Niggers are now robbing white people of fried chicken in broad daylight.
Race war when?
Niggers are now robbing white people of fried chicken in broad daylight
Will cops do anything?
>stereotypes aren't re-
if they know who it is, it's their job to do so. niggers are so stupid they put this shit on social media.
Fuck u filthy cumskin
Proud north African fuck wh*tes for stealing my history fuck u.
Unfortunately It happened in August the statute of limitations for fried chicken crimes has already passed
>get chicken stolen by a nigger
>pull out concealed handgun and shoot them as they run off
>go to trial
>majority white jury refuse to send you to prison
Boom. If we were still majority white, we could kill niggers for fried chicken
>filming your own crimes
Go away Mehmet you arent black just poo brown
the best thing obama did was give those niggers phones so they can film their own crimes.
The name is familiar is he the nig that harassed some white kid whilst he was trying to sleep?
1. buy chicken
2. put poison in it
3. go back to this neighborhood and let this guy to steal it from you
4. laugh
Niggers don't have functioning brains.
Looks like a boomercuck. Based nig.
>boonk gang
>boonk gang
>ooga booga
he relaxed around blacks
not blaming the victim, but jesus christ when there is a nigger in the vicinity you must be on heightened alert
nigger got like 220K followers too, would be a shame to see him locked up.
Could he have shot the ape and get away with it?
>See video an old white man
>See black hand grab the chicken the old man had
>Turns the camera to himself
>Starts ooga boogaing as he runs away
Lol jesus christ, how fucking accurate are stereotypes.
You know, i'm not white either but i just don't understand the motivation behind this. Do you really have no empathy for the old man? Like, i genuinely want to get in their minds for one day to understand why they do shit like this.
Can't steal what you don't have. You're only culturally enriched after you eat yogurt.
Wtf did I just watch.
Side note. The black guy was actually pretty polite while robbing the old man.
>not blaming the victim
He's a boomer, he deserved it. And worse.
for the lulz
whites are the reason blacks are unemployed because they moved all the jobs to china.
Are you a blackie as well? Cause if so congrats you're on the high end of the genetic pool when it comes to niggers and got lucky. Notice his language? It's literally the same shit you hear from Africa it's in blacks DNA.
If some nigger tried to rob me of my fried chicken I'd look for hidden cameras.
"Am I on TV? Dave Chappelle around here?"
I'd take a picture with the nigger and post it on Facebook. Would be the funniest day of my life. Fuck it. I'd give him the fried chicken, feed on the lulz.
For the cost of a fried chicken dinner, that boomer just became a huge racist lmao
Someone make a WebM. Keep it small so I can post it.
honestly FUCK that cracker for not sucking the negro's dick for robbing him so nicely
it's really fucking stupid but convenient
So blacks are too stupid go get any job past entry level positions? I'd have to agree with you on that one user.
Boo-gay, Boo-gay? WTF is this jibberish?
>implying niggers could assemble iphones and roombas
Don't forget the sub-saharan africans had FTL spacetravel and stargates before the white caveman stole everything from them.
Fucking shoot those apes you cowards.
Why does this IG account exist? Who's behind it? What's is the target audience?
Why the fuck was I born to be associated with these retards, and why is God such a fucking asshole?
that's gotta be fake. The black dude running off at the end screaming "Bouquet?"
What the fuck is thaT? Fucking shit.
Lol god has a sense of's just at your expense, because he hates you all.
>Blacks on average have a low IQ
>Pattern Recognition relies on IQ
>He's unable to see/understand the consequences to his actions
If you attempt to correct/teach them; you're a racist.
because America is not white majority and niggers will get away with those things.
He's Haitian that's how they pronounce "bucket" bc he got a whole bucket of chicken
boonk gang is just joking
-but you might run into Clint in Gran Torino
-Gran Torino would’ve opened fire
It's OK not to understand. We don't understand the motivation for dogs to eat shit either.
Trying to understand subhumans is a losing proposition.
shitskin america
Ah, yes. The femnazis can finally unleash their trained dogs on society.
