Why are there so many people who believe in God here all of a sudden...

Why are there so many people who believe in God here all of a sudden? Religion and a belief in God is for simple-minded low IQ people who haven't realized yet that science doesn't require a God to explain anything and that in due time everything will be explained and understood. There's also no evidence whatsoever for a God out of the 10,000+ God's that humans have invented. It's a belief held on faith not reason, rationality or logic.

I get it.. atheists are cringe worthy autistic leftists most of them time but it doesn't in anyway disprove atheism which is basically just accepting reality.

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Science is a retard filter, my man. Once you know enough of it, you start to realize how much of it is wrong.

Too many people and confused "science" for "fact"

I'd like to see a demonstration of how wrong science is now because thats just fucking amazing

The left half of that picture is the Zionist view of the world translated into Abrahamic religions. The right is what Zaraz and Zigma desired when the universe was created.

>thats right goyim! humans are just animals who replaced other animals and will be replaced oneday!
>humanities most distinct and human quality is to be gossipy peasants! its our greatest strength

and you wonder why there's a backlash against you fucking kike animals

>literally no argument

>republican flag

I don't believe in god just because my mind is more logic oriented. I've lived 20 years without a god and I don't need one now. But at the same time I don't want to live in a world completely devoid of life, beauty, and purpose. It is a maturity thing. As a child you are told if you are obedient then good things will happen to you. Then as you grow up you understand that the world doesn't work that way and the nihilism sets in. Then you grow up into an adult and you see that you have to build your own purpose in this world.

Also that picture is fucking retarded. Are you seriously going to give the opinion of a human and a starfish equal weight?

Ad homs are not an argument, OP.

Non sequitur - if science doesn't require god, no god. Science doesn't require people either, so no people? Bad analogy fallacy.

No evidence, ergo you conclusion is another fallacy.

You can disprove a given god, but not all gods. Ergo, agnostic is the correct answer. "I don't know" is an option.

>I don't believe in god just because my mind is more logic oriented

Pretend logical arguments are not an argument.

Agnosticism is a pussy non-stance that people use who are either too weak to choose a side or want to seem smarter than they are. You strike me as type 2 here.

Dude just study some basic philosophy of science

>Agnosticism is a pussy non-stance that people use who are either too weak to choose a side or want to seem smarter than they are.

A true agnostic would have to follow every religion that has ever existed at the same time 'just in case'. All self proclaimed agnostics live exactly like an atheist does and should therefore be called atheists.

Bait denied. Close.

Agreed 100%

Do you shove bananas up your ass too?

Science is how things are, religion is how one should act. You can have both

>all of a sudden

They have been raiding boards and chat rooms since the beginning of the internet.

you cannot expect me to believe the world as we know it came about by random chance. yes, if it did, it would look miraculous, but if it was created then it would also look miraculous. so it comes down to morality. we all feel it to a certian extent. even sociopaths have a sense of right, its just that they are always right. if that sense is real and morality exists, then there is a God. if not, then nothing matters especially your bullshit atheist arguements. either way, fuck off.

but muh cool atheism!

Global warming is a timely example.

How will science form morals?

>Why are there so many people who believe in God here all of a sudden? Religion and a belief in God is for simple-minded low IQ people who haven't realized yet that science doesn't require a God to explain anything and that in due time everything will be explained and understood.

science has no idea where the life came from.

also all best phycisians in know history were devoted Christian belivers

einstein was shit

You think science is not wrong now? Why would you assume that, given that science has been wrong to varying degrees, over and over again, for all of human history? I find that fucking amazing.

That's political; recent science is doomed to be engineered by politics. However, that's only a minority of what is the study of objective truths.

Why is this so hard to comprehend?

That fucking pic
>implying himans can't simply replace the ecosystem with sufficient technology
Wtf I'm vegan now

>there's no evidence for god
>muh science
>implying your existence and purpose in life should revolve around scientific research
>implying we should rely on the authority of others for our beliefs instead of coming to the conclusion ourselves
Wow sounds fucking lame as all hell

>he needs religion to form morals
Read 'ethics for dummies'

Ahh, I see there are other patricians here.

Also referring to OP's pic, see my pic related. You take what you need. Don't ask, just do it. Let the new age cucks kum-ba-yah in their hippie circles.

