>Gen Z is base-
Gen Z is base-
>tfw the next generation will be full commie.
i'll buy a bigger oven.
wait until they have to pay taxes
The U.K is one of the few European nations whose youth are more left-wing than their grandparents
Probably because the (((right))) wing are a bunch of faggot diversity is a strength leftists
Need a hard-right anti-immigrant party and you will see it rise
That's the UK. Different nation, different demographics.
18 is not Gen Z.
Gen Z is born after 2000 June
>Repubs polling at ~40% with the under 30 demographic
That's probably the fucking best they've done in decades. It only gets better with age.
I think this is a UK thing
They should vote for the blue kike lovers instead of the red kike lovers am I correct
In fact, a lot of the old-school Reds hate the kikes.
The UK is a lost cause and has always been.
Let them rot in their Orwellian society.
Not only does that mix 29 year olds (millenials) with the rising generation it also fails to account for the normal votes for that age group, which is usually around 20 points to the left from there
Try again though shill
British Gen Z and Millennial are abysmally A-political.
They didn't even bother to vote on brexit with polls showing more boomers voted Against Brexit than millennials voted at all.
I am going to take a guess and say to only millennial or Gen Z who bothered to take a political survey are all entrenched and indoctrinated and simply doing what their commie elders tell them to.
Furthermore isn't it illegal to express near any political opinion that does not fit the narrative in Britain?
And every time you hear a story about someone getting arrested for filming a hail Hitler dog it is always invariably some young guy?
The only political opinion that is punishment free is globalist and Islam. Under that kind of speech regime who the fuck would express anything political?
For the wrong reasons though (Palestine, mostly)
You were fucked from the start.
Have faith, a lot of under 18s in the UK are pretty Right Wing
Always seemed like there was a left-wing bias in high school and that was back in the late 2000s/Early 2010s. We are absolutely screwed.
because all we learn in school is history of germany
hitler = evil = right wing = evil
18-20 year olds in the UK are like 1/5th non-white. Look at the stats by race, otherwise you can't see the difference.
If you look at the US by just age too you'd think Gen Z was very left-wing. No, the whites are more right-wing than ever it's just that minorities are voting left.
yea they'll come around!
inb4 muh white vote
Your """conservative"""" party is shit though.
Good trend on black men
Of course england is fucked
Let's just conveniently ignore that the UK has less than a fifth of the population than the US and that at that rate the US has less whites per capita...
18-29 in the USA is not white.
>tfw West Virginia
feels good man
It's standard.
As you get older, you get more right-wing.
I mean, hippies of the 60s were in favour of full-on russian communist stile government.
As they grew up, they started supporting the opposite.
There's a reason some parties want 16 year olds to vote. The less experienced you are, the more you believe in fairytales.
Old fucks vote Conservative because they've lost their minds and they love their gibs that conservashits give them
I want to go to Maine.
UK population: 65 million
US population: 323 million
uk: 79,6% white
us: 76,41% white
What did he mean by this?
>us: 76,41% white
Actually this is hardly the case
It is just Tory party is an absolute shit.
Lmao, fail chart is fail
Probably because UK is full of cucks
Your conservatives are more Liberal than Trudeau.
actually we wuz 85% white n sheeit
the 79.6% number is just for white british, the original inhabitants
for America that number is 13%
tell me more about my country
in the US have to break out Hispanic and nonHispanic whites to get the true white percentage
What percent white would America be if you just removed California and took them out of the equation? Just didn't count all the whites and all the minorities.
>80% white just 50 years ago
Jesus, now I can count how many whites I see in a day on my fingers. And even then some of those "whites" end up having names like Hernandez or Martinez.
Your police forces share with the world on social media often what an uncucked nation you truly have.
Tiny sample size. (((YouGov))). Go away.
wait until these young morons open their eyes and get a taste of life.
Alright then Sweden tell me how redpilled your gen z is?
bin that knife fampai
50,000 is yuge
most companies only survey about 2,000 get a result about 3% within the actual figure
most of gen z that vote liberal are non whites, which shows that ethnic polarization is going to become worse then it already is.
>I mean, hippies of the 60s were in favour of full-on russian communist stile government.
Hippies were a small movement, most youth at the time were still culturally conservative and isolated from them.
This isn't accurate. Young whites voted for trump at 55%
hippies are the same as todays fucking hipsters, a loud minority, they still have not changed. still the same loud moronic alternate lowlives.
Oregon was 97.2% white in the 70's...now 78.5% nonHispanic white and the largest school district in the state is only 55% white
In the US they are. Trump is a god damned meme.
you dont count
Young brits are completely broke. You can't expect them to vote for a party that promises them more of the same.
Most genzers dont vote tho
What happened to asian boys?
This is absolutely insane. That means that if the election were based on popular vote, she would have won only thanks to the 18-29 group.
They are just as low as white men on the progressive stack
You know how the Japs were honorary Aryans? Brits are the opposite of that.
Good trend with blacks
Yes... Yes it is millennials ended in 1995
Goebbels complained during WW2 that "British are the Jews of the Aryan race"
The most interesting thing to me about this chart is it shows that men are much more engaged with politics with almost double willing to consider a 3ed party candidate compared to women
Hitler was actually quite fond of the British and more-so the British Empire
>Among whites only
Still interesting.
It would be much better without California, Texas and new Mexico.
Who the fuck cares?