Gay kids who grow up in 2017 will not have face the same struggles gay kids had to endure in the last 100 years...

Gay kids who grow up in 2017 will not have face the same struggles gay kids had to endure in the last 100 years. Our world is slowly becoming more accepting, and it's fucking awesome.


dunno how to break this to you but gay people will be hunted down and harassed on your soil in your lifetime because of your immigration system

I am a faggot, and I hate that cheap pandering.


Checked, unfortunately also true.

I never said I disagreed with this... Liberals are funny in that sense, they supposedly love gay people, but support an invasion of people who hate us.

>more accepting
lol, i'm only 25 and will be hating fags for the rest of my life and encouraging my kids to bully them until they kill themselves

It's not pandering, it's called representation. Just like seeing a straight kiss on TV isn't "straight pandering", dude...

>straight pandering

It's called normal people.

86% of Americans are against discrimination of gay people. Glad you're in the minority :D

>Gay kids

"Normal" people... Humans come in so many shapes and sizes: Asian, blue eyes, green eyes, gay, straight, handicapped, white etc.

But keep telling yourself that you're somehow "normal"

This desu. The gays sided against the one group that allows them to exist.

Gays are not humans.

Well yeah, liberals are still 10000x more supportive of gay people than any other group. So, that's that.

This IS pandering, no matter how you word it.
Fuck that noise. I haven't watched this shit, but should be a normal character that just happens to be gay; his personality doesn't have to fucking revolve around this fact. And he doesn't have to act like a fucking fag.

The Bible is clear about that

you're from estonia motherfucker, land of the inbred cross-eyed russians. you're the closest to non-humans on earth.

>*in American
everywhere else they will start to get thrown off buildings.

Also, fuck we are full.

Do you ever stop and wonder what it's all for?

Good thing Disney channel is seen as safe and lame by tweens and they look up to all the teens and college kids who think fochan and racist memes are radical.

Can't wait for the youtube stars with audiences that dwarf disney channel to start calling out these nigger faggots live on stream

There shouldn't be any kind of "romance" on TV with kids that age, MUCH LESS faggot shit.

Thanks, jews.

old homosexuals need welfare because they didn't have privilege we have today.
also my granpa is gay, need gibs.

Uh, it hasn't even come out yet, and it's just part of the story that he falls in love with a boy. It's the first time Disney has an openly gay character, so of course it's a big deal for now. One day, it won't be.

I hope the gays are stocking up on bullets.

Throwing it in people's faces only makes the life of the average homosexual harder.

Media and flamboyant faggots make it harder for the rest to just live their lives.

Honestly we shouldnt bully people jsut because they like to suck dick,we should bully them for acting that way in public

I'm 29, Peak Millennial here

I hate LGBTs so very much
I got disciplined by HR for my perceived homophobia I just hide my power level....waiting for the day of the rope!

bro, it will make it harder for non-flamboyant gays. but in the REAL world, most gays are noticeably gay. It's time they get represented.

Fuck yeah, it is awesome, it'll be much easier to tell who's a target!

Back then, entertainment was borne from the top down, now it's straight from the people to the people. It's a beautiful thing.

>I hate LGBTs
>my "perceived" homophobia


>be that one day
>have a drink in the pub
>"Hey user nice seeing ya again"
>"remember when Disney thought putting a faggot in a story was a good idea?"
>they thought they could get away with that
>"somehow yeah, somehow they did"
>*stare out*
>*cuck forest swaying in the breeze*
>that was a good day, wasn't it
>"I'm surprised their skeletons are still hanging from those trees"
>couple guys got overzealous I guess
>"no such thing user"
>"not when facing the unnatural"

Gay = mental illness

How come its never a girl that comes out? Why can't we at least get some tween lesbian action out of this fag revolution?

Name one problem with this. Why pretend like there aren't gay kids out there? You probably called plenty of kids fags when you were that age.

The point is that Liberals (And liberals fall into the same category as conservatives in the face of things like Islam) Shot themselves in the foot and were proud of it, to win some kind of ideological game. When the only game life should be playing is the pragmatic one. Even now, you started a thread about how "Gays are winning" without looking at the bigger picture that in 20 years time you will either have to leave Belgium, side with the groups you ideologically despise, or face the reality of staying and being thrown off a roof.

not sure if you're referring to blacks or gays... either way, stop smoking weed

86% of percentages are made up on the spot.

