The Weinstein stuff is reprehensible, but calling out a 90 year old for poor behavior is like calling out an infant for being immature. If someone gets this upset at being groped by an old man...they don't deserve to live in the US
The Weinstein stuff is reprehensible, but calling out a 90 year old for poor behavior is like calling out an infant for being immature. If someone gets this upset at being groped by an old man...they don't deserve to live in the US
the fucking headlines these days haha
giving women the vote was a mistake
he's a piece of shit but he's not in any condition to be aware of his surroundings or even in full control of his limbs
this is actually really fucking pathetic. women are just a disgrace
Pretty sure his dick doesnt work anymore. Fucking #metoo cancer
Trump is going after CIAjews and Deep State members so they're offering up sacrificial lambs. Sex scandals can easily dominate media headlines and are much more comprehensible to the average goy than trying to wrap their heads around global conspiracies where the CIA is actively attacking and betraying america for >muh realpolitik.
If you make it to 90 you should be able to grab ass if you want to.
he looks disgusted
You know there's a joke that goes along with This? One of the women said exactly how it went down
>Do you know who my favorite magician is?
David Copafeel
>lightly smacks ass
>him AND his wife laugh
I'm not even fucking joking. It's priceless
idk why but that article gave me a hearty chuckle
1. Old pol, accustomed to putting an arm around people he doesn't know for photos, knowing that most people love looking like they're an insider with pols/celebs.
2. Old man wheelchair bound, reach arm out now, and it will land somewhere in the mid section.
3. Easily offended snowflakes don't know the difference between sexual harassment and someone trying to be nice
Women ruin everything.
>Easily offended snowflakes don't know the difference between sexual harassment and someone trying to be nice
She’s a ditch pig and should be flattered a man would actually want to touch that
The old fucker cant exactly raise his hands up high, so they just sat there, has this bitch never been around an old man before? My grandmother hugged me around the ass from her hospital bed because its all she could get up too, I didnt care.
I look forward to the day when I, as a dirty old man, get a pass when I call girls honey and sweetie and fondle them inappropriately.
Ah Hell, why wait until then? Those cunts deserve it.
That's not "rape." It's sexual misconduct.
my fuckin sides, i gotta use that (ideally on a woman who could actually recognize who david copperfield is)
>my favorite magician is david copperfield
that pickup line alone is pure evidence that he's a rapist
He went "old man" mode. He don't give a shit anymore. He's old and thinks death is coming soon.
Old men do shit like this. They pick fights with younger men, buy expensive bottles of tequila and down them.
"I'm old and dying. Fuck off or suck my dick. Fuck all of you."
I know you guys think sexual assault is funny. After all, this is "le Sup Forums" where virgins congregate. But think if it was your mom who was getting groped by a perverted old man. Would you still think it's funny? If you aren't a beta boy, you would want to punch the guy who did that to your mom. But anyway, this is Sup Forums after all. I don't think this line of reasoning will appeal to beta virgins.
George 1 can't even get an erection anymore. Probably fucking blind as a bat. May not even know where he is.
Some bitch claims he raped her. GTFO.
Her butt or whatever he grabbed probably felt like hard ceramic mug or something. Probably thought he was somewhere else.
Leave the old man alone.
Ever had to be around an old, sick dude?
Old man in a wheel chair. I've got experience with old dudes. If he was groping at my mom, I'd tell her to move.
I know for a fact that old man is nuts and doesn't care about dying. Probably wants a young man to kill him Klingon combat or some shit.
They become like 13-21 year old drunk guys trying to prove their masculinity.
"Hey pops. How you doing? You feeling alright?"
Get him talking about the war or something.