I keep seeing all of this #metoo garbage and I wonder how many are just complete bullshit? Does anyone have any screencaps of obvious #metoo lies?
I keep seeing all of this #metoo garbage and I wonder how many are just complete bullshit...
Not seen one of those directly but I have seen some ridiculous tweets inspired by all of this Weinstein stuff.
it's social media hyper signalling, it's trendy, and it's also women
you can be confident an absurd percentage is complete bullshit
Why do these roasties even want all 2k of their kikebook friends to know they were either diddled as a kid or got drunk and fucked a guy "rape"?
That is normally information you keep private.
Why do they always bring Trump into it
Pretty sure 90% of #MeToo hashtags are lies or stuff like ''A man looked at me today #MeToo''
When someone goes through something like being raped, or abused, they usually don't talk about it, or rarely and only with people they can trust, much less on Twitter, using a shitty PR stunt/hashtag.
That is the most disappointing thing I've seen all day. You'd think that someone of his age would've matured by now. I wonder if he's hiding something?
Sex bots can not get here soon enough.
"#" means "pound" so gives the whole thing a new meaning
>i got hit on by a guy I didn't think was attractive.
me too
Pound me too. Best hashtag ever
That is one Jewish Jew.
He's from Pittsburgh. Why are all of the most cucked liberal white faggots I've ever met from there?? Isn't it supposed to be a tough town?
Literally if all men stopped harassing women nobody would ever get laid.
The human race would end because we would all be a bunch of sissy cucks.
Women want a man who goes out of their way to get them, who's funny and slightly insulting. The problem is that if a women doesn't like the man she can just claim it's harassement.
It's bullshit.
What bothers me more is that even looking in the direction of a woman while being ugly is now considered rape. There's some #metoo shit that is definitely not rape or sexual assault, it barely qualifies as creepy.
Because it gives you imaginary social pity points
>how many are just complete bullshit?
All of them. Nobody with real trauma copes with it by bragging/blabbing about it in order to join a bandwagon.
Probably a good 20% of them. Most seem plausible thus far, though. Accounts of actresses groped or models turning up to photoshoots with no cameras don't ring false.
You can usually tell the fakes, they go into silly amounts of detail. It's some sort of mental disorder, like the people who turned up to the 9/11 rubble with their phones claiming they were in contact with buried loved ones who didn't exist (and couldn't have texted them anyway, the masts were on top of the towers and now wrecked to fuck). It's similar to people who visit memorial pages on facefuck and leave condolaneces for complete fucking strangers: a weird compulsion to vicariously experience the drama and grief they see playing out in front of them.
And of course you'll find some simple black-eyed revenge claims issued, but that's women for you.
I believe Molly Ringwald, not only because I've always wanted to fuq her since Spacehunter, but because her story was mundane and she quit the big time right at the start of her ascent, just walked out on the industry.
kek this.
Remember in Fight Club, the support groups that Tyler started obsessively attending? His life was so mundane, and he had nothing interesting to share at these meetings but instead invented things to talk about, and as a result became addicted to the attention he received from the group. He eventually ended up creating an identity for himself out of complete falsehoods, and convinced many others with low self esteem to follow him.
This phenomena plays out in every corner of society, and I have seen it with my own eyes at Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. I'm not even an alcoholic, but have attended these things all over Los Angeles. You will observe some seriously disturbing human behavior at AA meetings, and I'm not even talking about the people who have obviously had shit lives and thrown them away on drugs and vice, etc. I am talking about the complete fakes and frauds, like Marla and Tyler from Fight Club. I have personally seen someone listen to another's story at one meeting, and see that same exact person at another meeting sharing the story as if it was their own. People will go to great lengths to get attention and feel "accepted" by a group, even if it means completely fabricating their entire life story.
Let that sink in for a minute while you think about the #MeToo hysteria.
So this is the power of Chad's cock. It literally drives women insane.
I was sexually abused many times by other men as a child, as well as full on raped later in life. The only people that know are people on Sup Forums, who will completely forget by the next post. It's nice to say it some times, to try to get past it, but I would never tell anyone I know. I sure as fuck wouldn't put it on facebook/Twitter. They should be required to say what happened too. #metoo #iThinkISawAGuyLookAtMyAssOneTime
This is why it was hard to flirt with women, feminism made everything weird.
Pic is from a MMA fight on TV a few nights ago.
Something to behold that’s for sure
because they are butthurt they didnt have female prez, even though hillary would have started WW3
I've had this thought about the #MeToo campaign, but hadn't connected those scenes in Fight Club to it.
The analogy is perfect.
>15. Jerk off without porn
Good girl!
>17. befriend children
what did she mean by that?
It's disturbing. Have you ever caught one of your friends telling a story about something that happened to them, but it was actually something that happened to YOU... which they plagiarized and just inserted their own name in place of yours.
This is exactly what I am talking about, and with #MeToo it's gone viral.
part of their contract.
So when this cunt doesnt get attention from men at all, she's going to turn around and complain about "where have all the good men gone?"
>I'm not even an alcoholic, but have attended these things all over Los Angeles.
fucking tourist
Just looked this one up and it has 1002 likes.
How much do you wanna bet this cunt is against gay conversion therapy because they are "born that way" but she thinks she can reprogram straight men's desires.
Also imagine how she would react if you told a faggot that his desires don't matter, he just has to learn to like pussy.
>women exaggerating or straight up fabricating sexual harassment/molestation/rape for feminism points, virtue signaling and attention
wow it seems incredibly unlikely but there might just be something to it
99% of it is bandwagon rubbish because what constitutes assault to a modern day woman can be anything from whistling to blowing a kiss. All this #MeToo campaign has done is make me ignore the majority of assault and rape accusations now. I don't even bat an eye anymore when a woman says she was raped.
kek they’d rather try to change how men see beauty than go on a fucking diet. sickeningly lazy cunts
It's a fucking meme that guys hold "thinness" as the optimal state of beauty. The problem with young girls starving themselves is entirely related to the (((fashion industry))) only have anorexic models. No men likes sticcs over thiccs. The bodytype that men like the most is also the most healthy, naturally. Her being an obese fucking landwhale doesn't mean every normalsized girl is thin.
well done
Looked her up.
She is fat.
Huge surprise.
she will tweet something like "I hate that this generation of men don't have the balls to approach a woman!"
>your desires dont matter
state enforced homosexuality soon
>bulleted list of how to help wymen
>first bulleted point
>shed your transphobia
Couldn't stay on topic at all, could she?
what in the fucking hell is this??
Non functioning trans dick. For the ladies.
What they don't understand is, that this doesn't make them desirable in the eyes of men.
Either their story is true and they are damaged goods, or it's a lie which makes them attention whoring bitches.
>pound me too
I remember that single mom got BTFO so hard
>For the ladies.
I don't know why I laughed so fucking hard
remember how in Fight Club the underground all-male Fight Club was an allegory for underground gay sex clubs and how Tyler + the protagonist were giant homos in the book
so simple but so perfect