Isn't it funny that the state with the most drug degenerate deaths is the one that Trump won every county from in the...

Isn't it funny that the state with the most drug degenerate deaths is the one that Trump won every county from in the election? Really makes you think.....


>states realize the system isn't working and want a new option
Wow really made me think, the ole neurons firing and shit.
Treat white people like shit since 1995 and complain when they don't buy into your pro liberal agenda.

Maybe its because that state is propped up by the coal industry and hillary explicitly said she would put coal miners and the coal industry out of business. Dont let my facts interrupt your narrative tho


So that's an excuse to be a druggy faggot? Fuck off




What about Oklahoma?

Both Oklahoma and West Virginia had all their counties go to Trump.

Wow, I wonder why a state that economically depends on the coal industry would vote overwhelmingly for the guy who wanted to revitalize the coal industry? I also wonder why an increasingly economically depressed state wouldn't vote for the same party?