Why no outrage over Chinatown?

I hear American WNs complain heavily about Muslims, Mexicans, etc but I rarely see them complain about Chinatowns. Those are sergregated colonies for Chinese people where they follow their own culture and refuse to integrate into the country. Sure, there may be some joke about dog meat or something here and there, but for the most part there is no major pushback. Is there any reason for this, or is it willfully ignorance?

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Because chinks keep things somewhat orderly.

Theres gross shit in the street and they smell like open sewers but there is not a lot of crime and people work hard.

Probably, it's because libtards haven't found a way to use them as a cudgel to bash White America with.

Chinatowns aren't all bad. A little dirty but they look nice, have normal crime rates and contain good restaurants and shops.

Compare that with Picotown, Islamistan and Negroville and it's pretty easy to see why people don't mind them by comparison.

I don't feel like im going to be attacked and killed at any moment in Chinatown

ain't no chink ever bombed the USA. the only thing criminal is chink driving

Because everybody is okay with chinatown in their capital city at least, but nobody is okay with lil bagdads because there is nothing interesting or friendly in those places, save for a few döner places.

Because the Chinese support themselves, for the most part, and their communities aren't infested with crime to the extent other minority communities are.

The Chinese don't ask for much while spics, kebabs, and niggers always want more gibs.

This. There are Chinatowns pretty much all over the world, but rarely given attention.

> Visit Little Saigon
> Visit any Chinatown

kek, chinks are literally Asian niggers

They don't really cause problems. They move in. Set up a business. Open a Gas Station or a restaurant. Not really any issues with crime. So nobody pays them much mind.

They maintain their own ghettos, have strong family structures, work hard and save money.

Also, they don't discriminate if a pack of dogs eats your turkey.

I don't mind Chinatowns, because they are usually orderly, clean and aesthetically pleasing.

Because asian waifus.

There are a few reasons OP

The first and most important reason is that the Chinese people are not and are not attempting to change the culture and hegimony of America at large and do not disrupt our society. They keep to themselves and do not change the demographics of America. They have been around for a while and have caused very little problems.

Second reasons is that they don't cause exorbitant amount of crime and rug trafficking. These areas are relatively safe despite It's looks.

Lastly these places are not numerous, they are few in number and isolated to themselves. It's not like I have to live in some 66% chink hellwhole.

As a side note, they also produce things of value like food and people who math, so they have a net worth to them unlike spic and nigger vills. They don't take from us.

It's not that China towns are ideal, but they are mostly harmless. We have far bigger issues.

Our china just has those chink gates and a couple of chink moon runes signs fo restaurants.
No temples or Buddha statues or chink lanterns

Other than that it just looks like an ordinary messy downtown area that no one really goes to.
Niggers are confined in the ghetto and no significant mudslime towns yet in here so no disgusting mosques yet.

Because I have never been carjacked, robbed, or shot at for being in Chinatown for lunch.

Asian cultures have stronger adherence to public image and reputation. They don't fill their streets with degeneracy and garbage. They maintain two parent families. They invest a lot if time and energy in the advancement of their children. They don't blame everyone else for misfortune. And they don't try to rape or attack the public at large. That is why Chinatowns work.

they're bad... but at the same time they're cozy, safe (usually), lots of restaurants, many little shops to avoid.

I dunno, but they don't sicken me so much. I'm not a weeb or anything, but these people don't make me sick like moroccans.

NYC chinatown is a shithole. very similar to hong kong (HK nicer) but same disregard for social etiquette and they do not obey traffic laws and have no social graces

Then explain this shit

No drug trafficking in China towns?
How do you manage to get dressed in the morning?

Chinks aren't troublemakers on the level of blacks/mexicans/muslims. Chinks also don't blame whitey for all their problems and hold themselves accountable.

generally speaking Chinese don't cause trouble, want to assimilate at least a little bit (if legal).

