Any progress on Lil Jihad's beat from last night?

Just wanted to know if anything got done yet on that song that was supposed to offend the Muzzies. This thing's got to get done.It's too good an idea to let fall by the wayside.

By the way,they took own the video from YT but it got reposted.Muzzies are still losing their falafel over it.


Let's keep this thing going.

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Did you read the comments?

All the muslim shits buthurt on the comments, fucking lol

Turk user dropped some based rhymes on vocaroo

Turkanon's Lil Jihad lit rhymes in case anybody missed them

helo i am Japanese femael highs chool studnet it is looking for internert pennpul to tchat on voice
webcamera is connetn to a computer am wearing school uniform now, but no socks

Nice.Good looking out.So all we need is a video to go with it with plenty of chicks twerking to it.

how is this degeneracy a good thing? (((they are behind this)))

>Brazil vs Muslims

This has to happen! They all have to kill each other!

you guys now there is some stuff in the koran about this, like in the end times, the prayers of islam will become nothing more then background music.. ( not exactly how it formulated ) but you get the picture.. day of Revelation is upon us. ( not the doomsday porn version of it )

Favelados VS Muslims

Who would win in a war?

we are prepared

The most tempting of bait desu. onagaishimasu!

there's one and only one based jihadi rapper

This should be top of the charts. If only one knew of a way to make this to happen.

On it. Give me a week.

That is the worst song I have ever heard.

No one I would hope. The all need to be incinerated, with Africa getting destroyed in the crosshairs.

so many peaceful muzzies in the comments
>'fucking infidel kafir kuffar bastard monkey', thought the inbred islamist while watching an offensive rap music video on his iphone

That's some dank shit

I'm just having fun in the comments section of the video.

I need that Lil' Jihad beat.I might have to make a remix of this.I got some rap skills.

I agree that it's not the best.But the jihadis are losing their minds over it so that's good enough for me.

Why did you not use the link of the video with the most views?


>Brazilian lyricists

Deus vult.

>boing boom tschak
>german lyricists


Good monkeys! Please make more Islam twerk videos!