Reminder that Felix and Julius are the best bros.
Also EP 25 is gonna be a double episode.
OP2 Full
Theater D Full
Title of the Next Episode:
>自称騎士と最優の騎士 "Self Proclaimed Knight and Most Valuable Knight"
Reminder that Felix and Julius are the best bros.
Also EP 25 is gonna be a double episode.
OP2 Full
Theater D Full
Title of the Next Episode:
>自称騎士と最優の騎士 "Self Proclaimed Knight and Most Valuable Knight"
I want to start this thread off by saying Julius did nothing wrong.
Dear animeonlyfriends,
Allow me to explain, for those of you who seem to be confused. This anime is based on source material that is based on source material that is light-years ahead of wherever this anime is in terms of story. Some of us didn't want to wait every week for another forced cliffhanger so we either read on ahead, or read synopses from the wiki page.
So, when you say dumb shit like, "Omg, whale is ded how it wipe????" Don't be surprised when the people in here who know what will happen laugh at you. You can whine all you want, you can say how it isn't fair, and you can call us faggots. But, what you can't do is somehow pretend you're right when you only have about 10% of the information we have.
I hope this was educational, my buttblasted friends.
Come back when Ep.25 hits or spoil yourself now and enter the abyss.
>Also EP 25 is gonna be a double episode.
If only Reinhardt were here!
Ferris actually died during the dragon carriage explosion, but they left out the part where he said that he died.
>Using the same plebbit pasta to fit in here
Post memes
What did he want to tell juli?
Omg, whale is ded how it wipe????
RIP Wilhelm, shit episode
The first annoucement and the first stream of episode 1 you fucking animeonlyfag.
That he's sorry and shit.
Ending was funny but the ep was meh
Rem a best. A BEST.
Emilia a shit. A SHIT.
Bitches don't know about my Archbishop of Gluttony
You forgot your floaties
emilia is a shit name btw
Bullshit, give me the source and I'll admit I'm wrong
who is rem?
>a catmale (male) and a small asian boy are about to fuck and get semen all over your carriage
What do you do?
What the fuck is with this MC, I've never seen this anime but every picture of him makes him look like a dumb ass so whats up with that senpai it bothers me
So that was not Ferris after the explosion? Sorry, I'm an animefag.
Knock Knock
Praise Allah
>rem wearing a dress that lewd
never going to happen
TB.H I got more emotional at Ferris the trapfaggot
Emilia is sooo unimpressive.
Once again, How the fuck does Felix not get a route in the upcoming romantic Vita VN. He clearly loves Subaru.
Join them
>S-Spoonfeed me!
>I-I won't believe because I can't use fucking google or even go to Nico!
Fuck off retarded newfag, lurk more before posting here shitter.
Fuck off, Luluco
charge them money for dirtying your cart, then film it and sell the video online for more money
How did he get possessed and how isnt his neck broken?
So Julius kills Subaru
What is the new checkpoint?
If I wanted to google I'd have done it already. OP posted a claim without a source and I'm asking for it you sperg
Dark Lord Subaru when?
How in the world did he possess subarun?
The same 2 jokes in a row?
How slothful
Loving Subaru doesn't mean you get a route. Just look at Satella.
>How did he get possessed and how isnt his neck broken?
i know this is pasta
but is this your first time being an elitist?
Damn, that is one slutty outfit.
That was pretty shitty.
Hahaha, you know White Fox knows this series is going to tank because of how long they're holding out on the Rem reveal.
You can't deny at this point that Rem is the only thing left for viewers to look forward to. Hell, I bet half of the viewers are just watching because they want to know where Rem is. This shitshow is going to crash and burn. No S2 for EMTards.
That he was sorry for his actions.
Fuck off the joke was trash.
who's there? you fucking luluco poster
What is this called? A bikini wedding-dress?
>read only the spoilers
>call others animeonly
this is next level faggotry
Subaru dies, but his soul goes back in time to when he was happiest, which was during the Mansion Arc.
Rem, who loves Subaru and wants to be with him, steals him from Emilia and they both escape the mansion together, leaving the remaining residents to die at the hands of the Witch Cult.
I can't wait for Remfags like you to die off when season 2 arrives
>I refuse to back up my claim by calling it spoonfeeding.
This is how you tell someone is bullshitting
Gay marriage isn't legal in Japan, it's only okay for comic relief and pornography.
This episode was fucking awesome!
I want more Betel-Subaru!!
So what's the deal with the Witch cult calling Subaru 'Pride'? Is he the missing cult member? Does it have something to do with his witch stench?
I don't care about spoilers, so go ahead.
>Gets sent back to the Mansion Arc
>There's no Rem
that's still over a season away you dumb lulucoposter
Why didn't AT LEAST one mabeast go after Subaru?
got me to reply/10
>implying we'll die off
>implying there'll be an S2
kek. This show is acknowledging itself at this point. If all that Rem has done becomes erased, so does this show's merits.
Well done, Tappei the hack.
>die off
We've been around since arc 2 of WN user. We're as persistent as Onoderafags.
I don't see where you're going with this
is it possible to find a translation of the ln anywhere? i feel like i'm missing way too many details by just watching the anime
Did you watch the episode? He explains that with Emilia's crystal he's protected. Go rewatch the scene.
Subaru was carrying Betelguese's gospel
the cristal dude, the cristal
Subaru reeks of the Witch's cunt and Pride is the only archbishop whose seat is vacant, as far as any of the other archbishops know.
are you even allowed to say fag on reddit?
Did this even have threads before the anime? I can't remember seeing it once. I'm not shitting on Remfags in general, just obvious shitposters like
>being retarded
dude epic funny
Thanks for describing the MC of this series once it end's
>replying to baits
That's all it takes? So he could potentially possess everyone in the world?
that's some shaft level shit
I don't ever recall a thread about Rem specifically. But there has been a few Re:Zero Threads before like when the manga adaptation came out.
Nope. Which adds to the point why Remfags sustain this series. Most of the animeonlys don't know yet, which is good for now, but this shit is on life support and the plug will be severed in a few weeks.
its very unlikely there will be a S2, shows like these just promote the source material.
No, only his fingers, Subaru became one of them when he took the gospel.
Despite what the show tells you, not every cultist has a gospel.
I like Rem but I will drop the WN and all and won't bother with this anymore when the anime finishes and the hype dies down for good.
>Did my favorite girl lost and became irrelevant?
>The work does become irrelevant to me
I hated it when Onodera lost as well but well in the end it is just a fiction that some japnigger wrote.
I guess he will be forgotten, 8/10
that's rude
>We've been around since arc 2 of WN user.
True WN fans have been there since ages ago. 4 Rem AU chapters and counting waiting for Rem to wake up.
Not that we have any of those here.
Whos rem? I've literally never heard of or seen that character.
>persistent as Onoderafags
That's not a good thing user...
>Underrated joke.
But didn't the little cats take the gospel first? Are they fingers too?
Holy shit Ferris best boy. Julius about to go OJ.
They didn't keep it.
This is the last (You) you get from me Enjoy it.
>tfw they finally hugged
Why EMT cri? ;_;
>people responding to remfags with "who"
>not realizing the fallacy that if rem is erased, which erases everything she has done, it also erases what made Re Zero good in the 1st place, and its popularity
Kek dumb fucks. When you say "who's Rem?", you're effectively saying "what's Re Zero?".
Castrate yourselves