Christianity was not legally recognized until 313, two years after the death of Roman emperor Diocletian. The Empire was divided at this time. Emperor Constantine established a Christian Church that would unify the Empire. For it to work, the Church had to be global, and so he began dismantling Roman religion (*2) and turning buildings, assets and functions over to the Christian Church
Then began the process of conversion. There was however disagreement over the status and nature of Jesus Christ (Arius versus Athanasius). The outcome was: the imperial Church settled on Athanasius's theory, while the Germanic peoples in the West adopted Arianism. They could not establish a united Christian faith that would help unify the Empire. Constantine appointed a commission to sift through their vast collection of (pagan) literature, editing out unwanted materials, and preparing the basis of the New Testament
Between 385 and 415, a translator by the name of Jerome (we wuz scholars), from (((Judea))), translated the Bible into Latin. His translation (Vulgate), became the standard Bible used in the western part of Europe and resulted in even more division between eastern and western Christianity
In the 4th century, the Christcucks of Rome became the secular rulers of the city itself. Rome had decayed, its population diminished, and it became indefensible. The capital was moved around until it was established at island-like Ravenna (402). Here it remained until the Empire collapsed in 476
During the 6th century, the Church had to face the difficulty of preserving itself under the rule of Germanic kings who were all too often followers of Arianism
Pagans (*1) were not responsible for the fall of the Empire. The Western variant of Christianity has that honor, just as she is today responsible for the fall of Europe and the West
How do we draw (young) people away from the Abrahamic religion of globalism?
*1: Paganism has been (((defined))) as anyone involved in any religious act, practice or ceremony which is not Christian
*2: Roman religion was not based on divine grace, but instead on mutual trust between god and man (pax deorum)
Religious error and negligence led to divine disharmony and ira deorum (the anger of the gods)
Landon Cruz
Christ was a marketing tool, used by kangz to expand their power. Are there seriously any true Christians on this board?
Ryder Clark
year -100: Rome conquests the Mediterranean coast, including Judea year 0: Jesus is born year 100: Rome has smashed two jewish rebellions. well, Sup Forums christians told us that Jews totally love pagans tho, so may be jews wanted to be smashed. Rome extends all the way to Persia
year 200: Rome has overextended, and faces a crisis year 300: Rome converts to Christianity. according to Sup Forums christians, Christianity is a religion of EARTHLY POWER AND CULTURAL CONSERVATION, so it will surely save Rome from the crisis! year 400: Oops, it didn't. Well, Rome deserved to fall anyways. Romans were NOT REAL CHRISTIANS, they were corrupted
John Gonzalez
year 500: Christianity is a religion of earthly power and cultural survival so it will at least keep the Mediterranean in control of christian kingdoms year 600: Oops, North Africa is lost to Islam. Well, north africans deserved it, they were NOT REAL CHRISTIANS, they were corrupted. Christianity is a religion of EARTHLY POWER AND CULTURAL CONSERVATION that is the only reason why Roman Culture was preserved. year 700: Oops, it has lost its Holy Lands. Well, Palestianian Christians were NOT REAL CHRISTIANS. Christianity is a religion of EARTHLY POWER AND CULTURAL CONSERVATION. Now it will REALLY contain Islam. Oh, Spaniards were NOT REAL CHRISTIANS either btw. Everyone knows Christianity is the only way to protect yourself from islam.
year 800: Charlemagne has decided that Jews should be the only bankers of his Empire, and the Church starts a series of edicts to protect them in case they need to move to a different christian kingdom when the farmers get angry. Jews totally hate Christianity tho, this is another shoah!! year 900: Sicilians were NOT REAL CHRISTIANS. Christianity is a religion of Earthly Power and Cultural Survival. Now it will REALLY contain Islam. year 1000: Did I tell you that it was Christianity that made Europe conquer the World because it is a religion of EARTHLY POWER AND CULTURAL CONSERVATION? The real problem is that there have not been any real christians up to this point.
