Gay Torture House Discovered in Toronto Canada

I know some fags on Facebook from my blue-pilled days. I'm slowly come to the conclusion that Homosexual men are broken and mentally diseased people.

Woke up this morning and this this from one of the older gay men I knew, whom I considered to be somewhat normal.




>you did not expect the shaman in Peru to save my life


what the fuck kind of friends do you have leaf? this is fucking insanity

I can't tell if this is just the incoherent ramblings of a paranoid schizophrenic or someone blowing the lid off a major conspiracy

Or both

like I said, from my blue pilled days.


I was pretty blue pilled at one point but I never knew child torturing doctors and anti nonce biker gangs

What the fuck is going on here

>sent from my iPhone
At the bottom of the hysterical rant fucking killed me lmao

I don't know child torturing doctors either. I know a guy who says he was tortured by one. Learn to read to you muslim faggot.

Anti nonce bikers sound pretty redpilled to me desu

I'm bi. Kill them all and then kill me too. I don't want to be associated with scum like this. This goes beyond sexuality. It's fucked up.

Have the police responded? Are the angles really going to do justice?

Ayahuasca, a healing plant that can cure addiction.


Yeah i interpreted it as a trip to peru got him off the drugs. Years of drug abuse has impaired his brain to the point of thinking a shaman cured him rather than leaving the country and getting away from the drug scene which is more likely what helped him get clean.

DMT (ayahuasca) can have some pretty profound effect on addicts and people with a self destructive lifestyle, like sluts, criminals, obese people etc. Supposedly it gives you a pretty good introspective look at yourself.

We could probably save a lot of money by administrating it to criminals, addicts, fatties, smokers, 420 faggots, literal faggots etc.

But its just some plants so they can't put a patent on it and make lots of money from it so that will never happen.

unless they are patentet and made by a pharmaceutical company, then its ok.

Fucking faggot it isn't one plant.
It's a brew of a few plants from the jungle, main ingredient being a root. Go to erowid ffs.
HIGH content of DMT, most of the time people have religious, extremely spiritual or self reflective trips that put you in a trance like state.
Not surprised with the new research on mushrooms and ergot. "Meeting God" tends to make people think about what the hell it is they're doing.

Hippity hoppity back off my pot commie

this is the ramblings of a meth addict

I honestly have no idea what you are trying to convey.

from you blue pilled days of being a gay anal sex addict that did meth
>wtf is wrong with you and this isn't remotely politics

canadian biker gangs good guys or bad?

Also this.

Need some closure on this story

At least i can see my own penis.

>the fucking open mouth
kill all bugmen

>Quintessentially British "men" have penises

Woah talking down about pharma in 2017, PRETTY EDGY BRO.

Dude, tl;dr that wall of text.

>toronto gay drug groom rape gangs
I'm not even surprised desu

Fags be doing some bad shit nigga

Can someone please give me an accurate tldr? That incoherent rambling doesn't make any sense when I read it.

do you know where you are?
>let me guess, you're also a meth addict faggot who likes getting anally pumped


Some fags are grooming young boys and men when they are homeless & broke, getting them hooked on hard drugs, then turning them into their slaves for use, that kinda thing, it seems

so CIA tactic?

Congrats, you wrote a slashfic about my post.


He smokes weed and wants you to fuck off. I smoke weed but I would never make a post like he did. I know I shouldn't smoke pot. I'm just weak willed and use it as a crutch.

Reads very legit especially steamworks stuff. Did anyone call the police? I will if no one has

By far, the most disturbing aspect of this photo is Mr. PMpussnormie there in the middle.

got AIDS, died.

Date is from a couple days ago so someone probably did. I wouldn't want to be the guy calling from out of province about something I saw on the internet. Knock yourself out.

I believe him..

Queue up the msm ready to demonize police for unjustly attacking gay culture.

But did they violate the NAP?

Fuck off these are people who live at bath houses and do drugs in them. Straight people do this shit too. It's way more common in the gay community though. Unfortunately many people stolen by this have lost their family or lured into drug addiction. I do think being a man has to be part of it. The sex drive of men coupled with potential partners who have the same with absolutely no stigma for promiscuity.

I can see this happening
People think that gay people in Toronto are all rainbows

I don't see anything in the news though? I'm gay and live in To. Used to be more in the gay life when I was in school not anymore. Toronto can be fucking dirty, but to be honest any gay city is. There are people both in and out of these things. It's unfortunate people really don't know how degenerate it can be

more details...if you care to read

Sex drive for either gender is the same. It seems to me that these "people" are just sadistic predators that need to be put in a brazen bull and cooked for the amount of time they've been "practicing" this shit.

Has he been arrested for anti-gay hate speech yet?

I guess, but in any case the sexual dynamo that men can create between each other easily becomes degenerate (on an individual level)

This guy's trying to blow the lid off the Canadian gay meth torture scene and secure citizenship for the downtrodden north african men who are, of course, it's biggest victims.


WHAT oh shit. so something is being done?

What is it these guys did? Drug and meth issues aren't exactly new in Toronto. How is it not in new news?

Last I knew they don't lean one way or the other.

He's been posting these things for a few hours. so if the police has been contacted then I assume it will take a while for them to investigate and for it to become news.

>so something is being done?

only because the bikers will handle it otherwise, or so i gather.

hope the bikes will handle it

keep us updated on the happening OP!

I'll try!

You aren't automatically a 420 faggot just because you smoke pot. There is use and there is abuse.

Pretty based off Abdul and the doc to torture and literally convince faggots to kill themselves. /ourguys/?

this is something that happens in all western towns/cites. its all by design. masons operating out of city of London behind the blackmail network

>implying this isn't vanilla bdsm
You fucking breeders, I swear.

Meth makes you gay

>one of the older gay men I knew, whom I considered to be somewhat normal.

Well there's your problem.

Fags creating and enslaving fags.

Predation on boys.

Drama queenery.

Wait? So CAMH is involved? Can't say I am surprised. A lil minipizzagate


>Ayahuasca, a healing plant that can cure addiction.

too bad it can't cure an addiction to dick
