You can kill one, and only one, of the following cancers killing the industry:
>battle harem
You can kill one, and only one, of the following cancers killing the industry:
Fujoshit, no doubt about it.
Degenerate faggotry cancer has got to go.
Battle harem.
isekai garbage
sao opened the portal and the decent does not outweigh the cancerous bad
I will kill isekai and let the anime die.
you know, you can just ignore the bad stuff and watch the good
The whole industry needs to die.
Fujo 3 times
Myself ;_;
Can I kill moe garbage instead? Honestly New Game is exemplary of everything wrong with anime.
If Battle Harem isn't your answer you clearly want to see the industry burn.
battle harem
give me a couple of examples of what you consider fujoshit
Isekai at least has room for creativity within the genre, Fujoshit is trashy for the most part but its nowhere near the shitty saturation levels of Battle Harem.
Battle harem needs to go, its gotten so bad, normal school harem seems fresh and original.
Why should I give a fuck about genres I don't watch? Of those I like battle harem the least, but it's not like studios would suddenly make better things if they were banned.
Right? Anime needs to be action packed and hardcore and for mature people with refined tastes like yourself senpai.
Battle Harems. Fujoshit is a totally unrelated market, isekai is bad, but is worse when it's a battle harem.
Battle harems always have a self insert MC, and a bunch of girls designed to be flavor of the weeks and paint by numbers tropes to garb audiences by their fetishes and sell merchandise. This is what's killing the industry, it's more about a quick buck and quantity than it is about quality.
So according to Sup Forums, anything about males?
I choose yurishit.
>[kpkn] PriPara - 51 [60329A6C].mkv
All of them pretty much run the industry so I'll kill all of them so anime dies and only idols exist.
Anime was a mistake.
Battle harems are more or less dead, and Isekai is declining.
Fujoshit will never die by itself. Therefore mercy killing fujoshit is the obvious answer.
Why not killing yourself? If you hate the medium so much, that'd be the best choice for you.
Kill moeshit, shounenshit, isekaishit, haremshit, fujoshit, shoujoshit, actionshit, just leave alone the animus with deep themes for mature people like myself.
Yuribait is the true enemy.
idolshit please
What kind of immature person whats something removed from existence just because they don't personally enjoy it?
Just don't watch it nigger.
>sao opened the portal
>Magic Knight Rayearth
>to name a few
how new are you?
wow a grand quantity of 1 idol anime every 2 seasons.
If you are not im@s or Love Live, idolshit is fucking dead and studios don't even try, so can't really say it beats battle harems on saturation or cancer.
it may be only one show, but that shit is so big that half the fucking doujins are produced on that
>if you arent these particular shows then you are not idolshit
Idolshitters everyone
Define Fujoshit.
Would you say Sengoku Basara is fujoshit? Or Rainbow?
Series like Legend of Legendary Heroes, or even some classics like Saint Seiya have a fuckton of fujoshi fans. Hell, even Gintama has plenty of them.
Fujoshit will save anime.
I kill whatever kind of cancer New Game is part.
I would more call those fujobait. Shokugeki no soma has turned into fujobait, fans are more interested in the male characters than the female characters.
Which is strictly funny considering it's Tosh drawing.
And the ones who makes these threads all the time are moeshitters
there's like no yuribait shows though, so it's kind of a waste
What kind of question is that?
fujoshit obviously
>sao opened the portal
Escaflowne, Rayearth, Zero no Tsukaima, Inuyasha, El Hazard, The Twelve Kingdoms.... etc...
Battle harem.
The other two are terrible, but I hate battle harems.
You're gay
I choose idolshit/gachashit. Fuck those and all of you that play mobages or browser games.
Battle Harem. Isekai would arguably include stuff like Digimon, while there can be an enjoyable fujoshit from time to time.
Battle harems never made that much to begin with, and after seeing how hard Asterisk failed after being advertised like hell, battle harems are pretty much dead.
Neither fujoshit nor isekai are well-defined.
as if there was any other choice
>battle harem
Why? Or are you just jealous?
can't self insert meme
At least idolshit pretends to have a story in its adaptations. Gachashit really needs to die.
>yfw fujoshit isekai battle harem
I'd watch the shit out of that
>destroy thing I don't like
I bet you all are JoJo fags. Go back to ribbit
can I choose fan bases instead?
They're the worst part of anime
>lighthearted fun times turns into edgy action
I hate when this happens.
Do it senpai
I want yurishit to hit mainstream, so it can die faster and be replaced for something good.
How do you combine harem and fujoshit? They are nearly opposites of each other.
fujo isn't killing the industry though
Is everything that has characters even remotely in danger or dramatic action pieces "edgy" now?
gonna go with moeshit sol desu
>How do you combine harem and fujoshit?
Gay harem, duh.
My vote is for moeshit
Battle harem, easy
Isekai has had a lot of shitty ones lately, but its a huge genre that existed for decades in the East and the West
Fujoshit is apparently anything with handsome men or boys that can be shipped so that would basically kill except CGDCT
Reverse harems usually have a ton of fujobait.
But it needs to be girls.
moe isekai is great
Touta could kick Negima Negi's shit in.
Idolshit is also pretty bad but at least it's easier to filter out
I choose moeshit/cgdct
Oh the ironing
Literally nothing from the battle harem genre is close to being watchable.
Cute girls.
>battle harem
Cute girls.
Yucky guys.
Anyone who doesn't say fujoshit is a homolord.
Fuck off with your semantics.
The tone shift just turns me off, I mean if I wanted a serious action drama I would look for it from the start. If I'm looking for lighthearted stuff I don't expect it to turn into serious shit halfway through.
Fuck Negima, and fuck R+V for doing this.
>cancer killing the industry
>I post anime memes on an image board and I know exactly how an entire country should run their animation industry
Threadly reminder that a majority of "manime" is directed at 8 year old japanese boys while "moeshit" is most popular among adult men.
Most people don't understand the difference between shounen and seinen.
>there are people who don't like moe
is that the fanbase known as "JoJo fags"?
>"moeshit" is most popular among adult men.
Do you really consider Otaku to be adults?
Some people arent virgin losers, they cant help themselves
Has anime finally move past moeshit?
fuck yurishit so much
>Fuck moeshit I like manime!
"I enjoy entertainment for 10 year old boys."
"I am a Jojo fan who loves bara."
>virgin losers as an insult
Hey buddy I think you got the wrong door, Sup Forums is 17 doors down.
fujoshit is obviously the only correct choice here.
Its okay to be a virgin loser, im just saying that people who arent, dont enjoy moeshit
Fujoshit is saving the industry though.
Fujoshit, the others are keeping the industry alive.
>loving bara
I dont see anything wrong here.
This. Fujos are mostly self-contained and hate themselves enough to not be a nuisance. Yurishitters on the other hand have no self-loathing and insert yuri into everything.
Sao opened the portal =/= Sao was the first isekai ever
Sao popularised the genre
Actually only virgins would watch haremshit to self insert and fap for their lack of experience. Working successful people watch moeshit to fulfill paternal fatherly instincts without having the shitshow that is a 3dpd family.
Maybe one day you'll understand once you stop self inserting and jerking off to harems.
That's because Idolfags actually buy merchandise. It's not our fault that everyone else is poor and/or cheap.
Leave my taiwanese erotic painting alone