>Worst experience with Chinese = Que jumping

>Worst experience with nogs = attempted knife point robbery

your shitty city council allow foreign nationals buy up property in Vancouver because it line their pockets with money and allows your Liberal hellhole afford safe meth injection sites and all the other excesses.

you're the only one at fault for voting those kikes in. Dumb shit like you are the reason I left that hellhole of a city.

when was the last time anyone was mugged by some chinks while walking through a chinatown at night?

Having a Chinatown in your city is a little bit like Disneyland. If you want to go get some wontons and tea one day you drive over there and have a fun time. You can also buy cheap knives and weeb swords. Chinatown is awesome.

They stay to themselves and are respectful.

You cunts in this thread are going to regret liking them when they're 60% of the population of your city

looks comfy desu

Right now they're seen in a positive light, but in the past the Chinese were vilified to an extreme degree in the US. The "Yellow Peril". Not many minority groups were banned from immigrating into the US during the days the immigrant floodgates were open, but 100 years ago the gates were shut to the Chinese.

Pic related, drawn in 1859

Chinatown in Boston is a complete shithole. Trash everywhere, crazy drivers, smells like fish and garbage. They are very rude too.

the chongs never leave to go rob rich people. just let them chong in peace.

This guy gets it. Chinks (and poos) form their own ethnic cartels and exclude native whites from job opportunities and local politics once they have the numbers. These people are fucking cancers on the West.

I give it 15 years before they start getting uppity and demanding independence like Singapore

And when's the last time you heard about some Chinese guy calling into Kelloggs because his poor little feelings got hurt over something his stupid ass mind perceived as 'racist?' They aren't pushing their culture on the world around them and forcing everyone to accept them. If shitskins and nogs would keep their fucking mouths shut and quit blaming all of their problems on whitey, then I probably wouldn't have a problem with them having a couple blocks to themselves to do whatever they want with. It's not like they have that anyway, but for some reason its never enough for them.

Chinatown is usually full of dirty restaurants, shitty herbal Chinese shops that sell chinese """"""""""""medince"""""""""""" and lucky charms and massage parlours, which are pretty much handjob shops. The triads usually run the place.

what's the japanese version of chinatown

It's weird to see a cartoon that old sympathetic to the Chinese. It's even weirder seeing it posted by that flag.

Isn't that typical for Boston? I heard everyone there's supposed to be a cunt.
So you really want to work at a chinese restaurant and now you complain that they won't hire a black guy who doesn't speak mandarin? Nigga pls.

Bc chinatowns aren't shitholes like the Mexican ghetto's

Chinese and Asians in general are such a minority, only like 30% of the globe. No threat really

that's why noone cares.
we should get them all out if it comes to that, but I enjoy going there.

>They don't blame everyone else for misfortune.
Somebody has never been to the Asian subreddits.

I personally am outraged over Chinatowns and especially the mass influx of Chinese that our West coast is seeing.

It feels as if it's only a matter of time before it's no longer just "China town" - a little slice of a city, but we will soon see full on Chinese towns and maybe even Chinese fucking counties the way things are going.

They are buying up insane amounts of property. Every single home for sale in my neighborhood and beyond (I go on long dog walks) is being purchased by Chinamen and it totally disgusts me. They are cold communist peoples and they bring their coldness and unfriendliness to our country to destroy it. They took away middle class jobs, now they're are using the money we give them to take away our lands.

Indian and arabs support themselves in america. There average annual salary is more than the native population

Forget it, Jake

>thread about chinks
>every post is blatantly a hapa/chink shill


we do here in canada

This, it's a slow burn, but they're going to be a huge problem

I worked with alongside a team at an American tech company where 10/10 of them were Indians, majority on visas. The team's hiring manager was also Indian. It became a running joke that he literally would only hire Indians. They also were all borderline retarded and couldn't do their jobs. The west thinks that immigrants will adopt "progressive" values, but nope, they will totally replace us if allowed, and the slave drivers want this to happen, the more slaves competing the better.

Chinatowns are fantastic. As someone who is fluent in Chinese, they have always been like an oasis in the desert.