>Disney's new cum slut has been mkultra'sld to be gay and love cocks at an early age


The gays threatened to keep pushing straight kids into the Disney alligator pond until they got a gay Disney show

I beat up gays when I was a boy in school and when my son is old enough (he's 4 now) I will teach him to be up the gays in his school.

Faggots are an abomination of God and should not be celebrated.

yeh, i refused to go to the Gay Pride in London Parade this year as part of the company's representation at the parade.

They came to the conclusion i hate LGBTs.....i said i don't do work activities on the weekend.

HR is all hush hush though, they can't get rid of me because the severance would be too high and it would look bad that a "homophobe" made it a junior management

I don't hate them, but we shouldn't sanction abhorrent behavior. Shame is a good thing.

All fags will burn in hell

This shit is not about equality. Never has been. (((They))) want to create gays with this propaganda. And (((they))) are attacking our kids now.

fags are not human they are traitors to the entire race
saged, the first ones to go to the rope will be you mother fuckers.


Did they even ask you why you didn't wanna go before drawing their conclusion?

Fuck off commie Walloon.

sage this fucker

Where's the podcast

a show about children who have already determined their sexual preferences despite hardly knowing what sex is?
wonder who could be behind this

Digits confirm

>you must be 18 to poast

>Humans come in so many shapes and sizes: Asian, blue eyes, green eyes, gay, straight,
handicapped, white etc.
> inbred cross-eyed russians. you're the closest to non-humans on earth
how quick you are to show your real face

I wonder what kind of excuses would they accept?


gay people truly have no future in belgium, regardless of which way history goes:
>country taken over by islam, gays dealt with
>country saved by the far right, gays dealt with

ever heard of a joke, bro

86% of statistics are 86% unreliable

To be honest, that Andi Mack kid is kinda cute, especially when he fanboys that other guy he's into.

>People are statistically less happy than ever

You do realize your 'god' is evil as fuck, right? That his creating people to be a way that then 'necessitates' you to beat them is prima facia undeniable evil?

Does your peabrain get that your Bible is a work meant to make you serve a literal war god of evil?

>a minority of a minoroty needs to be represented everywhere!

by this logic, black women shouldn't be anywhere on TV...

YHVH shall not stand for this discord.

Gay people = >10% of the population, trans = > 1% of the population. Yet the (((Media))) pretends like they’re more of the population than this because of their vocal nature (squeaky wheel gets the grease, even if the empty barrel is the noisiest).
What’s worse is the myth that gay people are better looking and more artistic and shiet, when the reality is (they’re) ignoring the psycho homos out there.


This. I will beat my son's ass if he ever wants to dress up in mommy's clothes. He will learn faggots are degenerate abominations in the eyes of the lord and a violation of the rules of nature.

I so want the bumper kid beat up your faggot kid

This. These people are all too quick to shout from the hill tops that they're minorities. And then in the same breath go - "HOW COME IT'S ONLY WHITES ON TV. IN AMERICA. A MAJORITY WHITE COUNTRY. GIVE ME EQUAL REP."
Equal representation for gays is 1 out of every 1000 characters on TV would be gay. For Blacks it's 1 out of every 11. These people don't care about equal anything, it's blatantly about supplanting the interests of the majority with fringe politics. Which is where Sup Forumsacks can relate I suppose.

If you're surprised by this shit then you obviously haven't been paying attention.


That kid is definitely getting molested by like 10 people at the studio, and an agent, and someone in the family.
So sick of this dumbass attitude that if you just put more faggots and niggers in big time roles in media that society will be less mean to them. As if the whole world were just a big dumb programmable shit you change its behavior by just throwing more niggers in the mix, making spiderman gay, making thor a gay nigger, making the president a gay nigger.
>HAHA You can't be mean now! The president in this fictional story is a faggot! You know what that means dont you?

It means people stop paying attention to Hollywood. It IS a learned behavior. When you've got so many fags talking with the same weak pussy voice, rolling their heads and arms all over, that's them imitating the fag behavior they see "represented" on tv by the archetypical fag.
Dumbass kids are mirroring it because they see it gets them special privileges and it is being popularized by media. And dumbass liberals who refuse to admit that they are popularlizing a trend of faggots will just say "WOW look how many people were ALWAYS GAY but just reluctant to admit it until we put so many more gay characters in TV and Movies!"
The idiocy is astounding and they should all be gulaged.
You aren't making more gays accepted by putting gays in media: YOU ARE MAKING MORE GAYS.