What a fag. Thinks there is purpose without ultimate meaning and without free will. In your world view, you are a machine. Genetic hardware programmed by environmental software to respond to stimuli in a prescribed way. You may be right, but don't pretend that there can be purpose in your life as a machine without agency. Without God and free will, there is no meaning.

You can't be an intelligent, intellectually honest atheist and be anything other than a nihilist.

>implying 99% of the 7 billion people on Earth have the necessary capacity to develop individual ethics sufficiently compatible to co-exist with each other

>we take our common sense that is based on our christian upbringing and sell it as atheist ethics

>he is narrow minded

>in due time everything will be explained and understood
that's faith. not science.

>Hello fellow pol users
You're just as arrogant and smug as those cringey leftists. Might as well just go join them. I bet you're a fucking degenerate too.

>Expecting us to pull punches against nature because those delicious bunny rabbits have cute faces
>Muh feels

>christian ethics are a development of instinctive human social behaviour

>even science thinks we're most likely in a simulation
The deeper you go you'll eventually go full circle on the God debate.

>Are any of our religions correct?
Almost definitely not.
>Did someone/thing create our universe?
Almost certainly.
>Does this creator care about our everyday well being?
Evidence suggests not.

>You can't be an intelligent, intellectually honest atheist and be anything other than a nihilist.

You'll learn that it is better to be productive than to pretend to be smarter than everyone else.

Its a developmet for civilisatory means.
Instinctive human social behaviour is just niggers.

ego > your gay shit

>even science thinks we're most likely in a simulation

>when your australian internet connection doesnt allow you to understand modern world view

that's true, our morals are more developed than niggers and have greatly expanded upon the built-in rules

this is why we call blacks primitive

Not an argument

Science isn't infallible, because it's done by fallible people. We believed in the Ether for hundreds of years. Nuclear physics is still a clusterfuck of disorganized models because we don't understand everything. Science helps us better understand the world we live in, but it teaches nothing in relation to morality.

>There's also no evidence whatsoever for a God out of the 10,000+ God's that humans have invented. It's a belief held on faith not reason, rationality or logic.

That's not quite right, even the Bible argues that the only reason you should trust it is because of its successful prophecies.

Science says many things nowadays. And is willing to say even more things if provided with the right amount of shekkels.
Little of those stuff can be proven.

i've said earlier that most recent scientific developments are usually politically motivated and will be discredited in the future

this means science only starts being objective truth when it stands for a while, which is yet still the majority of human knowledge

Hey guys, humans totally aren't the dominant species on Earth or anything, but I'll tell what *is* true is you're basically a literal star!

humans are the dominant species on earth?

theres no way we did this ourselves... god did it...

atheism is garbage. The sooner you realize this the better.

I like to draw people's attention to the fact that in the right hand picture, the woman is placed above the man.

just saying yo

>You take what you need. Don't ask, just do it. Let the new age cucks kum-ba-yah in their hippie circles.

There are two types of order user. There is the man made order that we impose upon the world and there is the divine order. When we separate the man from the divine we invite our own destruction. Now don't get me wrong, that does not mean we should live as hippies in wood huts eating only veggies. But it does mean we should fight the agents of decay and work to restore the divine order as it was in the beginning.

lmao true
>human acheiment doesnt matter because we are all special star dust

The only person who would say or think this is someone with no accomplishments of their own.

No dummy! It was *stars* aka you and me!

Well I share a more pessimistic outlook on science.
That science that creats technology will do fine like always but it doesn't provide for morals and culture for society.
And her we get the humanities.
They will drown in the endless sea of information only cherrypicked those who are convinient and those that are truth just spill away into the mash of internet back ground noise.

You fucking newfags came to every board making dumb threads "Why /thisboard/ doesn't like my retarded hurr durr".
You fucking newfags don't have slightest shred of respect for board culture, I'm tired of seeing fucking atheists, SJWs, anime haters, jumping straight to post their retarded shit.

Have you come here for forgiveness?
Have you come to raise the dead?
Have you come here to play Jesus
To the lepers in your head?

Le star dust! Fuck off.

>anime haters

Well, guess i just got deported

sorry for not applying for citizenship user


it's easier to believe in religion than science. it's that simple.

The question is unanswerable on a practical level, but you get to choose whether or not to believe. Which belief is more beneficial to your life and outlook? It's adopting a more optimistic outlook overall.

*except you don't believe in science

Most people I know believe in science.