When I'm in a country where the locals are insufferable or don't speak English, I just go straight to the nearest Chinatown. For example, I was just in Italy. The locals in Rome are an insufferable species and they can't speak English, but Chinatown was a nice experience. There are a number of smaller towns/cities that have huge numbers of Chinese up north, too, which is great. Another example is when I went to Japan; I don't speak Japanese, and the locals aren't particularly interesting, but the chinese were very welcoming and there were a couple of chinatowns in and around Tokyo. Again, really delightful.

When I'm in an English speaking country, they're still nice to have because there's a local community there that can be very friendly and a lot of help, and it's easy to get decent priced food, groceries, rent, etc.

Two thumbs up. Make more Chinatowns everywhere, and I pray that Westerners start to learn from the Chinese and adopt some of their beliefs and practices.

The US owes chinkland trillions so they let them make chinatowns then eventually sell off the land in exchange for the debt.

Have you ever ate General Tso's chicken? Ya they can stay man.

This is some low grade shitposting.

This. You can walk through asian neighborhoods and not worry about being stabbed over a nickel in your pocket.

If other Norwegians are anything like you, you can bet your bottom dollar I'd immediately head for the nearest chinatown (assuming your civilization has developed to the point of human settlements).

>Second reasons is that they don't cause exorbitant amount of crime and rug trafficking. These areas are relatively safe despite It's looks
Lel You fool

What is MSG?

At least people including single women can safely walk through Chinatowns unlike Muslim neighborhoods. But everyone needs to assimilate or get out.

Just saying, almost all organized crime in Siam (Thailand) was Chinese, they even had their own navy. The government finally used them against its rivals instead of trying to get rid of them.

They contribute to society

>imagining a part of the city where the Chinese stay, live and work. Keep to themselves and make tasty treats and sell cheap trinkets.


>imagining a place where white people stay and work. Keep to themselves and generally don't cause any trouble.


See how that works? We don't give a shit about Chinatown because it serves a purpose and Chinese aren't trying to kill us on the daily.

Peking duck
Salt and pepper crabs

That’s why I’m not outraged

Because all of the 2nd and 3rd gens move out, and integrate.
They are basically ports for immigrants that want to have their children integrate.

I can respect wanting some rock of my culture, as long as you do push for your children to move out.
Which is what they do 85% of the time.

An effective flavour enhancer that only quinoa-eating fuccbois worry or care about

Itt: mostly americans who seem to think that cos chinks are cunning enough to maintain appearances doesnt mean that they arent replacing you in everyway as you speak.
When critical mass hits then youll realise.

>And when's the last time you heard about some Chinese guy calling into Kelloggs because his poor little feelings got hurt over something his stupid ass mind perceived as 'racist?'

Lol have you forgotten the Jimmy Kimmel incident? Go over to r/AsianMasculinity and you'll see chinks have become more sensitive than blacks. It's just their lower numbers and the lack of interest in them of white SJWs makes it less noticeable.

>Whitey spent 500 years demonizing pocks
I'm not a racist, but what I don't get is why anti-colonialists try to pretend African countries were these beautiful utopias respected around the world. We colonized and turned them from wild barbarian wastelands into second-class civilizations and somehow that 'oppressed' and 'dehumanized' them. Do these people think Africa would've turned into a galactic spaceport if white men never set foot on it?

Japantown in SF is pretty nice. Other than that, they mostly stick to majority white suburbs and drive into the city for work. Don't mind them at all.

>Is there any reason for this

The chinese aren't blowing people up, they don't crash cars into crowds, they aren't teaching their children to be hostile towards western people, they have no agenda to turn the nation that welcomed them into a sharia-shithole.
They are less prone to violence and rape than the average muslism (at least not in Europe).

Chinese aren't dependent on welfare on the scale mexicans are. They're not nearly as represented in crime stats, they are less violent on average.

Sure the chinese live segregated in chinatown, but they're not fucking bothering anyone.