Could they have given her any more of a stereotypical haircut?

The diversity police rely on forcing this shit on us - they've been using contact theory since the 1960s'. And "inclusion" on all metrics seems to be going in the opposite direction, not the progressive one. This has baffled scientists who thought that by now, racism and discrimination would be gone. But that's because they never allowed themselves to suspect that it's ingrained in us all.

I don't understand. If they want to push the gay agenda, why don't they just have already-outed gay characters, like people you know are 100% gay?

Here's my idea:
>New teen hit show set in Maine
>Starring Hispanic woman (like Selena Gomez, only younger)
>She is bisexual and free spirited
>Has black friend who is complete nerd and likes to play violin; she likes the big strong Asian jock
>Has white gay male friend who is goes lobster fishing with his dad and is in a relationship with a black guy.
>She is raised by single mom who is transitioning to become male
>Her and her friends hang out at a cafe by the water, and sip tea while talking about drumpf
>They get into all kinds of crazy drama
>Nerdy black girl is impregnated and struggles as a teen mom with liberal Muslim parents
>Gay fisherman friend came out as a "Libertarian" and is shamed by his liberal father
>Main character smokes pot and has to go through the drama of being a "Pot head"

Yea because they know they are a perversion. I mean just look at the suicide rate. All these pussies telling them it's okay only makes it worse, ex. Fuckinh trans fucks, pedo fucks, fucking beat male fucks

32 states had gay marriage bans. that didn't stop one judge from overturning the "will of the people"

fuck off leaf you are getting the rope

Modern Family beat them to it.

I came out to my one gay friend since he came out to me, but I refuse to come out to my family because I love my father too much to do that to him. My younger brother says he wants kids anyway so I'll support him if he needs it.

Also if I could press a button to kill all gays including myself (sorry to the Bulgarian bro itt), I would since it would be a huge net benefit to society and Hiro would have to find new mods.

The normalization of mental illness and sexualization of children continues unabated. OP can burn in Hell.

This cocky expression sums up the annoying gay agenda of the times.

>32 states had gay marriage bans. that didn't stop one judge from overturning the "will of the people"

Hillary had 3 million more votes than Fat Donny. That didn't stop the electoral college from overturning the "will of the people."

>Next time on Disney Channel, a character on a Disney channel show will come out as non-binary genderfluid demisexual for the first time in history! SO PROGRESSIVE!

Kill yourself faggot. Gays will always be subhuman trash. Even liberals make fun of faggots in private.

Fickle bitch that natural selection

86 percent? What did you pull that out of your ass, like you do with cocks and dildos on a daily basis?

Don't forget to flood the west with Muslims and tear down everything you hold dear by allowing niggers to outbreed us

Nope. Because apart from anything else there is no big mythical happy gay community.

>This week on 'LaQueesha and Aliyah'
>LaQueesha is horrified to find out that Aliyah was married at 7 and was raped by her husband at 9
>But, in a groundbreaking television first, Aliyah explains that it is part of her culture and brings LaQueesha home to experience her beautiful culture in a tastefully graphic rape scene in which Aliyah's husband and friends attack LaQueesha for being 13 and not wearing a hijab.

God didn't create faggots. Satan and Neo-Marxist degeneracy did. They deserve to be beaten and sent back to the closets. The gay agenda is destroying America and I'll be damned if my son thinks being a butt fucking faggot is acceptable.

If you tuned into the program, the character Cyrus had effeminate qualities in the first place. His two closest friends are girls, he's a dapper dresser, & volunteers as water boy/snack mom for the ultimate frisbee team.

It's implied he has interest in the main character's love interest & the main character's love interest is likely gay as well.

Got an idea: kill all muslims AND all gays

Trans is far less than 1%.

Did the US run out of normal looking teenagers? Seriously, how are those Downies working for Disney?

>and it's fucking awesome
Shut up faggot. You can force your way into society, but you will never make us accept you. Toleration is not the same as being accepted.