/pol was always a pro Christian board.
Always and no exception.

This is why. Watch the whole thing it's only 15 minutes:

Can religious people do me a quick favor and suck on my nuts, and kys right after if your heaven is so much better than physical earth. Religious people are nothing but cowards.

Also, there quite literally is no material reality. QM has disproven materialism, there is NO universe physical universe, realism is false.

>Einstein’s work was disproven recently
>despite Einstein’s work still being “accurate” and “useful”

Don't get me wrong. I prefer science too. but how can you believe in it? you can believe there's a god or whatever other religions want but you can't believe in science.

A liberal muslim homosexual ACLU lawyer professor and abortion doctor was teaching a class on Karl Marx, known atheist

”Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Marx and accept that he was the most highly-evolved being the world has ever known, even greater than Jesus Christ!”

At this moment, a brave, patriotic, pro-life Navy SEAL champion who had served 1500 tours of duty and understood the necessity of war and fully supported all military decision made by the United States stood up and held up a rock.

”How old is this rock, pinhead?”

The arrogant professor smirked quite Jewishly and smugly replied “4.6 billion years, you stupid Christian”

”Wrong. It’s been 5,000 years since God created it. If it was 4.6 billion years old and evolution, as you say, is real… then it should be an animal now”

The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of Origin of the Species. He stormed out of the room crying those liberal crocodile tears. The same tears liberals cry for the “poor” (who today live in such luxury that most own refrigerators) when they jealously try to claw justly earned wealth from the deserving job creators. There is no doubt that at this point our professor, DeShawn Washington, wished he had pulled himself up by his bootstraps and become more than a sophist liberal professor. He wished so much that he had a gun to shoot himself from embarrassment, but he himself had petitioned against them!

The students applauded and all registered Republican that day and accepted Jesus as their lord and savior. An eagle named “Small Government” flew into the room and perched atop the American Flag and shed a tear on the chalk. The pledge of allegiance was read several times, and God himself showed up and enacted a flat tax rate across the country.

The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He died of the gay plague AIDS and was tossed into the lake of fire for all eternity.

It's not just weirdo religious people talking about this stuff, the top physicists for the past hundred years have been working on this. The data is clear: we live inside a virtual reality, whether it be some grand computer simulation or the dream of God makes no difference; our universe in NOT fundamental and it was created by the Creator Lord God.
This doesn't prove any specific religion, it does mean that not believing in God is literally anti-science now.

>but how can you believe in it?
It's the believe in Autority.
Maybe you know the sa called Abraham experiment.
The white coat is a symbol of the authority of wisdom. And if the white coat tells you this you believe it without asking it really in question or even trying to understand it.

Religions take the white coat away from the human out of the world itself.

Belief in God isn't something that came about as the whims of a low IQ retard in the 20th century. Reckless and impulsive rejection of God is not just a rejection of Faith, but a rejection of your ancestors, your father and mother who believed, your grandparents and your origins. You reject hundreds if not thousands of years of belief in the almighty, you reject the wisdom of your ancestors who believed, to end a continuous line of culture, traditions and practices that have been a part of your familial life for generations. It is the height of arrogance to consider yourself better than the accumulation of your genus.

At that last one right now. God is a metaphor for the forces of nature.

Because the coverup about god is the biggest one of all.



i'm surround by the results of science. that's why i know that science is a better answer to my questions.

>Personally experience union with the God of the gnostics
>atheist comes to tell me that I don't need a god to explain things

>Religion and a belief in God is for simple-minded low IQ people
So what's the problem then?

>i'm surround by the results of science
Take a look into humanities or psychology.

buddha is not happy

which came first the science or the universe?

also science was created by religious people to study god's universe. just FYI

I've been told all my life religion is the cause of every problem in the world.

Well now that religion has been turned into a laughing stock, a joke, those problems are still there.

Demolishing religion only serves to break apart communities and reap disunity.

Even if god is absolutely fake, people holding onto belief is an important societal function.

Le christianity meme
People assume being conservative implies being christian and embrace it

Unshackle yourself from ideology.
Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand.

people are retarded and need to blame things for their actions. simple fact is if humans evolved from apes then we should have retained the genes for land struggle, race war, and genetic distribution

so are you saying there is no land struggle, racism (or has not been race wars in the past) and no genetic distribution?

nope, i'm exactly debating that we evolved from apes and have those tendencies

Rationalism > empiricism

your sentence was a bit confusing lol. also i have to ask, race war? does racism really come from our genes novadays and not society, never heard of the racism gene.