What a time to be alive!
No, most self defense laws indicate that you need to fear death or great bodily injury to justify a self defense shooting
Iranian actually, i dunno i guess i just have a high empathy level, a lot of people told me this, but yeah its just sad desu
>click the profile
>thumbnail with a white girl sitting on his lap
Which is bullshit, if you try and steal a damn pencil off of me I should be able to shoot your ass.
They won't do shit. This nigger tore up a convenience store causing thousands in damages and he wasn't even jailed.
"Boonk gang" you idiots, it's right there in the tags. Reference to an instagram "prank" dipshit who went to jail for his stupid stunts
I think, I love you leaf. Dying of laughter.
>Go to jail cause he was a good boy who could of cured cancer but now we will never cure cancer
YeahMen whatever mohamad
Your either morrocan or Algerian or some shit and listen to trap music. That doesn't make you a nigger. Make your shitskin parents proud and alahackbar yourself
If you take my food, I could starve. Sounds like an attempt at murder to me.
So niggers came up with a word that sounded like ooga booga on purpose, or do they just pronounce it that way on purpose?
Have negroids gone too far?
is that true for all states though? I assume states like Texas could be more permissive in pest control matters?
he has about 10 crimes filmed on his facebook, drug use and illegal fire arms
>fuck wh*tes for stealing my history fuck u.
I guesss we have to help Africa going full-slavery again then.
That nog did the yt a service. That shit is nasty and unhealthy.
Wouldn’t you just need to be aware of you’re surroundings. See nog approaching tell him to stay away, nig still approaches you shoot him?
what is irony?
Lmao this is literally what monkeys do to tourists
lol "honey you wouldnt believe this a nigger stole my chicken"
>you need to fear death or great bodily injury
So you don't need to actually be in danger you just need to feel as though you're in danger? I can see this Jewish wordplay and feelings before facts biting some (((people))) on the arse.
SO YOU BELIEVE WHAT THEY WANT YOU TO BELIEVE!!! am i right guys or what? I mean i know we're conflating anecdotal evidence with broader trends but it's all just a ruse am i right? they all want us divided typing away at our computers instead of fucking each other
No, what I said is true of most states, some states vary on whether or not you have a duty to try to run away from "the threat" before shooting(this is what Stand Your Ground laws refer to) but in most states if there was no credible threat to life or limb then you're probably fucked
Unless they break into your home, most if not all states have some form of Castle Doctrine, if someone tries breaking into your home there is almost no chance a jury would find you guilty anyway
thank you, goes into nigger folder.
Also nigger caught likely looking at 5 years
Lol literal jungle
Why wouldnt we use fear as the best indicator of when you can defend yourself? Should you wait until death or great bodily injury before you can shoot back?
>the absolute state of British "men"
>I would unironically shoot a nigger over fried chicken
You understand the old guy probably just walked back into kfc and explained what happened and they gave him another bucket of chicken right? Meanwhile this guy records himself stealing for 100 more followers on an internet website. I'm sure these websites don't allow this type of content, would be a shame if his shit got shut down.
>stealing from the elderly
What the fuck are you trying to say?
Niggers in their supbrime car loan used nissan/infiniti shit carz driving like dey be kangzz
>be white
>live in big city, Chicago
>not living in a "shall-issue" state
anyone have that one of the nigger eating and not paying? was posted here a couple weeks ago
>boonk gang
WTF now i hate myself.
could he be any more nigger?
>that unintelligible nigger babble after performing grand theft of chicken
Nice trollbait.
it's like after the silverback rapes a few bitch apes and lets out some primal shit.
That's how it's always worked in England
Dont make the black kids hungry
The memes are becoming alive, Jack.
66% white jury sends you to jail
well to be fair the white one was eating the black one's food. thats cult appropriation! how would you feel if blacks started eating caviar or contributing to society? :)
>Those comments
My sides
The ride never ends.
Officers say they found the woman laying face down next to her eyeballs in a yard on Francis Drive, Wednesday night.