This is your scientist for the night.
This is your scientist for the night
Am I allowed to teach her how humans reproduce?
I didn't know scientists were so poor that they could only allow lab coats as clothing and nothing else.
But I already have one
Would you stop. Every thread with you.
Such a waste, she needs a spin-off series of something.
I doubt she can get much science done with her sleep deprivation.
Don't a lot of scientist sleep in their own office because of all the work? She should have her own show on the science channel.
Why don't they have the qt choker she wears in this pic?
me too
I don't know but in my own personal experience doing any kind of analyzing or problem solving is highly inefficient when sleepy.
>Don't a lot of scientist sleep in their own office because of all the work?
no I just sleep in my office cause I spend all night watching anime.
Maybe she is just high as fuck.
it's a government spying device
But you're not a scientist. You just project yourself onto the girl this thread is about.
I love the eyebags.
It looks qt though. Doesn't it?
I disagree
What! why not? Does this mean you don't like necklaces either?
I dont think I like jewelry at all.
What are you going to do with that FPGA?
I just pulled the pic off /vg/ last valentines day I have no idea what that is
You told me that's a government spying device. There is a difference isn't there? So is it the jewelry you don't find qt or the government spying devices that you don't find cute?
>You told me that's a government spying device.
no I didn't
and it can be both things could't it?
Maybe, I think there is an obvious difference though. I just want to know what makes it not qt for you. Is it the fact that it's a government spying device or because it just so happens to look like a piece of jewelry.
This is the post you told me it's a government spying device.
I dont like those type of garnishes unless it guess full on the other direction
like gyaru
Hmmm... That doesn't make a whole lot of sense user but I guess I'll take your word for it.
is this show worth watching beyond the gimmick?
it kind of just looks like something on her neck
Heh. Got the same bottle of Glenlivet somewhere.
The first couple episodes are pretty entertaining, but it loses it's steam after the halfway point.
it also lost a VA