Name a single non-STEM study that hasn't been politicized.

Not the guy you replied to but I'm not smarter than anyone. I make the claim that I have no proof of any god existing and that I cannot, in good faith, say for sure there are no gods. Let me help you understand. I believe aliens probably exist because science and math point to life on other planets. Yet, there is still no hard proof that this is true. If I am to say that aliens may exist as seen through research then there may also be god like beings out there. I cannot count either as being false for they very well may be true. Even though I may be able to disprove a certain religion I cannot disprove the existence of any god just like how even though I can use and show how math points to the existence of other life in the universe I cannot properly prove it. So I research, study, and wait in hopes to find the truth.

I simply don't know or care. If a god does exists and he is just then I would have no problem following him. I have yet to read of such a just god. Atheists make the claim there are no gods, I make no such claim.

Christians have arguably done more good than harm in the world. I would gladly fight under the cross to get ride of the degeneracy that has taken world.
>t. Ex-Reformed Presbyterian

The nature of reality is reserved for those who may grasp it and put it to use.

The scientist, the engineer, the mathematician, etc. all have very good reason to observe and model the universe, and they have for the most part bettered our lives with their discoveries and innovations.

However, the layperson has no use for such knowledge, nor the capacity for it. The actuary, the farmer, the smith, etc. can do their jobs just fine without understanding the big bang theory or the theory of evolution. Few of them can even wrap their heads around it, much less reconcile it all with their moral compasses.

Despite this, I am of the opinion that we need a new bible in the west, for a few reasons:
1. As it is written, there is a lot of shit that is irrelevant and distracts from the moral content, which is what is important if we're going to preserve society (short of a eugenics program to raise the overall IQ, which I wouldn't be opposed to).

2. Some of the rules and traditions outlined in the book are at odds with traditional European values. This is no surprise, since the book was composed by and for a semitic people. For example, the value of heroism is notably absent from the book.

3. I think the reason a lot of atheists come off as autistic is that the bible doesn't explain its function, so they dismiss it as a book of fairytales. It's akin to a boy marching around triumphantly once he discovers there's no Santa Claus; everybody knows that the myth of Santa Claus is supposed to keep children well-behaved, and has been tailored to their simple, developing minds. We just need to sneak that last part into the new bible, and we'll have a whole lot less of these retarded debates about God.
TL;DR Write in the explanations after each of the 10 commandments (e.g. Thou shalt not kill thy fellow man, for if all shalt kill one another, no city of comfortable nature wilt stand for long at all).

People don't read the bible because they want to be moral. The guy who owns a cafeteria in the outskirts of Dover doesn't give two shits about morals, he just wants to go to heaven.

agnosticism is not about caring or beliefs, it about aknowledging we can never obtain absolute certainty, basically everyone that is sane is an agnostic, but in almost every possible case talking about agnosticism is irrelevant.

The question simply is, do you BELIEVE in a god?
its a simple yes or no question that tells us if you are a theist or an atheist, if you disagree you are either fighting against the logical absolutes or demanding to use your own definition of atheism to avoid the lable, there might be other reasons, just never heard of em.

I really don't think there are as many legitimate woo fuckers on this board that meets the eye op.

Some of the pro religion posts are atheists just larping and laughing at all the nuhipsters talk about the bible.

Some of it is atheists that think the rest of the world needs to have religion or it will crumble. So they intentionally perpetuate the myth.

Some of it is planted to plot against pol . Being a bunch of christians makes us look less credible,and also keeps us divided and unorganized.

>One goes to heaven by being moral
Luke 17 21

Obviously you don't go to heaven by being moral, which is what I am saying, everybody knows you only get saved by gnosis and only through gnosis, anybody doing anything else is just a decevier or a deceived.


>Why are there so many people who believe in God here all of a sudden
The newfag bandwaggoners, user. The greatest cancer in the history of this site, the only board who hasn't kicked up a fuss about these faggots is Sup Forums since the vast majority of them populate this board.
Anyone who used this site before 2015 are now a minority.

Hence we play to his incentive by making it so he has to be moral to "go to heaven".

I don't really care what the laypeople's intentions are, but if they're willing to read some book for answers to their questions, I think we should be a little careful about what answers we put in the book.