Austin Bailey
year 1100: Now that the Crusaders have started, you will truly see how Christianity made Europe strong. year 1200: Okay, Saladin recaptured Jerusalem, but the Crusaders were not REAL CHRISTIANS, that is why God abandoned them. year 1300: Byzantines were NOT REAL CHRISTIANS, they didn't pay their debts so it is OK to sack them. Please remember Christianity is the religion of Earthly Power and Cultural Survival of Europe
year 1400: Greeks were NOT REAL CHRISTIANS. Christianity made Europe, it gave Europe the ability to defeat other people and create empires, so it is obvious that Greeks were not real Christians year 1500: Europeans are starting to rediscover pagan art... look at that Venus of Boticelli!! The works of pagan philosophers are printed and read among intellectual circles. UUUGH... now this is horrible... Christianity IS the religion of earthly power that has saved Europe for the last 1000 years and allowed it to take over the world! This rediscovery of the pagan past can only mean that Europe will fall to Islam!! Wait... what?? An Age of Discoveries??? Spain expelled Islam and discovered a whole new continent. Well... we have found REAL CHRISTIANS AT LAST!!! year 1600: Hhhmm... Europeans are now killing each other over disagreements about what Jesus said in his rants... well, everyone knows that Christianity is what saved Europe and made it united, so this is impossible. [insert Catholics or Protestants] are NOT REAL CHRISTIANS, and are to blame for Islam taking over the Balkans.
Isaac Howard
year 1700: BTW all these Enlightenment philosophers with strange religiois ideas that are discovering a lot of stuff and making inventions are REAL CHRISTIANS. year 1800: WTF!! FRENCH REVOLUTION!! SECULARISM!!!!!!! Europe is finished!!!! By the next century it will be conquered completely!!! year 1900: Huh... European Empires have just conquered the entirity of Africa and Asia (minus China and Japan) plus Australia in one century, Darwin has published a theory about the origin of the species that contradicts the Bible, the political power of the Churches has been decimated by the rise of Nationalism and the Pope himself has declared himself a political prisioner in Vatican City... AT LAST!! A TRULY CHRISTIAN AGE!!! Christianity is what made Europe GREAT!!! See now?
year 2000: The Jews that Charlemagne provided with vast economical power have completely hijacked our civilization. DAMN IT!!! It would have never happened if you had adopted REAL CHRISTIANITY!!!! year 2100: Europeans were not REAL CHRISTIANS so it is okay that they got replaced by BASED AFRICANS
Christopher Cox
Jackson Wilson
Why do people worship the Roman Empire?
Any true Roman would regard these people as dogshit under his sandal?
Leo Price
Ethan Baker
Just do what we done here (until Rome sent invaders) >read the fuggin thing in its original language
Jesus answered, “The sapling will grow strongly. From the tree will arise another teaching and, out of this, a confusion of beliefs, each striving for its own advantage. There will be unprofitable doctrines and viciousness, cruelties and intolerance, with many persecutions, all done in My name. They will corrupt and falsify My teachings to serve their own ends.
Hypocrisy will rule the hearts of men, and few will follow even the beliefs of their own hearts. These things must be, for they reside in the natures of men. But under the Rule of God, they will be changed.”
Jonathan Gonzalez
Would you describe yourself as a Catholic?
Carter Butler
>How do we draw (young) people away from the Abrahamic religion of globalism? The thing is people don't like thinking if it leads to uncertain or complicated answers, so thats why people just want to be told EXACTLY what to think. If not the church of Holocaustianity or Marxism it has to be something else. They need to be told what to think and not HOW TO come to conclusions for themselves. It's always been like this. From observations of the world around us we can conclude that the world is a cruel place where only the law of nature reigns and her law dictates that those creatures who struggle will adapt and survive whilst those who do not will be left behind and devoured. In this world the one thing that all life-forms have in common is their mutual desire to secure the existence of their kind (aka the worship of blood). The worship of blood should be the new religion, mixed with a warrior culture which glorifies strenght, power, might, decisiveness, will-power, bravery etc.
