Why do Asian women get plastic surgery to look more White? Is it because Asian features are ugly?

Why do Asian women get plastic surgery to look more White? Is it because Asian features are ugly?

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They also worship White men and hate their own kind. Whats wrong with them?


They just want to see better, you racist.




>White guy opens dating profile in China gets 200 likes and matches in a week

it's like white people are the niggers of asia

Because of anime.

>Is it because Asian features are ugly?
Obviously. There is only one ideal of beauty, and that does not comprise tiny slanted eyes.

Do you even really need to ask this? Everybody wants to be white except white people. The world is twisted.


No one here ever knows the pain of being Iranian, my people, especially the girls have highest rates of getting nosejobs. I'm pretty fucking ashamed desu senpai

Heres hoping Japan successfully engineers blonde catgirls and solves everyone's problems.

I saw an Iranian with a nose the size of my hand. I didn't know that was possible.

Because slopey eyed down syndrome sheik isn't attractive

isn't this Tinder?

I'd assume that the only girls who go on Tinder in China are craving white dicks, so I'm not sure how this is surprising. he should try a Chinese dating app instead

>Everybody wants to be white except white people


God damn these guys are average as fuck.

I felt like if I went over there I could do some real damage.

It's not Tinder it's the local knock off dating app. Chinks copy everything

kek what is this from

lmao okay fair enough in that case

lool yeah we have some like that, my nose isn't big but it kinda has a downward slope, my nosetip kinda goes up though, its hard to explain

Same reason black women get their hair straightened and dyed. White features are beautiful and desirable.

I used to be proud of being white, until an east Asian told me I have Asian cheekbones, teeth, and hair texture. And that's how I learned Slavs aren't white. Which would explain why our countries are responding so differently to the jq than the west.

At least you don't have Asian eyes

The white standard of beauty is quite widespread in most Asian countries. The same white beauty standard is prevalent in some African countries. White is right, you know?

You tell me.

Take off your memeflag you ugly Greek olivenigger

Asian women worship white dick

My wife's sister married a korean (and lives there) apparently when you finish high school it's common to recive as a present a "ree eye operation to make them look more "western". Crazy stuff.

Aren’t iranians the most aryan of the sand niggers? Porking jasmine from Aladdin would be a good time.

You look upon the tapestry of time, through the tens of thousands of years since humans have birthed civilization, and notice an odd pattern: Caucasoids are the leading force in the creation of monumental civilization, the advancement of technology, and the mastery of conquest.
How is being a part of that not desirable?

Why are you posting these?

Race mixing is degenerate no matter in what combination it is.

Where is her nose ridge.

Chinese women are easy to foreigners, unless you are black or have dark skin. youtube.com/watch?v=IRHWOK5f1sE 2:00

I don't know, we have pretty confusing history desu, i mean i don't look arab, i have pretty light skin and have straight hair, my mother has an upturned nose and light eyes, but i don't know if i would consider myself white. I think that we were one of the first people on earth and that Europeans evolved from us and look a certain way due to cold conditions, but that's just a theory i made up

Whites really are the best but try to imagine Egypt and Mayan civilizations at their prime, would definitely be a glorious site. Not to mention Greek philosophy.


>Why do Asian women get plastic surgery to look more White?
you mean Koreans and it's because they are mentally ill.

No its because white features are more attractive universally

Ancient Greeks where whiter than present day Greeks, just look at the art they made of themselves

>big eyes are a white feature

Have you tried squinting so your eye slits are as thin as an asian? You literally see less.

I live in California and know a lot of Iranians. My dentist is from Iran, a mechanic I go to regularly and a few classmates. I’m sure there’s a lot of faggot Iranians but the ones I know are pretty cool. Also there’s s hot milf Iranian in one of my classes I’m gonna fuck soon hopefully.

Yes. Have you ever looked at an Asian? Even the ones who are considered attractive look fucking weird because of their eyes. They're like lidless holes in their head. It looks really fucked up, almost like they're burn victims who have had their featured burned off.

>fidget spinner

The Mayans didn't even invent the wheel.

>>big eyes are a white feature
please fuck off you flaming bitch OP. MODSSSSSSSSS ban this fuck for being a complete and utter BRAINLET REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


It happens even with the slightest interaction with the west. All races naturally draw closer to them.

because you touch yourself with a fidget spinner

Not Asians, Koreans.

Yeah we can be nice people, a lot of iranians like me take pride in being polite and nice to others and such, but i truly cannot stand the Iranians that are ashamed of who they are and try to be a different race. Its a waste imo when they do that, there's also a lot of Iranians that are just plain out rude and think they're better than everyone.

You dont have to be so mean about it
Just because your race is prettier doesnt give you the right to be an asshole

>Greek philosophy
You'd be disappointed. There's a reason why Plato's academy kept complaining about sophists ruining everything.

The power of phoneposting i guess
>ywn have an eye that screams REEEE everytime you blink

And of those 200 matches, 140 are shittily written chinese bots.

You might as well put a pic of a green card as your profile pic.

Because Plato was a faget

it is known asians are filled with so much self hate

It's not to look more white. It's to look less ugly. The pic on the right isn't more white. It's still a distinctive mono-eyelid. You aint fooling fucking nobody

>hate their own kind. Whats wrong with them?
Kinda like how those coalburners u desperately hate so much only date and fuck black men. But there's nothing wrong with them right???

Girls who hate on their own race are troubled girls with high self-esteem issues and a severe inferiority complex. That's why you would never marry a coalburner. So why are you falling for an equivalent chink-eyed slut?

Because you think with your dick and not your brain.

Agreed. It took Aristotle to set that dumbass straight.

What exactly are they doing to the eyelids there? Are they just like...slicing a portion off or something?

try 199

they are putting that extra skin "behind" their eyeballs. like if you would put a door gasket into your door

>pic related

They want white children, but the kids always come out looking like gooks.

What race do Iranians most pretend to be? Persian? lol

Oh, that's interesting. I guess the idea is to open their eyes up a little bit more? Or is there some sort of aesthetic attached to this folded lid that people like? Is this purely a cosmetic surgery?

That picture is deceiving. It doesn't even appear to be the same person. Notice the missing mole on the right pic, more makeup, and obviously different nose shape -- of which all contribute to a better looking, more symmetrical face

The girl on the right isn't more white looking. She's just a better looking asian.

I guess it's easier than gluing your eyelids open and you don't have to ram a plastic stick into your eye several times in the morning.

Partially that due to foreign influence but paler skin is seen as a sign of aristocracy in most asian cultures.