit
This goes straight onto r/Sup Forums
Anyone wants to be on the screencap?
Was getting trips a part of your plan ?
I don't know why Sup Forums hypes this guy so much. He appeared once on my recommendations and you don't even need to watch the video to know his taste is bad and he's probably pretending to bait new viewers.
You guys are fucking kidding me right?
Getting excited over an opinion from a guy like that? Seriously?
>great at anything
I feel like this whole e-celeb shit is organized shitposting.
Depends on the anime. If the plot is the appeal of the anime, but it is filled with plotholes everywhere, it's bad, and turning off your brain won't save it. But some cases it has merit. For example, Symphogear is great fun with the singing and action scenes, while the plot and characters are bad. But if you can look past that, it can become fun to watch regardless.
His tastes are just fine. His top 25 are all within the top 500 of MAL. He isn't a hipster in the least.
awww yeee
He has interesting opinions and can convey his thoughts in a logical fashion. Why not be excited?