Remind me how he fell for Senjou so calmly after everything with Hanekawa in Kizu and he felt about her then?
I dun get it
Remind me how he fell for Senjou so calmly after everything with Hanekawa in Kizu and he felt about her then?
I dun get it
Shitty writing.
it's quite simple user
Are you a retard or what?
Because she confessed. Araragi can't into reading girls intentions.
He thought Hanekawa was out of his league and decided that he wasn't in love with her. Senjougahara just went straight in for the kill.
>I read bakemonogatari more than 10 times and not an autist
bit of a contradiction there innit
Not bad
Let me explain to you autist OP
>Crab is a loner in school, just like Koyomi, so the instant bond forms.
>Koyomi finds out that Crab has a non-sensical issue with her body that Koyomi similarly experienced as well
>Koyomi spends after-school with her (something I'm pretty sure he did for the first time)
>Koyomi is a sexually vigorous teenage boy rich in hormones
>A little secrete forms between Crab and Koyomi of the non-human domian and Oshino Meme related thing
>Koyomi finally saved crab who suffered and awaited for an help for her entire life
>Crab is sassy but hot and Koyomi witnessed her honest side when she faced with the Crab God.
>Crab is a responsible human being who, even in a dire condition, managed to pull her shit up together and live strongly.
>Crab confessed first, making it easy for Koyomi to date her.
t. I read bakemonogatari more than 10 times
Who's Koyomi? Is he related to Arararararararagi-kun?
I still haven't got past first episode of season 2. I will have to try again in the near future.
Crabs are more delicious than cats
>read bakemonogatari more than 10 times
go back to /jp/
Because he's into girls like Senjougahara? I don't think it's any deeper than that.
>Crabs are more delicious than cats
I had crabs once and it was awful
Cat is a passive cuck and she was too late because Crab already had conquered Araragi
Did you ever had a cat?
There's probably as many points why he should've dated Hanekawa. Plus cat > crab.
I blame shitty writing.
>He didn't make the same personal choice I would have made, therefore, it's bad writing
Again, OP
>Crab confessed FIRST, which cat didn't do. (Remember White Album 2? the cuckbitch won because she confessed first).
>Koyomi feels in debt for cat very different from love
>Until the first semester of her 3rd year at high school, Koyomi still thinks lowly of himself and don't believe he match up to the straightness and righteousness of cat
>In Koyomi's mind, cat is now someone who he will protect with his life, not "RELATE" with.
>While crab is the one who first rejected and later accepted Koyomi's good deed, Cat was never in that situation.
There's no logic to it. Some situations just makes the likeliness of dating much higher.
He should have held out for the fabled Yozuru route.
He was convinced in Bakemonogatari that Senjougahara was the hardest route to win but he was dead wrong.
>Remind me how he fell for Senjou so calmly after everything with Hanekawa in Kizu and he felt about her then?
Because Bake was written first, when he wrote Kizu and all the other novels that came after it became a little hard to put Senjogahara in the lover part so he just made that
>Araragi thinks Hanekawa is a goddess so he wouldn't even dare to touch her with his filthy hands
It's actually done for a thematic reason. Hitagi represents a normal life. Araragi choosing her is symbolic of choosing not to become an excorcist. He chooses her over all the girls with cool magic powers because he wants to live a boring life as a salaryman. Anyway to be a bit more clear here Nisio is a huge normalfag and he's basically saying be normal.
The real question is how the fuck did any girl fall for this ugly fuck?
> ugly fuck
>Remember White Album 2? the cuckbitch won because she confessed first
you know they haven't adopted all of the visual novel yet?
>huge normalfag
How can he be a normalfag when he cut hair like Edward Scissorhands all the time. He must love dykes or something.
See, your logic is sound until you take into account that he's actively choosing both sides by not giving up either Shinobu - his connection to cool kids land or Senjougahara - his last lifeline to normalfag central.
While your statement of Senjou representing normalfaggotry is correct, to say NisiO is telling people to be normalfags while preaching the message of "Fuck everyone else, do what you want." is just incorrect.
Araragi is proof that as long as you contain your powerlevel, you can have some semblance of a normal life but that if you embrace the true faggotry that comes with becoming an outcast then you too can become cool like Oshino, Kaiki, Yozuru, Tadatsuru or the ever-personable and friendliest girl in the world Izuko Gaen.
>The real question is how the fuck did any girl fall for this ugly fuck?
On a banana peel at the top of some stairs at Naoetsu High I believe.
Harem logic
If you think araragi is ugly you are a faggot
But he is a fucking manlet
Crab needed RRGI more than Cat did and spoke up 1st. Could've gone either way
Just like everyone in Japan.
He considers Hanekawa to be a literal saint, he feels like he owes her so much that the only way he could ever hope to repay her is by dying for her sake.
Araragi is not ugly it's just that he's always off model.
I don't really like Araragi that much because he's a pedo but that is just wrong.
He doesmt really "love" her. sure je likes her but hes the ultimate white knight and he knows that she "needs" him so hes going along with it because he thinks hes saving her.
she also actually asked him out unlike anyone else and she isnt ugly so it works out. also there banter is good.
>Implying you wouldn't ram his boypucci all night long
>responding to bait
Owari 3 adaptation when?
I want to see Gahara drifting down the streets like Initial Fucking D.
After Kizu.
damn redditgahara is so cute
Reminder Hanekawa is a bitch for interrupting him from murdering that vampire scum
Senjougahara is best yuru
>first 10 min already a beautifully animated and drawn panty shot of Tsubasa
Senjougahara is still best girl though