His wife cucked him and his child isnt even his
His wife cucked him and his child isnt even his
Tell him that now at least he can legally fuck his daughter. He'll never be able to unthink that and he will be totally broken.
This, and he may well want to do it as the ultimate revenge on his wife.
Please do this lmao
Tell him to record it and have her call him daddy
What the fuck is this degeneracy? Is this Sup Forums or what?
Rid us of your filthy existence by killing yourself please.
This is without a doubt one of the greatest fpbps in all of human history
shut up toothpaste
Oh shit Sup Forums with an offensive joke? No, this can't be happening
Make me you cunt.
An Arab without empathy? Wow what a surprise.
Also, this shit isn't politics.
>I BROKE A MAN Sup Forums
Unless you're his wife, nope, you're just kicking a fella who's already down.
Keep up that tone with me little bitch toothpaste man and I will make you my fourth wife
We're in a weird place, all the """alt-righters""" here are very knowing of the degeneracy and the effects, but it's also the world we've been raised in, so we take it with a grain of salt. I often wonder how to reconcile that, and I also think it could be why we're a dangerous force. We're maybe not immune to the degeneracy, but we can slip in and out of it. I don't know just thinking out loud.
>he will be totally broken.
holy fuck absolutely rekt that fuckin toothpaste kek
>acting tough on an anonymous imageboard
There's no such thing as reverse degeneracy.
Sup Forums isn't a politics board, it's politically incorrect.
Thanks. Would you like to buy a carpet? Good price
Neither of you can spell for shit.
(CAPTCHA: Anti Pepe)
Please, fucking do it. This will be amazing.
Three goats isn't enough?
Who is this faggot and why should anyone care?
No they are not feminine enough. But you will do for that
Don't you guys fuck boys in the UAE?
Hey look it's another professional gamer that is a cucked white male. The state of white males
I bet my ass is hairier than yours, Achmed.
Put me in the screen cap sweetie ;) xdddddd
are you the kids dad, op?
if so, hows it feel being a fucking loser that got sided for some fat fuck on twatter?
if not, why the fuck is this on Sup Forums? take this shit to Sup Forums you shit tier faggot fuck
No only goats and womanly whimpering netherniggers.
I must go now, my second wife is bleating for me.
What the fuck is wrong with you lmao
You know what to do
Raping the daughter is the only way he can regain his masculinity
can he now not sue the bitch for everything she has as the amount of money hes paid on a kid what isn't his.
I won't even comment the things I'd do if this happened to me.
Left or right, I feel bad for the guy
That's just sad. Can he sue? Murder/suicide is the only other appropriate response.
It's just using our enemies tactics against them. I keep my own house in order, and double down against you using your own degeneracy.
You're alright, Abdullah.
This desu. Make sure the wife is watching too, the cunt.
holy fucking kek, how come nobody told me we were calling those Belgian fucks toothpaste?
Putin has a point. This is a shit Sup Forumstier thread which should be bombed.
Putin comes here for news. Serious stuff that shapes global policy. He doesn't have time to sift through Sup Forums shit.
holy shit
he's broken lads, don't go to hard on him.
I felt bad for this dude.
Why make his life more miserable?