Aiden Martinez
>eurotrash are so fallen that they cannot even comprehend the existence of an actual Christian let alone Jesus Christ
you are sooo adorable
Jordan Parker
>the worship of blood should be the new religion
That escalated quickly
Agree with the first part, second part will be a problem as I don't own any nukes
Justin Cox
I'm not saying there aren't any self-proclaimed Christians here
Many call themselves Christians, yet have never read the original bible, nor are they churchgoers
Charles Nguyen
You cannot be a fan of Julius Caesar and try to all out ban Catholicism
Ryan Nelson Further more Jerome was not We wuzzing anything. He and his peers never claimed to be anything more or less than what they were, Jewish converts to Catholicism that had a good understanding of Greek, Latin and Hebrew. Nobdoy is saying they were secretly some other important contributor to society taht belongs to pagans. Furthermore Constantine was a pagan for most of his life as you can see with the history of the Coins that he issued. Most of his life the coins had pagan images on them. After Chrsitianity became too popular in the east, he simply removed the words "god" secuarlized them but still refused to convert to Christianity in anyform heretical or not. ON his deathbed he finally converted to heretical ARianism. Before that he was still a pagan but he liked and sided with the Arians. just how today Atheists might prefer Liberal ANglicans over traditional Orthodox or Roman Catholics. Much to his displeasure the Chuch denounced Arianism, in return he chose an Arian as his successor that killed and tortured Nicene Catholics for their faith. For many years See thsi Also Western Rome was more pagan than the East. The Pagan lived out in the coutnryside to illegally worship their idols, many out on the frontier where the germans invaded. there were still pagan senators in Rome when Rome was sacked
Connor Stewart
You cannot say that Constantine ruined your pagan sources. simply because he was a pagan his entire life and a tolerant one to Christianity. He converted FINALLY on his deathbed, probably out of spite.
Gavin Rivera
Liam Gray
So basically it comes down to mismanagement of money for decades before the Romans Emperors convert to Christianity, PROPER Christianity.
Benjamin Cook
Oliver Price
>I don't own any nukes I dont see how this is relevant
Mason Davis
>146741425 And when I mean decades I mean over a century. Fix THAT in 10 years. GOOD LUCK. Yeah sure Christian Emperors were too blame. You're LUCKY HALF didn't collapse. WHO DO YOU HAVE TO THANK?
Alexander Campbell
Jace Brooks
Monols who sacked the Arab empire before it could move for a death-blow to the Greco-Roman empire.
John Lewis
The good deeds of one man does not erase the just actions of another
Ryan Wood
The ONLY reason why Rome did not collapse a Century sooner because of these disasterous wars of the 5 "good emperors" was because of the Caesars. Especially Augustus and Julius and Tiberius Caesar. THANK THEM. Not your "Five good emperors." ALl these places like Mesopotomia and Dacia were FRIENDS not just allies to Rome during the days of the Caesars. Did you know that Dacia/Slavland had monuments erected declaring eternal friendship tothem? The Persians were on great terms with Rome because Augustus had so many negotiations with them. and then these Emprorors invade them. WHAT BULLSHIT. BULLSHIT. They ruined EVERYTHING with their Stupid wars. ANd the Caesars had the money and the infrastructure so well thought out that it keep Rome above water for a 100 years longer than it should have. THE SAME MEN who were Tolerant to Rome. Nero Excluded the other Emperors were great. Caligula included. His father should have been Emperor. Fucking barbarians
Jeremiah Fisher
Tolerant to Roman catholics. I mean
Easton Flores
How does crusaders fighting to recapture their (((holy land))) in the middle of the desert help Europeans who are being raided by muslims in the middeteranean, in Spain and in Asia Minor?
Eli Sanchez
Cameron Sanchez
Really irelevant to what I said isn't it, get the molyneux "not an argument" meme out
Hudson Martinez
Daily reminder that YHVH is real and he's a malicious Djinn who has been deceiving humanity for over 3,000 years.