>Chinese wanted to get Kimmel fired
Wtf I love Chinese still

Because Asian markets are the place to go to get fresh herbs, produce and seaweed for cheap.

At the time it was mainly a class issue, Chinese immigrant labourers worked a lot more cheaply than anyone else, and didn't unionise. The big industrial capitalists loved them and sent ships over to import more, but the working men and union members hated them for undercutting them, strikebreaking, and just generally taking jobs while not integrating. The 1882 Chinese exclusion act was a triumph of the working class over the bourgeois.

China Towns are self contained. Muslims are not.

>Why no outrage over Chinatown?
If Chinatown looked like Niggerville, there would be. It looks like people have pride in their town. Streets are clean, and the atmosphere seems festive.

Chinese people don't cause problems with other races. They only cause problems amongst themselves. Muslims on the other hand are parasites that destroy new countries they enter and turn it into the shit hole they came from. I've never met a Mexican before but their cartel videos are fucked up.

this. asian immigrants are well behaved and reasonably intelligent, if a bit uncultured. they're a model immigrant.

Not really, the place is run by Chinese syndicates and they smell like hot garbage

The Chinese aren't subhuman savages

>What is MSG?


It's the sugar and fat that will kill you.

>The 2017 RAISE was a triumph of the working class over the bourgeois.

Personally, as a WN, I don't mind having a few "districts" in which a few beneficial minority groups may reside. However, they wouldn't have the same rights as whites, like the ability to vote, but they also would be in charge of maintaining their own district. If they can't they get removed.

>Exactly this
I've never met a Chinese, Korean, Japanese, or Vietnamese person in the U.S.A. that didn't act with honor or respect.
I don't know about overseas, but here they are very nice people.

>Roof koreans.

chinese dont act as oppressed victims who need reparations and gibs me dats. They also dont beg for shit from the government and other communities. They build their own shit and dont go around antagonizing the country that accepted them

I live in the majority asian part of my city. They shut the fuck up, keep to themselves, work, raise decent children that integrate and don't like niggers. They're different but pretty good people.

i for one welcome our new chinese overlords

Who says we like them, just that they ste better than Muslims and beaners.
Infact I spent the month of Ramadan Bombathon in a deep Muslim neighborhood of London and it was more comfy than Mexican neighborhoods DESU

Because chinks won't mug you, rape your sister or explode.

tfw you will never experience

>Victorian london
>Having spent an idle afternooon at your club, perusing the latest lewd etchings sent in from the colonies, you decide to have a nice evening.
>The staff serve your dinner of roast pheasant, and you gently wash it down with vintage claret
>You dress in a 3 piece loose velvet suit, grab your ivory cane
>a hansom takes you to Madam Phuk's massage house
>Having lost a small part of yourself, you slip a few shillings to Madam P
>With an understanding nod, she escorts you to a dimly lit room
>You lie down on a soft leather chair, whilst she prepares you a bowl of the Empire's finest opium
>Your soul gently drifts away to thoughts of Empire, Glory and England

the Koreans ive heard of shot up places

The chink are productive members of society, until the other people.

Tell me how you got your telepathic powers. I desire to know.

Oh, I hate it. Pic related is all that's left in this neighborhood that doesn't look like it's from a random street in Shanghai.

chinatown is the greatest form of american assimilation. typically people think assimilation has to mean smashing together different ethnic groups in an attempt to create one unified culture. we know this doesnt work. now look at chinatown: it allows asians to retain their proud culture/heritage without compromise. it's where you can find authentic food/goods that arent found in any typical american shop. what's more, it is self-contained. they call the police way less often, use an extremely low % of social services, and perhaps more importantly, the culture does not bleed out into surrounding areas. in an ideal world, there would be cultural centers like this for every ethnic group.

whatever, user. it had the most affordable rents, because it was immune to hipsters. it was safe, nigger free, the chinks are nice people (just not too expressive), and the food was delicious and cheap, if you don't mind eating in a market.