Best way to quit degeneracy?

Sup guys, my question is just that. I'm a 20 year old marketing student, who just very rrcently realized lots of stuff about the world. Thing is, even though i know about the jews, I still fell attracted to their ideas. It's an internal struggle in my brain.
So, my question is, What is the best course of action in order to stop being a degenrate?

>inb4 argentina is white
>inb4 kys

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watch some JBP and sort yourself out

What is JBP?

HEALTH. Work out, a lot.

Don't worry about "purging" and quitting everything first. That will come. Don't think about it at all. Think about lifting heavier, running faster, and looking better. You can only destroy the old by building the new.

You'll find yourself eating better...sleeping more...using a run to feel good instead of your drug of choice, and I know you have one (or several)...your T will'll begin to respect yourself more...and you'll learn that you literally do not have to think about what the plebs are thinking about. Thought not spent on your creative projects is wasted.

Get off Sup Forums
Get into meatspace
Talk to actual human beings with jobs, lives, and families

Jordan peterson, the new meme philosopher of the alt-right.


You have no fucking clue about anything. Stop being a turd and acting like you know about degeneracy. Just be happy you are in college and not starving.

Thanks user

>I still fell attracted to their ideas
which ideas? multiculturalism, miscegenation, usury, social psychotherapy, cultural monopolization, communism, cuckolding?

I know the ideas are gsrbage, but the thing is we are exposed to that all day long. It's hard.

can agree on that. building up always helps, plus i noticed I'm healing faster, dunno maybe because of improved metabolism

Sometimes I get really mad, because I feel like I am but a jewish invention. A mutt created to obey, it sucks, i don't wanna do that.

>marketing student
Too fucking l8 m8. You are the living, breathing, cold hearted embodiment of degenracy in the modern world, you might as well fuck a few kids, it can't get worse for your sold soul at this point.

Oh, come on, I just don't like math

Its not ALL about the jews user. Sure they are ridiculously over represented in all high places, and israel is a problem, but you will find the real source of the collapsing energy of our Western society including your nation, comes from women, and men's submitting to feminism.

Add to this, the presence of blacks and muzzgroids in any Western society is the biggest degrading factor to it. Yes jews have a strong part in that, but there are too many white neomarxist liberals equally culpable.

Also the adults know Argentina is a white Med nation, dont pay attention to gay teenage edgelords with their "not white" meme.

Good luck in your swallowing the red pill. Its not for everyone.

Stop watching so much Tinelli.

Thanks user. You are right, muzzies and marxists are guilty too. My college is full of cucked marxist guys and disgusting feminist girls.

Hes not really a philosopher, he's more like a life coach who is credentialed through western academia.

Never did, actually

Sounds good, I'll check it out

Be the change you wish to see in the world,
If you are honorable and just in your persuit, others will follow.

Yeah, you're right.

Are you religious in any way or at least a secular seeker?

Well, I've gone back and forth. Right now i don't know. I've always recognized the importance of the church in society.

Well user, you are in college basicaly a nest of jews, sjw, feminist, etc. My advice for you is to dont believe in everything they say to you, get to your own conclusions.

Yeah, they are everywhere. You know how bad it is. They won't get me.

Find something positive to put your time on. They did these experiments on rats where they proved how addicted they could become to cocaine. What isnt as known is that the rate at which did cocaine and fell apart was greatly reduced when the rats had something else to do.

All degeneracy can be reduced effectively by simply making sure you have something positive to do instead. Your brain is capable of making the right decisions just make sure options are at hand.

He could quit and go into the music industry and become the next SOAD.

Here's a Christian guide to limiting degeneracy written from a completely secular perspective.
It'll fix your bad habits.

I'll keep myself busy, then. That's true, it's easy to go to drugs or porn when you got nothing to do.

Thanks brazil user

You fuckin little degenerate! 300 laps! NOW — and then come crying for advice.


That last part is so important. A lot of Sup Forumsacks follow the Jew media and get outraged by it. "Look at this shit! I must refute it!" Don't even enter their language-game, don't even reify their vocabulary. Opposition makes things stronger. Just look away. If you set your mind on your evolutionary goals
>1. Get resources
>2. Reproduce your own kind
you will get to where you need to be in record time. The Jew's greatest weapon is your own weak will and scattered mind. No one is going to find you and make you watch MSNBC Clockwork Orange-style. You can literally just leave the idiots behind. The men who made this country didn't read King George's tweets.

You're welcome.


Get resources, reproduce. Yeah, that's true.

This can also be useful, user.

There is no simple and easy way to resist vice, the fact these things have an appeal and can be sorely tempting is why it's called temptation. If it were otherwise everyone would lead of virtuous life. Considering something doesn't make a person wicked though, it is deeds rather than thoughts or even words that are the mark of a man's true character. A person can rant and rave all day about the destructive nature of degeneracy but it means nothing if those views are not reflected in his deeds and he is im fact himself degenerate.
The most important first step is to simply self aware of your actions, choices, and their consequences. Doing the right thing often requires a conscious effort which becomes impossible if you have supressed your moral compass and aren't demonstrating the awareness necessary to recognize the morality of a decision.

>no fap
>work out
>start socialising
>act like an adult
>limit videogames
>stop smoking
>stop drinking ferné con coca
>start a white family (if you're white, if not cut your balls off)

The Book of the Law lays it all out. It will guide you in the right direction.

>try being creative
>dont watch tv (esp news)
>have some dailies in your life
>make your bed
>make a garden

leaving this here for (you)
you know whats up.

one day at a time

there are some white people in argentina for sure, less then brazil but still, just because theres more mestizos doesnt mean there arent caucasians

But you are going to quit it, right? How can you, in all good conscience, be a part of the machine that pushes degeneracy and materialistic garbage onto the masses?