I have a question Sup Forums

Why is nazism considered so bad when communism killed way more people?
Why is that Mao and Stalin celebrated to this day but Hitler is somehow the "epitome of evil"?

Note: I am in no way justifying the atrocities Hitler has done against jews. He deserves to burn in hell, but I'm just wondering why isn't the hate proportional to communist figures that killed way more people?

Because jews control the media. Jews also invented communism.

Also, Hitler was a good man.

Nazis unironically use a Sanskrit symbol to represent european race.

I can't stop laughing at how stupid that is.

Poo in loo Master race!!!

Jews are really good at marketing

You fucking uneducated retard. The Swastika is not a unique Sanskrit symbol. The first time Hitler saw a Swastika was over his Church. Some of the earliest instances of people using the Swastika go back to the Ukraine. The Swastika has been used by many cultures all around the world.


It's completely backwards and pathetic, but I'm pretty sure it's because Hitler is portrayed as hateful, racist, and aggressive, whereas communists are always portrayed as meaning well, until the inevitable dictator takes over and oppresses everyone.
Mao and Stalin are only celebrated by communists, though. They're given positive light by omission, but praising either is not a mainstream thing, despite your framing of it.

If we had fought a bloody war against Stalin or Mao then I'm sure we would see them just as badly as we do Hitler

communist subversion

Hitler lost

Leopold did nothing wrong. You can't blame his Belgian culture on his actions.

Communism is an economic system. What you're seeing are kills by dictators.

The church used a Sanskrit symbol and hitkertard didn't know that....

Still confirmed retarded. Your symbol looks Hindu because it is!!!

No. Communism kills. If you're not with the party, you're against it. Go to gulag.
INB4 not real communism

All political idealogy kills.... That's a bad measuring trait

As I said before, the Swastika goes back to the Ukraine. There's an article on this but I can't find it. It's not exclusively a Hindu symbol. It has been used by many civilizations around the world from Native Americans to the Japanese.


As an American, why are we never represented on these?

because poo in loos own stars right

The serious answer is because he did it to an outside group, and not people of his own nation. Not saying it's right, that's how I see it, though.


Trump is the world's worst dictator.


What is the most agreed number for Chairman Mao's kills? I see 40 million, 45 million, and this is the first time I've seen 78 million (almost looks pulled out of someone's ass). Why is this figure so inconsistent??

>To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize
Same thing here.

Jews hate Hitler and created communism.