Why do Amerilard mongrels fight for white supremacy if they aren't white in the first place?

Why do Amerilard mongrels fight for white supremacy if they aren't white in the first place?

They are probably whiter than the average memeflag faggot

Indonesia is right, I got 71% European on my DNA test so I'm still whiter than you, Mohammed


Shalom brother. Meet my back at infinity chan to further discuss subversion.
For Hashem!!!!

they idolize to be white

america is like a latino country

According to every census ever conducted you are wrong

Tell me I’m not white again.

¡sí señor!

Why do shills use Eu flag if they aren't european in the first place?

You're on a fucking roll the last few days aren't you, faggot? Stop shitting up my board, kike. You will never be American, and worse than that you will never be white, just kill yourself and do this board a favor.


All the threads about who's white and who's not are a tactic to divide us, don't fall for it.


Wtf. Poland doesn't like EU?

I'm Fingolian

because we are becoming south africa 2.0

Congratz, what else have you single-handedly achieved?


I’m a day trader so I do jack shit all day. I have to start working out though...

>Indonesia is right, I got 71% European on my DNA test so I'm still whiter than you, Mohammed

Saged and reported keep your shitty meme on Sup Forums


>always a meme flag

Identify yourself faggot

don't worry rabbi


What the fuck are you talking about m8.


Why do canadians post with these strange flags?

I never get tired of sand niggers calling me not white.


Ora ora, I'm caucasian, you know?



I'm not even circumcised. My parents are not barbarians.

Oh neat. Day trader here as well. mostly tech semi-conducters etc


pls love italy

greatest ally


This thread pops up every day.

I sage and you kys

I am white. Not sure about others. Maybe I'm just one of the lucky ones. Who would want to be a shitskin?

Let's get rolling

Hoping for number one

>Who would want to be a shitskin?
About 56% of your nation currently, soon more

post average americans



It's all fun and games until American feefees get hurt.

you tell them mongrel burgers my fellow pure white non jewish at all european brother

Then we kill you and your country.



Can somebody explain this meme to me, is it fashionable to be inbred these days?


the study found out how the average american will look like in 10 years and it's beautiful

>pic related
>rare mutt image, dont save


This. It's good to have a little non-white in you. I'm still 70-75% white.

Lol who's going to listen to one faggot from the internet?

Proving everyone's point, faggots. Can't make this shit up.

Glass houses German.

>80 million whites


More than anyone would listen to you.


HAHAHAHAHAHHAH they mean 2016

But I am already married to a caucasian woman.

I'd rather have a little Hispanic in me then look like you inbred nasty fucks.


so italians aren't caucasian?



At least shortly after our country was created, we said only whites can be citizens.

Europe never had the balls to do that.

Our only fault was allowing Jews into our midst.

We are a pretty big deal since Eurofaggots have to follow American politics out of necessity.

I'm 99& European. I love McDonalds. So what?


>I'm 99& European.

>talking shit on Asian waifus

You're just pissed you don't have any qt Asian girls in your country. Get fucked.

Irish and Scottish.


when did your people come to the USA?

You actually think you matter? Keep dreaming, kiddo.


1630 was the first ancestor to land in Plymouth Plantation.

Most came in 1800s.

If you have white skin you're white.





We have tens of thousands of Viets, they applied for a refugee status in many Soviet influenced states back in the 60s and 70s


>blue eyed blonde isn't white

so you are mixed over many generations

you are american, not scottish, not irish

>1 post by this rabbi

Every god damn time.


I need to start using a memeflag. This shit's embarrassing.

damn right i'm american. do you think i would rather be in ireland or scotland? lulz.

scottish and irish is my racial descriptor.

>Germanic and Irish decent
>no Native blood
>no chink blood
>no nigger blood
>somehow not white
>1 post by this ID
Remember to ridicule and sage D&C threads.

>brown eyes aren't white
>italians aren't white

Only an american can post such hilarious garbage.


brown eyes are nice, but southern italians are not white.

North or South Italian?
Southern Italians aren't white.

>no nigger blood

If you scrub a nigger hard enough you get an Irishman