It really makes me laugh how you weak ass cumskin bitches think y'all are superior

It really makes me laugh how you weak ass cumskin bitches think y'all are superior.

Try leaving yo pasty ass momma's basement once in a while and go read a BOOK about some REAL history.

FYI you evil faggots stole OUR technology and science and now try to claim it for yourselves because you intellectually handicapped sons of bitches conspired and betrayed our trust in OUR ancient empires...

Learn your place you inferior crackers.

Other urls found in this thread:

>When was the last time you read a book?
is what I would say if you had a different flag. Sage.

How rude

This whole thing is ruined by the fact that you've allowed your flag to be visible. A valiant effort gone to waste because you were too fucking stupid to hide it behind a political agenda.

End your life.

>what is a vpn?

>thinking you can use VPN exit nodes on Sup Forums
Try again dumbfuck.

>I-I was just merely pretending Forums/

>getting this rustled and schooled at the same time
fucking cumskins i swear

>lying this hard

hows it feel being the fatest and most homosexual race while being shorter than white men on average in the US the nigger?

Shhh, don't respond to it.

We was kangs was invented on Sup Forums some years ago to see if we could get you dumb niggers to believe it.

Lol look at the monkey

My baptist church we wuzes also pretty hard.

Whats with Sharts and wewuzianism?

>See post
>See flag
Cum on step it up senpai




hold up, so you are saying we were kings?

>Historic revisionism
>never saw a history book from the inside
>thinks he wuz kangz
>Africa is a wasteland, but hey, that's whitey's fault.
>only civilized places are colonies
>w-wuz k-kangz

Shut the fuck up, you are the lower ledge of human evolution. your genetic get up is made for physical superiority, but not for mental acuity.



Wowwwww so you claim to have created speaking words and finger paintings and spear chucks do you know how fucking stupid that sounds you sound like a grandpa "in myyyy day we only HAD a regular saw! There was no electric saw! I-" blahblahblah.... Ok grandpa life was hard

Stop stealing things you fucking nigger. God you people are such garbage.


All I want to know is why Africa is such a shithole now and why Africans are nothing more than tall monkeys?

Parents bought em the music, let them watch the TV, and did little instill values and critical thinking into them.

Also, I though the school system was failing anyway, not youths were being brainwashed to neglect them.



Why haven't Africans, who supposedly were the first of us all, invented the wheel yet?

Get off the white man's invention
And his land

>there are literally thousands of blacks who actually believe this

And it will never stop being funny.

>Library of Alexandria was founded by the Egyptians
Dis daft nigga.

Is there a significant amount of mulattoes and negroids that unironically believe this shit?

can you please tell me who beat you with the retard stick when you were young
because i know it wasnt your dad

Proper English could help your case. Never mind it doesn't.

So - you atart by openly admitting you can't win an argument unless you get to write your "opponent's" script?
And then you wonder why the world knows that /pol is all cucks?
Seriously - Moot should shut this shit hole down - it's just a pit full of faggots and pedophiles.
I've heard that he plans to, soon.
Good idea, too.

This is why I will continue to hate you. Also Leif ericsson learn history spic

were not all cucks thats /b


Use the black nationalist flag next time you wanna LARP

goddamn well then you guys sure dropped the ball huh

>stealing technology
did we take your only book on math or something?


we took their minecraft

Has anyone seen a nigger in the snow? No? I rest my case.

>stole technology
why didn't you develop new technology to stay ahead of the curve then?

his response would be white oppression and you know that

Needs a train of peace

what are they gonna build it out of? Metal sheets and wood?

OP is a kike.


OP is most likely a troll giving us a place to vent our frustrations about these retards

you forgot to change the flag bruce

imma save this for future use

We wuz kanz

POCs did - and still do - comprise the vast majority of the world's population. If they aren't doing their fair share to move humanity forward, then they're likely contributing toward our problems instead.
European people are the conqueror kings for sure, they're also the technologists, particularly after the spread of Islam; everyone commits war - the difference is, Europeans are those who sophisticated its practice, and yeah, getting your nation ruined is fucked up, but if your neighbors planned on doing that to you anyway, isn't it at least nice that you get things like aseptic technique, antibiotics, sewage systems, centralized commercial city planning, and the fucking combustion engine afterward?

>FYI you evil faggots stole OUR technology and science
but Math is white supremacist?

whites did the heavy lifting of understanding it so i guess so

Lots to slide today CIAnigger.

I hear CIA niggers glow in the dark

black came from the south,white from the east. two different civilizations!

surprised no one has mentioned jesus yet
or does everyone know he wasnt white now

I read somewhere once that nigs aren't actually black. They're clear. The dark color you see is the shit they are full of. This is starting to make more sense.

somewhat like the fur on a polar bear

Some VPNs do work on Sup Forums you dumb nigger