/It's Okay to Be White Project/

/It's Okay to Be White Project/

Hey, on our discord we are starting with "It's Okay to Be White Project"

Right now, we are printing the posters and sticking in our cities.

Come and join us.

In 30-60 minutes,we will post posters on the walls in our cities

Other urls found in this thread:


>joining a discord on pol

it's like you're trying to get watched or bugged






Which one do you like the most?


first one BY far. Only one that passes for looking professional.

This one has already been approved. You have to strip the crap off the bottom though. On the 1st we are just sending a simple message, nothing else.




comic sans? seriously? are you 8?

Where are you going to post those?

First and maybe last, to simple for my taste however, you need to add something that most whites can relate to

umm no it's not ok to be white. only if you are white girl but that's temporary. whites are literally responsible for all bad in the world

I am putting it in Poland, others will put it in other countries

You are a jew, that's worst than being white, but don't worry, it's temporary, this time genocide will be real




I will print those too


Look, user, I think your heart is in the right place, but let’s keep the whole Chad and Stacy thing online. Plus, let’s be honest, nobody involved in fringe politics is a Chad. Chad is apolitical and with a gun to his head he’s slightly conservative.

Also, I don’t really like the “we’re victims too!” approach that many on the younger right are taking now. The trolling culture was what worked the best, once you make things about being victims it becomes a huge race to the bottom and you draw annoying faggots into the ranks that were victimized in life because they were annoying faggots.

We need to print pictures around campuses libraries etc.

#ItsOK trending on twitter

Keep it as neutral as you can. Lefties getting batshit over literal nothing is going to be super effective

you have my support


OP, will post pics or something?

So today is when you all are doing this?



Im a far right Chad, come at me bro.

I’m sorry but....

“It’s alright to be white”

Sounds better, is more memorable, has a better ring to it, works better as a slogan.

t. Advertising Guy

It's okay to be white

I would agree except for the easy "It's ALTRIGHT to be white" countermemes it would easily invite.

So what?

Das rite!
Chad + victim = fail.
You need a position of power, and memetically these are lacking in substance.

Except we aren't going for catchy. The whole point is to make as innocuous a statement as possible, and use the resulting outcry to demonstrate that no matter how innocent the message, we will get demonized.

I like this one the most And then this one And this one

>all good points

i like this guy, he is correct. op, C for effort.

OP won't deliver ;/

Lose the urls and we'll talk

Are you sure? :)

Printed all of them


Fug, din't post a pic.

Once again.

Yes, just printed those

Guys you need to understand what irony is

Why are you doing it today I thought it was Halloween we were doing it


good luck. i still agree with the guy who said it was not a good idea.

i really think its silly because its not going to change anyones mind. trolling and memes work way better. even if youre trolling, the left will take it like a nazi poster.

Why Halloween? Who is planning that?

It looks like a floor, not wall

I actualy heard halloween also so people could dress up

nay saying jew faggot. go away

Don’t get me wrong brother, I like the poster thing where you guys would post totally innocuous statements and it would end up with the police involved and local news would cover it. That’s great redpilling material.

I just don’t like the victim bullshit, to me that draws in the wrong people that end up tearing movements apart.

fuck off kike. nobody will take your shitty plan seriously.


I think there should be links to propaganda material. I wasn't pilled till I read more into it.

At least put this in


That will just give the left "proof", that white pride is related to "racism".
think from their perspective

Personally, I'd prefer something like
"You don't have to apologize for being white."

Most SJW types won't really get mad at "It's okay to be white". They'll see it as a strawman. Their response will be something like "No one thinks it is morally wrong to be right, as long as you acknowledge your privilege and use it to dismantle oppressive power structures." But if you say "you don't have to apologize for being white" then there aren't even any extra obligations that come along with being white. The SJWs lose all leverage with white people, and that will make them much angrier. I know its a little late to suggest it, but I think you should change the wording of your sign.

Good point. I guess we're aiming for segregation, but not imperialism.

Shoo shoo fbi

>morally wrong to be right
*morally wrong to be white, lol, Freudian slip

very good idea



>dat spacing
>dat flag
>dat discord honeypot

But they already did get mad

I like it!


