One Page Thread

I was going to post this in the previous thread but some nerd posted the 250th image before I could.
















Sauce? Google returns nothing and Saucenao isn't even giving me possible matches.


Best love story, prove me wrong.

(Saishū heiki kanojo)


This series is very good. Also I have a shit ton of single pages saved from it in my "single pages of manga folder".

>Latest Release(s)
>v.2 c.10 by A Miserable Pile of Scanlations (1348d ago)
I read the rest of it in Japanese though





Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii


Thanks user.

Source is Otoyomegatari

Worth it for the fucking art alone






from the same dude that made Ichi and Homonculus, really make you think.

I think you quoted the wrong post there.


Goat was MVP.

oops yeah, I wanted to say


Google and Yandex are useless

Sauce please


Seems interesting.

Sauce please
I can't find shit

May I have some source for my Dolphin folder.


Norio's newest manga: Heroine Voice.
Is not about traps this time tho.



Hardcore Megane Bullying



Man, seeing both MCs in the same page made me remember Real Account.
What happened to that? Got the axe?


Call me a faggot with shit taste but I find four eyes delicious

Apparently 4 more volumes untranslated and still ongoing, but I've been completely lost to what the hell has been going on.

I wouldn't be surprised if it did get axed sooner or later, because the premise is retarded.


Sauce please

There's literally a very unique name in that page you silly idiot.

>300+ chapters



Great taste, user, I wish scanlations would finally come back.

Source? The usual suspects didn't help.

Use yandex. Also good luck finding yen press scans for vol6+.

Not OP but google returns me High School DxD.
Try that

Is there a single manga that has better ending?

Source? Google gave fuck-all

This guy agrees
Youkai Shoujo, also train your google more or something, worked for me.

Needless had the perfect ending for what it was. Best competitor I can think of is probably Sei So Tsui Dan Sha.



Sauce? Yandex/Google/Iqdb nothing.

Grand Blue

new chapter when? want mc to get more watersports

going to need sauce on this

Google told me Ureshon!
Only one chapter in english, 26 days ago.

It reminded me that I need to read more ecchi mangos.

thank you

this stuff needs to stop

holy shit this is gold

Seriously thought why did it just die when things were starting to get interesting?

sauce pls?

Assassin is best girl

she is



Update when?

That was the funniest shit ever.


I am getting an Immortal Hounds vibe.

I fucking love this artist. I wish they had more stuff.

I just read this chapter today

Same author, but an entirely different type of story.


I'm just glad it worked out for them.


