Why did girls start getting so shitty? They used to be so delicious

Why did girls start getting so shitty? They used to be so delicious.

Anime simply started to pander to weebshits. It's that simple.


>cowtits slut
No thanks.

Biker girl best girl.

>massive bags of fat on her chest
get this fatty away from me right now

What do you think a weeb is?

Simpler times back then.


Man, I fapped so much to this show as kid.

If only we could return to such peace



Blame ovas dying. Titty ova were a genre unto themselves.

Linna was best girl but got the least screentime sadly. I liked all the girls but Linna > Sylia > Nene > Priss

That is some sex hair right there


Manga went to shit after the NTR arc.

Kei is best Lovely Angel


that's where the fat is supposed to be, tho

cat girls used to be top tier too

There are any catgirls in modern anime? I seriously can't reacll any in recent memory, or at least one that stood out

Forgot what this was from, shit


Dirty pair


More women started working the industry, gave the script writers a reality check in how women behave. Which is ironically a lot more cutesy than what otaku script writers believed.

As for art style, that's just cutting costs by simplifying character designs. Can't afford drawing these highly detailed 80ies anime babes anymore.

Catboys count as catgirls?

swimmer girl, best girl

what a fucking nice picture

been planing to read this. Can you spoiler me about the NTR ?

You think moe shows are an accurate gauge of female behavior? Hell, of anybody's behavior?

I loved how 80s/90s shows had love interests for more than one fucking character. Take Bubble gum crisis 2040 or Mugen no Ryvius for example. Lots of characters but not all of them were just mindless "moe girl with a crush on the protag for no reason". They were actualy characters with relationships and development.

Danm, what happend to these two was fucking hardcore

Yeah, all of that pressure made people on the ship go completely mad. Izumi basically became a yandere and her bf a coldblooded leader type. At least she wasn´t quite as bad as that religious chick (Fina).

Yeah, Fina was fucked in the head and I loved she going to the insane religious cult leader path. That scene of her pressing the wouds of Kouji while trying to make him suffer give me chills

Great series, a shame many people don't know about

Yeah, i´ve been trying forever to find something similar to this series but never actually found anything that goes in the same direction plotwise and has that quality of characters and atmosphere.