First poster is up

Get rid of the discord link and the web site link you fucking ass bag. 5 words. Nothing else. How hard is that

ChadRight.com fucking turbo cringe. You are not helping

Well, I wouldn't exactly put it over other peoples music.

Then people who like music are gonna be like "Wtf, I like this band....fuckin white supremicsts"

It's gotta be subtle.

Why won't you do that, faggot?

It's is easy to criticize and discourage people, but not to actually do something.

It's almost like (((you))) don't want us to take action at all

I get you, but if somebody somebody started shitstorm at those people, it would be one of the funniest thing ever xD

But don't worry, there are hundreds of those posters, and it is poster on a poster

put a QR code

In Poland.

Get lost you concern trolling jew

True, I got ya. GODSPEED!

What the other user said was right on the money, your heart is in the right place, but drop the links and ChadRight is just absolutely awful. Keep the r9k tier chad and stacy online. Whats wrong with just 5 words? Almost like (((you))) want to subvert the idea and get shekels to your gay website and honeypot discord server.

This is lame. Focus on improving white performance in education and athletics. If you're a teenager, that means focusing on your own achievement and becoming the best you can be. If you're an adult, it means having kids and raising them to be strong and successful.

Leftists don't care about stuff like this, it doesn't threaten them. They will just mock it. What they don't want is whites ignoring the outside noise and just focusing on themselves and their own achievement.


take off the chadright/discord stuff. it's stupid and counterproductive to the whole cause. the point is that it's supposed to only say "It's Okay to be white" so that when the SJW's freak out about it it'll show normies how anti-white they are. having weird links gives them reason to believe the SJWs.

>website and discord
What happened to just having the signs say its okay to be white? None of this faggy discord and website shit. Just plain white signs that say in plain text "It's okay to be white". Nothing more, no self promotions, no websites, no discords, just the phrase and nothing more.

Yeah, right. IIf I will make even 1000 kids, that will for sure stop the demographic problem

Nice try Juden. This is one of the left's own tactics and we're using it against them.

That's where we organize ourself.

If you want to make your own posters, then just do it

Remove that lame ass link at the bottom baka

THAT IS SOFAKING RACIST! It's not ok to be White. Where's your White guilt for heavens sake? Do I need to remind you that White people genocide entire races of people on a daily basis?

>That's where we organize ourself.
No. We're not organizing anyone anywhere. You're fucking retarded if you think we need to organize people to post fucking signs anyone can make in ten seconds on word. Just make the damn signs with nothing but the phrase, wait until retards sperg out and post it on social media and let the rest happen naturally. Easy, simple, and completely anonymous.

Another two posters

Remove the links you fucking retards.

good idea but we organize far more on the discord channel.
Its main focus is on indivdual improvement anyway.

You can only control your own actions. How can you lament demographic changes if you do nothing to prevent them yourself?
Is this one of their tactics? I don't think "It's okay to be brown/black/whatever" is one of their slogans. If you saw a poster saying "it's okay to be brown", would you not find that small and pathetic?

>weird and fey
>weird and fey
>weird and fey
>weird and fey

>It's okay to be white.
I don't think so



It's okay to be white


>indivdual improvement
Are you niggers literally brain dead? You don't need to organize fucking anything. Just open up a word doc, copy and paste the phrase "It's okay to be white", center it, change the font and font size to your liking and hit print. Then you take the sign and a thumbtack/tape and put the sign fucking anywhere. Why do you need to organize this? Its just a meme to make leftists look retarded. Don't you faggots remember the chalkening?


Also remove the meme flag faggot OP. Subversive cunt

It wasn’t meant to be centralized David, whites are not pathetic weak shells like your jewish ancestors we can operate for a common cause without a collective. Now stand still so I can post this to your filthy jew head

>It's okay to be white
It's okay to be white

You're retarded if I have to explain the point of this to you. It's a simple rhetorical trick. By making a proposition which is completely rational and non-controversial IE it's okay to be white, we force our opponents to disagree with it. It helps people see through the left's tolerant facade to their anti-white core.